Older R1's
Fri, 09/21/2012 - 07:47
Older R1's
I've been working on my "event" list and I've always avoided the r2/r1 stuff.
Since painting up this Mercedes...
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/oldschoolsmart/8004983530/]Forza323[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/oldschoolsmart/]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
this things been a blast to drive and I'm having fun with it...I've been doing all the R1 stuff, and I was wondering if a Old R1 race might be fun?
If I decide to do it, I'll accept your thank you....gif)
I'll be up for this. Any age group we're looking at?
Off the top of my head I'd say there's an old Ferrari, the 962 Porsche, the C9 Mercedes, not sure if there's any others, perhaps the 787b Mazda.
Need opinions on how these will balance out. Maybe we can shuffle a bit and get them close? There's a little wiggle room on tires and engine power on some.
Been a while but I'm IN!!!...LOve the R1-2-3's!!!!!
Love the old R1's. But I'm afraid my schedule will prevent me from running unless it's late in the eve/early am. 12-2 am CST.
So we going to run these on Tuesday?
Time permitting I am definitely interested in taking part in this. Sounds great, although slowing the 787b down enough to match the other cars might be a bit tricky, its mental!
i would think testing some HP reductions would bring it into line
I tend to agree, maybe we could run them a bit and see where they fall in at. I was thinkinng HP reductions on a few, and possibly tire width upgrads on others, might get something relatively close. Focus more on the performance we see than what the game tells us by the numbers.
Are we all in agreement on the 4 cars, or is the Ferrari too new?
I will try to get on around 3:30pm EST today and run some laps around Road America, maybe LeMans with the older R1's, most likely stock, at first anyway, and see what's what.
This would be the Mercedes C9, the Porsche 962 ( if you have it), the Mazda 787b and the Ferrari umm something (sorry, model eludes me).
just some laps to get afeel of whats what performance wise, and maybe where the baseline will be, betting it's with the Mazda, and will try to tweak others upto it. We will see.
Church (euro's), are ya listening?
I'll be on later than that, but post your laptimes so I can try to match it. I'm loving/hating the 962. Snappy's version is much nicer but still kinda rough. Good challenge tho!
Oh now i see what you were talking about - This could be very interesting to do :)
Dropped the 962, it's very unstable compared to the other three. Added the 905 Pugeot, and they are relatively close. As expected the Mazda's a tad strong, so will look at handicapping it a tad, and possibly ading a little tire to the Mercedes as well as possibly dropping it's power a touch. They aren't bad though. The pugeots about a second to 1.5 off the Mazda, The Ferrari's a tad weak but handles on a rail, and the Mercedes is close to the Pug as it's strong down the straights, a little weak in the corners.
More testing to follow.
I joined Oldschool for a few "three lappers" in these last night at Road America. As a reference on comparable perofrmance, the fastest clean laps I recorded were:
Mazda - 1.47.6
Peugeot - 1.48.7
Ferrari - 1.49.5
So, overall they are pretty close, Road America probably favours the straight-line performance advantage the Mazda has, so the times may be even closer on other tracks.
Did'nt run the Merc as its DLC and I don't have the pack (yet).
Sad to see the Porsche out of it. Although, I am glad to see the others cars are close.
I spent the better part of last night trying to tame the 962, but couldn't get it to stop floating off of crests. Still, it's ability to go 246-250mph down the Le Mans old straight was pretty amazing. I had to turn on traction control to get anything like a clean lap out of it. I'll start trying out the other cars tonight to see which one fits me.
Sadly, I won't be on tonight to run laps with you. Maybe tomorrow night?
Sounds good to me! I need as much practice in R1 as possible anyway.
These are starting out as stock vehicles, but as I say, we might drop the HP on the Mazda a tad, up the tire width elsewhere a touch. Wanna get them close and then have at it. Will most likely set up a 4 bucket lobby, with one manufacturer per bucket.
Although I'm also looking at simply setting up like Gary's Pro-Am and just adjusting by HP to lap times before a run.( This would be more of a couple 5 lappers to get everyone settled with voluntary HP handicapping, by bucket, and then a 20 lap or so race.
Would prefer having the preset cars/lobby though for ease of use and impromptu runs randomly occurring!