Where you can find Legendaries

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#1 Thu, 09/27/2012 - 16:05
TANK's picture
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Where you can find Legendaries

Found this in the gearbox forum, thought it might be useful to share


Certain bosses do indeed have set drops. Here is a list:

Assault Rifles

Madhous! - Mad Dog, Lynchwood
Veruc - Mobley, The Dust (mission: "The Good, The Bad, and the Mordecai")
Hammer Buster - McNally, The Dust (mission: "The Bane")
KerBlaster - Midgemong, Southern Shelf
Shredifier - Bone Head 2.0, Arid Nexus Badlands


Gub - Laney White, The Fridge
Hornet - Knuckle Dragger, Windshear Waste
Maggie - Mick Zaford, The Dust (Side with Hodunks during "Clan War")
Thunderball Fists - Captain Flynt, Southern Shelf
Gunerang - Rakk Man, The Fridge
Unkempt Harold - The Warrior, Vault of the Warrior
Infinity - Doc Mercy, Three Horns Valley
Logan's Gun - Wilhelm, End of the Line

Rocket Launchers

Badaboom - King Mong, Eridium Blight
Pyrophobia - Clayton, Frostburn Canyon (mission: "Cult Following")
Norfleet - (???)
Bunny - Killing Chubby enemies
Nukem - Black Queen, The Dust (Behind Ellie's Garage. Follow the path nearly all the way back)
Mongol - Dukino's Mom (mission: "Demon Hunter")


Conference Call - The Warrior, Vault of the Warrior
Striker - Old Slappy, Highland Outwash
Deliverance - Tumba, Wildlife Exploitation Preserve
Flakker - The Warrior, The Vault of the Warrior
Sledge's Shotgun - Smash Head, The Fridge

Sniper Rifles

Pitchfork - Terramorphous, Terramorphous Peak
Invader - Saturn, Arid Nexus Badlands
Skullmasher - Son of Mothrakk, Wildlife Exploitation Preserve
Volcano - The Warrior, Vault of the Warrior
Lyudmila - Gettle, The Dust (mission: "The Good, The Bad, and the Mordecai")
Longbow - Badass Creepers, Caustic Caverns


Slagga - Jimbo & Tector Hodunk (side with Zafords during "Clan War")
Emperor - The Assassins, Southpaw Steam & Power
Bitch - BNK3R
Hellfire - Scorch, Frostburn Canyon / The Warrior, Vault of the Warrior
Baby Maker - Madame Von Bartlesby, Tundra Express / Mad Dog, Lynchwood


The Transformer - Pimon, Wildlife Exploitation Preserve / Badass Constructors (unconfirmed)
The Bee - DJ Hunter Hellquist, Arid Nexus Boneyard (mission: "This Just In")
The Sham - BNK3R
The Cradle - Henry, The Highlands
Fabled Tortoise - Blue, Caustic Caverns (mission: "Safe and Sound")
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - Killing Chubby enemies
Black Hole - Foreman, Opportunity (mission: "Hell Hath No Fury")
Neogenator - Spycho, Frostburn Canyon (mission: "Monster Mash: Part 3")
Impaler - The Warrior, Vault of the Warrior
Hide of Terramorphous - Terramorphous, Terramorphous Peak


Bonus Package - Boom & Bewm, Southern Shelf
Bouncing Bonnie - Killing Loot Midgets / Chubby enemies (unconfirmed)
Fastball - Boll, Three Horns Divide
Quasar - Ultimate Badass Varkid
Fire Bee - "Get lucky and tell us!" (???)
Rolling Thunder - Old Slappy, Highlands Outwash. Wilhelm*, End of the Line
Leech - The Warrior, The Vault of the Warrior
Storm Front - Rat Brothers, Bloodshot Stronghold
The Pandemic - Mortar, Sawtooth Cauldron / Badass Constructors

Class Mods

Slayer of Terramorphous - Terramorphous, Terramorphous Peak
Legendary ____ Class Mod - Vermivorous the Invincible


Blood of Terramorphous - Terramorphous, Terramorphous Peak


4 from missions
Completing level 5 of "...To Pay the Bills" Challenge
Killing any Badass enemy
Killing Creepers, Caustic Caverns
Henry, The Highlands near Overlook (mission: Best Mother's Day Ever)
Handsome Jack
The Warrior
Terramorphous, Terramorphous Peak
Geary, Eridium Blight at Mount Hellsfont
Special Edition
Save file from the original Borderlands


33 are earned from completing challenges
8 are Item of the Day in shops found randomly (one for each manufacturer)
2 are prizes from slot machines (2 for each class)
14 drop from enemies and bosses
8 are mission rewards

Vehicle Skins

Loot Piles
Killing Enemies

Thu, 09/27/2012 - 16:55
LocGaw's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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I don't think that those are 100% drop rate.

Fri, 09/28/2012 - 23:00 (Reply to #2)
TANK's picture
Last seen: 5 years 5 days ago
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LocGaw wrote:

I don't think that those are 100% drop rate.


Nope, they're just guranteed places were you have a chance at finding one .  You may need to fight the boss a couple dozen times to get an orange out of him.

Fri, 09/28/2012 - 16:35
KamakazeTaco's picture
Last seen: 6 years 4 months ago
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They most certainly are not. You can aquire these orange weapons through the slot machine or chests, but if you kill that specific boss he is assigned to randomly drop that specific weapon.

Sat, 09/29/2012 - 05:39
LocGaw's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Looks like I will be boss camping...

Sat, 09/29/2012 - 08:43
Matt Likes Beer's picture
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I got the SMG from The Assassins mission. Pretty bad ass Gun. Its a level 8 but im still using it at level 14 probably not for much longer though.


I also was able to pick up a Legendary shield somewhere along the way. It makes you 100% resistant to fire damage.

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 11:59
TANK's picture
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I randomly got a legendary off of a Skag pup in Lynchwood this weekend, is a pretty bad ass shotgun.  I couldn't believe it.

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 10:30
InfernalGiggler's picture
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Got a legendary shield off I'm guessing the chubby in the fridge arena.  Only 520ish capacity but it regens extremely fast and it has a chance when hit to launch out these little pods that scatter shock grenades 3 times...which is cool..unless you got hit by melee and it drops at your feet...then you run.

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 12:01
TANK's picture
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Only 520 capacity !?!?!  Shit.. add a 0 to the end of that in my opinion.  I've got over 3000 shields now with a rare i got out of the golden chest and I still run into shit that in one hit lowers that and takes off 3500 of my 4000 health.  I can't imagine rolling with a 500 shield anymore , as cool as legendaries are.



Mon, 10/01/2012 - 12:07
InfernalGiggler's picture
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Well its only lvl 18 and I just hit 21-22 this weekend. One of these days I'll get up there with you high level peeps. lol

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 12:12
Gunny's picture
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Least you guys are finding legendary stuff. I have yet to get any to drop at Lvl 23. WTF!?!
Tue, 10/02/2012 - 09:52 (Reply to #11)
EVILCLAW's picture
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GunnyBass wrote:
Least you guys are finding legendary stuff. I have yet to get any to drop at Lvl 23. WTF!?!
Well it could be the others in your group are picking those up before you can. At least that's what's been happening to me. Level 33 and yet to get one, but others in my room announce they found one.Did the end boss last night and guess what, no legendaries,not even head.

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