Well I did it -Updated

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#1 Mon, 10/08/2012 - 17:48
XF1R3X's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/23/2005 - 23:00

Well I did it -Updated

I solo'd teramorphous and got a bad ass class mod but forgot to capture it. I'm gonna run him again later and cap it. Loot Farming shall commence


My Build

Skill Tree 




Practicable conference call - 5707 x 2

Sheild - Chitnous Turtle Sheild - 73k+  - 10K health

Relic - Agression  +30% damage with a shotty

Mod - Efficiency Engineer - +33% cooldown +6 resourceful +5 sentry


I got a couple lucky second chances but I still kicked that bitches ass



Mon, 10/08/2012 - 19:04
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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You use the Bee/Conference call combo?

Mon, 10/08/2012 - 20:48
XF1R3X's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/23/2005 - 23:00

Nope I used a normal shield and a nasty shotgun with a relic that boosts shotty damage and dual turrets with the commando When I get back I'll post the skill tree and other specs


Correction:  I apparently used the conference shotty Though I don't know what the "bee" is

Tue, 10/09/2012 - 08:04
Pyrus's picture
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XF1R3X wrote:

Mod - Efficiency Engineer - +33% cooldown +6 resourceful +5 sentry

I need to change my pants after reading this. I'm rocking a 24/4/3 version of the same and had no idea what the higher levels looked like. 200% cooldown reduction with just my mod? Yes please!

Tue, 10/09/2012 - 09:34
XF1R3X's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/23/2005 - 23:00

I am finding my self fairly disappointed with the loo9t drop.  Even Crawmerax on a solo run would drop more loot and usually a wider assortment.  I am sure the Loot gets better with more players but for as hard as he is the Only gold Terramorphous seems to drop is a beast Player mod.  So I have a couple Commando mods and 2 Gunzerker mods for level 50 if anyone wants them.  

Tue, 10/09/2012 - 10:38
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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Fire, overall the drops are brutal in bl2. I have done the warrior probably 80 times without a drop, terra 10 times with the same class mods dropping, took me maybe 40 times to get hunter to drop the Bee and Knuckledragger over 50 to drop the hornet. I'm close to 50 on mick hafford with no drop and at least 30 on fettle and mobley with no drops either. So for all my farming I've gotten a Bee and a Hornet. It is frustrating as hell.

Tue, 10/09/2012 - 11:14 (Reply to #6)
XF1R3X's picture
Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago
Joined: 09/23/2005 - 23:00

IAmTheLiquor wrote:

Fire, overall the drops are brutal in bl2. I have done the warrior probably 80 times without a drop, terra 10 times with the same class mods dropping, took me maybe 40 times to get hunter to drop the Bee and Knuckledragger over 50 to drop the hornet. I'm close to 50 on mick hafford with no drop and at least 30 on fettle and mobley with no drops either. So for all my farming I've gotten a Bee and a Hornet. It is frustrating as hell.


I agree it seems worse for sure.  I have been signing in another tag and using the 5% chance for rare items.  Hit me up and we can farm maybe more peeps will be better.  

Tue, 10/09/2012 - 11:08
TANK's picture
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I've been farming warrior and terra and I can't say that i'm not getting stuff but if you're specifically looking for legendaries, the drops are the worst.  But I've gotten the odd purple that's better than what i've got.   Last night i picked up a legendary class mod for my siren that gives me +5 in all the top row of skills in my tree, pretty fucking bad ass.  I also picked up that shotgun damage booster, a shotgun that does like 8500x20 damage and has 8 or so shots in it!  Picked up a new decent pistol and an SMG that's slightly better than the one I was using, exact same name just a slightly better roll. 

So i'm getting stuff, i'm just not really finding legendaries.  Terra seems to drop a legendary class mod every time but once you've got it, it's not that exciting.  I haven't seen terra's legendary shield yet though, it's a spike shield that does massive damage across all the elements.

 Drives me nuts when you're beating the most powerful boss in the game for gear and they drop a level 50 weapon that does the damage of a level 35.  As an example, sniper rifles.  I saw probably 20 of those last night with less than 10k damage on them but all level 50.   Why do these even exist?!   These games need stat roll ranges that are within the stats of the level of gear, a level 50 sniper shouldn't be rolling 9000 damage, it's bullshit.  Diablo did the same thing, it's a fundimental problem with the random stat generation code.


But overall i'd say the late game stuff where you're just looking for gear is pretty poor, even worse than Diablo3 in my opinion.  Where as the game to this point was excellent.  But since they're going to raise the level cap anyway, level 51 whites will have a chance at being better than the legendaries you spend days trying to farm so really it's not worth the time investment to farm gear with such shitty drop rates.  I'm just gonna roll a mechro and re-play the 'fun' part of the game and come back to my Siren once we get some new content and a new level cap.





Tue, 10/09/2012 - 11:18
TANK's picture
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I'm up for farming some tonight, i've got the +5% rares as well.  I usually get online between 4:30 and 5 PST, hit me up. 

The chance of rare drops is suppose to go up with each additional person, but I don't know how much.  I also don't know if the +5% orbs combine to give +20 if everyone has one equipped or not.  But i'm up for trying, at the very least killing the bosses will be like 20-30 seconds, look for purples and oranges, exit out and repeat.  I don't really care much about legendaries but I am looking for a 30k+ Sniper Rifle.



Tue, 10/09/2012 - 13:28
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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I have a level 50 conference call and level 50 bee so I'm ready to go on a mass speed killing run of terra. I find it too hard tosolo as an assassin because no matter how fast I  kill him he always knocks me off the edge. I'm down for tonight any time 

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