Unlimited Golden Keys exploit

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#1 Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:19
TANK's picture
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Unlimited Golden Keys exploit

Pretty interesting:


What you need:

2nd controller
The Preorder Golden Key

And that's all you need. Start a single player game and get to Sanctuary. You should be around level 8 or so. Make your way to the Golden Chest room. Now with your 2nd controller press the guide button and create a new profile. Just leave it named Player 1 or whatever the default name is and don't bother joining xbox live either. Now join into your main characters game and guess what? Player 1 has a Golden Key!! Open the chest with Player 1 and pick up the guns with your main character and then sign out Player 1. Repeat the process by creating another and another and another profile the same way and you will get a golden key on each of them.

This only works early on because your Player 1,2,3 etc. is obviously only a level 1 character and when he opens the Golden Chest the purple stuff you get from it is always going to be level 7 (the minimum level stuff the Golden Chest gives you) these purple weapons will become obsolete at some point probably around level 15 I'm guessing. So after you reach that level in the game you'll probably start finding better stuff on your own. But you'll be a GOD until then. Enjoy.



you can still take advantage of this. Im A a lvl18 and i split screened but did not use the dummy account, I just left him behind as I played. He will level up really fast in a short period of time once you get past a level 10 or 15 like i did the weapons get better If you have a big enough TV I would recommend 4 player split screen so u can triple your chances of getting good stuff.

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 10:55
Tactica's picture
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If you want to risk ruining your gaming experience, just play on PC and you can give yourself 250 gold keys at a time be editting your .ini file. Do a search, it's out there already. In no time, they will also have gun/gear mods to make you a gaming god. On Xbox, you might be able to quickly ruin your experience by duping infanite money and eridium with a buddy then going to the casino and crazy earl to get everything you want, then duplicating anything good, and rinse and repeat until you have the best of everything.... that is definitely not how I enjoy a game, not by any stretch...


In a game where the endorphine rush comes when finding a chest with loot in it of interest... beating the leveled up goliath after a near death... unlocking the story and achieving a mission where a chest and boss drop is worth while... one does wonder why you would risk stealing that feeling away from yourself for the next 10+ levels by just duping gold keys, guns or eridium to get yourself a quick fix.


Using hyperbole for obvious point... if you could be gifted the best gun, shield, mod, relic and grenade mod now, all legendary... at level 10 or so... how fun would the rest of the game be if you never found anything new you wanted to use and you one-shotted all enemies and you had no risk of losing your shield or taking damage? In effect, god mode? For me, I would hate it. Game and experience over.


For me, no cheating is the way to go. Risks and rewards are part of the experience for me.


<shrug> different strokes...

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:44 (Reply to #2)
xqqqqme's picture
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Tactica wrote:

Using hyperbole for obvious point... if you could be gifted the best gun, shield, mod, relic and grenade mod now, all legendary... at level 10 or so... how fun would the rest of the game be if you never found anything new you wanted to use and you one-shotted all enemies and you had no risk of losing your shield or taking damage? In effect, god mode? For me, I would hate it. Game and experience over.


For me, no cheating is the way to go. Risks and rewards are part of the experience for me.


<shrug> different strokes...

I feel the same way, at least for the first couple of playthroughs. I think the game loses a lot of it's appeal when you duplicate, mod, etc. Looting & finding good shit is a big part of the enjoyment. Maybe later I'll try some of the glitch/mod stuff just for the hell of it, but for now, I'll play it as Gearbox meant it to be.

Mon, 09/24/2012 - 16:02 (Reply to #3)
xBIGWIGx's picture
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Tactica wrote:

If you want to risk ruining your gaming experience, just play on PC and you can give yourself 250 gold keys at a time be editting your .ini file. Do a search, it's out there already. In no time, they will also have gun/gear mods to make you a gaming god. On Xbox, you might be able to quickly ruin your experience by duping infanite money and eridium with a buddy then going to the casino and crazy earl to get everything you want, then duplicating anything good, and rinse and repeat until you have the best of everything.... that is definitely not how I enjoy a game, not by any stretch...


In a game where the endorphine rush comes when finding a chest with loot in it of interest... beating the leveled up goliath after a near death... unlocking the story and achieving a mission where a chest and boss drop is worth while... one does wonder why you would risk stealing that feeling away from yourself for the next 10+ levels by just duping gold keys, guns or eridium to get yourself a quick fix.


Using hyperbole for obvious point... if you could be gifted the best gun, shield, mod, relic and grenade mod now, all legendary... at level 10 or so... how fun would the rest of the game be if you never found anything new you wanted to use and you one-shotted all enemies and you had no risk of losing your shield or taking damage? In effect, god mode? For me, I would hate it. Game and experience over.


For me, no cheating is the way to go. Risks and rewards are part of the experience for me.


<shrug> different strokes...


The first time my group found a Magenta/Purple weapon in a crate, there was an almost perfect "Ooohh" when it opened. How fun is it when you get something that cool and go "Meh, that sucks compared to this gun i spent a few minutes cheating for". The whole point of this game, for me, is the work/teamwork you do to earn an awesome reward. What point would there be if the thing I am questing for is ages below a glitched gun I'm already carrying? I'll never understand the allure of glitching and losing that sense of accomplishment.

Thu, 10/04/2012 - 15:09 (Reply to #4)
BCKinetic's picture
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xBIGWIGx wrote:

Tactica wrote:

If you want to risk ruining your gaming experience, just play on PC and you can give yourself 250 gold keys at a time be editting your .ini file. Do a search, it's out there already. In no time, they will also have gun/gear mods to make you a gaming god. On Xbox, you might be able to quickly ruin your experience by duping infanite money and eridium with a buddy then going to the casino and crazy earl to get everything you want, then duplicating anything good, and rinse and repeat until you have the best of everything.... that is definitely not how I enjoy a game, not by any stretch...


In a game where the endorphine rush comes when finding a chest with loot in it of interest... beating the leveled up goliath after a near death... unlocking the story and achieving a mission where a chest and boss drop is worth while... one does wonder why you would risk stealing that feeling away from yourself for the next 10+ levels by just duping gold keys, guns or eridium to get yourself a quick fix.


Using hyperbole for obvious point... if you could be gifted the best gun, shield, mod, relic and grenade mod now, all legendary... at level 10 or so... how fun would the rest of the game be if you never found anything new you wanted to use and you one-shotted all enemies and you had no risk of losing your shield or taking damage? In effect, god mode? For me, I would hate it. Game and experience over.


For me, no cheating is the way to go. Risks and rewards are part of the experience for me.


<shrug> different strokes...


The first time my group found a Magenta/Purple weapon in a crate, there was an almost perfect "Ooohh" when it opened. How fun is it when you get something that cool and go "Meh, that sucks compared to this gun i spent a few minutes cheating for". The whole point of this game, for me, is the work/teamwork you do to earn an awesome reward. What point would there be if the thing I am questing for is ages below a glitched gun I'm already carrying? I'll never understand the allure of glitching and losing that sense of accomplishment.

But how great would it be to be able to duplicate that gun so all parties involved could have it? BAM! You just solved the "stealing loot" argument with all your buddies. No one is pissed off because as 3 people were staring at the stats, person 4 swooped in and just grabbed it. 

Thu, 10/04/2012 - 15:18 (Reply to #5)
SquatterBag's picture
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BCKinetic wrote:
But how great would it be to be able to duplicate that gun so all parties involved could have it? BAM! You just solved the "stealing loot" argument with all your buddies. No one is pissed off because as 3 people were staring at the stats, person 4 swooped in and just grabbed it. 

I read the duplicate trick from the first borderlands still works.

Thu, 10/04/2012 - 16:45 (Reply to #6)
Full_Tilt_Panic's picture
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SquatterBag wrote:

BCKinetic wrote:
But how great would it be to be able to duplicate that gun so all parties involved could have it? BAM! You just solved the "stealing loot" argument with all your buddies. No one is pissed off because as 3 people were staring at the stats, person 4 swooped in and just grabbed it. 

I read the duplicate trick from the first borderlands still works.


It does. You just drop whatever and dashboard out before the autosave kicks in.

Fri, 10/05/2012 - 07:33 (Reply to #7)
EVILCLAW's picture
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Full_Tilt_Panic wrote:

SquatterBag wrote:

BCKinetic wrote:
But how great would it be to be able to duplicate that gun so all parties involved could have it? BAM! You just solved the "stealing loot" argument with all your buddies. No one is pissed off because as 3 people were staring at the stats, person 4 swooped in and just grabbed it. 

I read the duplicate trick from the first borderlands still works.


It does. You just drop whatever and dashboard out before the autosave kicks in.

It Just can't be the host though right?
Fri, 10/05/2012 - 11:04 (Reply to #8)
EVILCLAW's picture
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Fucking delayed double post.
Thu, 09/20/2012 - 11:51
TANK's picture
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As long as the game keeps consistantly dropping better gear then there's no need to do this other than if you wanted the choice of more gear to start out with since what it gives you is random.  Maybe you get stuff that isn't anything you'd use like if you're a sniper player and you get a couple shotguns.

Thu, 09/20/2012 - 16:40
Tactica's picture
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There are various quests where you will have to 'kill something' and have a bonus 'option' on that quest to kill a guy (or several) with a particular gun type... Of course, you don't have to do it... but the loot grabber in most of us will say, I'm getting a XXXXXXX gun type before doing this mission so I can get the bonus.


PS... some of these side missions require multiple concurrent objectives (or sub objectives) and each sub objective has a different 'bonus' to be achieved.


Good luck not having one of a handful of different gun types at the ready. I'm making good use of the bank system before questing...



Thu, 09/20/2012 - 17:37
TANK's picture
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Someone asked Randy about this glitch in Q&A and he said #1 corrective action is coming and #2 there will be opportunities to earn more keys outside of the game.

Fri, 09/21/2012 - 10:06
Tactica's picture
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Meh, I don't game with glichers.

I have found some amazing gear now at level 16.

Magenta (E-tech) items are better and more rare than any purple you are going to get out of the gold chest. I have 2 of them on one charcter. The SMG I have is just increadible.

I now have one Legendary item too and holy crap does it rock! It was a side quest item, but was an optional quest and was very lengthy. Glad I did it!!

Sun, 09/23/2012 - 14:35
Rascal83's picture
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As soon as I got those ultra high powered weapons and the omega shield in BL1 the game was ruined for me.  It just turned it into me flying through areas blasting blindly.  I promised myself not to fall prey to that temptation again.

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 09:28
EVILCLAW's picture
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TANK wrote:

Pretty interesting:


What you need:

2nd controller
The Preorder Golden Key

And that's all you need. Start a single player game and get to Sanctuary. You should be around level 8 or so. Make your way to the Golden Chest room. Now with your 2nd controller press the guide button and create a new profile. Just leave it named Player 1 or whatever the default name is and don't bother joining xbox live either. Now join into your main characters game and guess what? Player 1 has a Golden Key!! Open the chest with Player 1 and pick up the guns with your main character and then sign out Player 1. Repeat the process by creating another and another and another profile the same way and you will get a golden key on each of them.

This only works early on because your Player 1,2,3 etc. is obviously only a level 1 character and when he opens the Golden Chest the purple stuff you get from it is always going to be level 7 (the minimum level stuff the Golden Chest gives you) these purple weapons will become obsolete at some point probably around level 15 I'm guessing. So after you reach that level in the game you'll probably start finding better stuff on your own. But you'll be a GOD until then. Enjoy.



you can still take advantage of this. Im A a lvl18 and i split screened but did not use the dummy account, I just left him behind as I played. He will level up really fast in a short period of time once you get past a level 10 or 15 like i did the weapons get better If you have a big enough TV I would recommend 4 player split screen so u can triple your chances of getting good stuff.

So this is why I haven't seen you on the last two days.

Thu, 10/04/2012 - 19:57
OldManRiver48's picture
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Yes dashboard out still works fine, that leads me wondering if your online with another

player(both of you close to the golden crate) if you open the crate and then dashboard

out if you lose your key........? You are both close to a save point, getting booted by host

worked even better on original Borderlands since you didnt need to sign in. I'm one of

the goofs that used my first key not realising it was the crate my first key fit. :-(

Thu, 10/04/2012 - 21:13 (Reply to #16)
SquatterBag's picture
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OldManRiver48 wrote:
  I'm one of the goofs that used my first key not realising it was the crate my first key fit. :-(

You should keep an eye on the twitter thread

Fri, 10/05/2012 - 10:39
TANK's picture
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Right, you can't be the host because if you drop as host the game quits.

Fri, 10/05/2012 - 21:25
YEM's picture
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There is another one where the host scrolls through the fast travel menu while someone opens the box. Once that's done, the person that opened the box can keep opening the box as much as they want until you leave Sanctuary.


You can get good shit, but you're not overpowered.... at all. Especially on true vault hunter mode. 


Or so I've heard  106

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 08:54 (Reply to #19)
Full_Tilt_Panic's picture
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YEM wrote:

There is another one where the host scrolls through the fast travel menu while someone opens the box. Once that's done, the person that opened the box can keep opening the box as much as they want until you leave Sanctuary.


You can get good shit, but you're not overpowered.... at all. Especially on true vault hunter mode. 


Or so I've heard  106


I was curious about trying that, but am afraid if it doesn't work I wind up wasting another key. I know there will be codes for more, but I like to hoarde them as much as I can. Anyone actually done this glitch?

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 11:20 (Reply to #20)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Full_Tilt_Panic wrote:

YEM wrote:

There is another one where the host scrolls through the fast travel menu while someone opens the box. Once that's done, the person that opened the box can keep opening the box as much as they want until you leave Sanctuary.


You can get good shit, but you're not overpowered.... at all. Especially on true vault hunter mode. 


Or so I've heard  106


I was curious about trying that, but am afraid if it doesn't work I wind up wasting another key. I know there will be codes for more, but I like to hoarde them as much as I can. Anyone actually done this glitch?


I've been in rooms where folks have done it. It works just fine and it's a good lesson to not worry about saving the keys. I've seen that chest open probably 50 times and I would say maybe 40% of the time it's pistols and another 40% it's gonna be shields, relics or class mods.

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 00:10
TANK's picture
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Ya i guess that's the thing, you'll only get stuff appropriate to the level you're on.  But you do rob yourslef of opening a chest or running into a loot shower and finding that next kick ass gun for your collection.


On the ohter hand, i did that for Playthru 1.  Playthru 2 is a whole different kick in the nuts, it's more about do what it takes to survive :lol:  If the game's not giving you gear good enough to progress in the game, it's time to turn the tables and take advantage of some poor coding :)

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 07:03 (Reply to #22)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Isn't the point of the second playthrough to be a lot harder than the first?  How is that poor coding?

Sat, 10/06/2012 - 11:15 (Reply to #23)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Isn't the point of the second playthrough to be a lot harder than the first?  How is that poor coding?


Playthrough 2 isn't necessarily harder, you're just far more dependant on your gear. 1st time around you can get by with a gun 3-4 levels under you and it's no big deal. 2nd time you need a stronger gun pretty much every level, and if you happen to get a really good gun then it's a piece of cake.


But by taking advantage of poor coding I think he meant the rather easy to exploit gold chest glitch. Someone simply being in a menu shouldn't trigger such a huge glitch.

Mon, 10/08/2012 - 11:35
TANK's picture
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I think you mis-read my sentence.  Poor coding as in allowing for farming the sanctuary chest. 


However I do take issue with some damage in TVHM, doesn't seem ot matter what your shields and health are.  SOme enemies seem like their damage is coded as "100% shield loss and 99% health loss) regardless of capacities.


We did glitch the chest on the weekend not meaning too.  I had opened it and then another guy opened it, he only had the one key so he burned that.  But then it gave him the option to open it again so he did, with 0 keys.  It's exactly that easy to glitch the chest even by accident.  I assume the guest in the room would only want to have on ekey to burn, otherwise i'm sure it would burn all their keys until they had none left and then would allow the glitch to happen to open it without keys.


We checked the chest after every time the story brought us back to sanctuary and it remained glitched for him to hopen it endlessly with no keys. 


I don't think it's really worth spending a lot of time farming this chest becuase in TVHM you need to constantly be upgrading your weapons.  The stuff comes out of th echest the level of the guy opening it, so after you get a couple levesl past the gear, you need newer better gear.  Probably it would be worth while spending some time farming the chest once you're at level 50.  IT's time probably better spend over farming bosses with the current state of drop rates.  Sureyou won't ever get a legendary out of it but you can get some bad ass purples.




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