Halo 4 has gone Gold! We're taking bets for when it gets leaked...
Thu, 09/27/2012 - 20:57
Halo 4 has gone Gold! We're taking bets for when it gets leaked...
Halo 4 Has Gone Gold!
Halo 4 is officially GOLD! This means the game is complete and is shipped off to get made onto DVD. Big congrats to everyone at 343 Industries for their hard work & the great support they've given to the community.
The List: (# of days leaked before launch)
Hitman - 22 days
Lbsutke - 16 days
Wamam - 17 days
Double T - 21 days
OMGLaser - 27 days
Wamam's Wife - 22 days
Wamam's Ani - 23 days
Deep NNN - 26 days
Lou Keymia - 7 days
Singlewing - 13 days
Anyone want to take bets as to when it gets leaked? After careful consideration i'm going to guess.... 10/16/2012.... just 22 days early. Lets see if i'm right
Background Info
Halo 2 leaked 27 days before release. Leaked Date: 10/12/2004 | Actual Release Date: 11/09/2004
Halo 3 leaked 9 days before release. Leaked Date: 09/17/2007 | Actual Release Date: 09/25/2007
Halo 3 ODST leaked 26 days before release. Leaked Date: 08/28/2009 | Actual Release Date: 09/22/2009
Halo: Reach leaked 26 days before release. Leaked Date: 08/20/2010 | Actual Release Date: 09/14/2010
Halo 4 leaked ?? days before release. Leaked Date: ??/??/2012 | Actual Release Date: 11/06/2012
17 days
You getting an early copy?
i think he's trying to say that the game will leak 17 days before launch. I said I think 22 days before launch...
Hitman is correct. i'm guessing 17 days early.
see im always right! lol
So far we have:
Hitman - 22 days before launch
LB - 16 days
Wamam - 17 days
any other takers?
I am thinking it will be leaked on my son's birthday, the 17th of October :)
Well I kind of like this idea, so, I will say it leaks on my Bday on Oct.22! ;)
that would be an awesome bday present for you LB
i think that's 20 days.
I read that as 17 days until the leak.gif)
given the method everyone is using to make their pick, maybe i should have gone with my wife birthday or our anniversary.
her birthday is Hitman's pick and our anniversay would be 23 days.
never too early, this is perect timing lol
My guess.
26 days. It's happened twice before so why strain my brain. Oct. 12.
I know some people in the Forging community are getting it early but I doubt they would leak it and I'll bet the game leaks before they get their hands on it anyway. Chances are they'll only be given one week to come up with a full fledged map for a release day Bulletin.
i have a feeling you may end up being right. 343i might do a better job at making sure it doesn't leak. But this is their first big release, and it has the name "Halo" on the box... i still think it comes down to the dvd factories where the game is being copied and printed. All it takes is for one guy to go rogue... total randomness awaits
13 days
Picked up from NeoGAF.
Today, the game was leaked in Spain. Minor leak. Major leak potential.
It started with a picture of the game disks.
I haven't seen anything else yet, like unreleased campaign footage, so I am not calling this officially.
Muhahaha! It has begun! Its like clockwork. Same things happened with all the other Halos. I say another week or so until copies are available on the internet...
Unitl the game is vastly available online its not leaked yet.... yet
Looks like this story is gaining momentum... Yesterday it was a pic of the discs and today I'm seeing lots of reports of YouTube videos being posted with Halo 4 footage. Seems like at least one copy is out in the wild... No confirmation yet but this is def gaining speed....
The funny thing is, this is exactly how Reach leaked, so this may end up being true...
No spoiler campaign yet.
Honestly, while I am exctied to play the new campaign, I'm not interested in it enough to be worried about spoilers or watching leaked footage. In other words, I won't watch leaked footage of campaign because it's not that big a deal to me.
Now if a leaked video comes out showing some MM stuff we haven't seen - THAT will interest me.
While I still haven't found leaked campaign footage, it's either in the wild or soon will be.
David Ellis 10.12.12