Halo 4 - Gamespot Video- Forge
Tue, 10/09/2012 - 11:22
Halo 4 - Gamespot Video- Forge
Just watching it now myself.
AND by courtesy of Worm
Also a Serious Forging Video
Wow, Forge is looking awesome. Too bad I'm not creative, but it seems the options available will keep people busy for a long time.
I was only able to watch the video once. ???
The two new forge invironments look pretty good. One of them looks a bit like REACH: Forgeworld.
I still haven't seen a colour selection option for the objects.
The shadows help, but it's still overwhelmingly monochromatic.
I'm hopeful that user created maps won't flood the MM hoppers like they have in Reach.
I'm not sure there are color options?
I think it's been stated that we'll have more varied environments on which to build, but building blocks are building blocks and there is not much you can do about those pieces.
Honestly, I get that we all got tired of the grayscale maps in Reach, but for the love of all that's good, I think Halo players are spoiled with all they can do with Forge. What other game, especially on consoles, offers so much variety for the fans?
I will say, I hope that one representative map they showed in the video is not planned for MM - it looked too much like Reach and made my pants sad.
the farcry 2 editor was pretty badass though. Its a shame that game never got popular cause it was really good.
But overall im impressed with the Halo 4 Forge mode. Can't wait to see what ppl come up with...
It certainly has its own set of problems but the biggest single evidence that it didn't make the grade, the game failed in comparison even to Halo 3 or REACH.
The Far Cry 2 editor has some great features. I just don't know anyone who plays on maps created by it.
Same with the vast majority of Forge maps. Sturgeon's Law, Deep.
Like it!
I didn't see any item limits, so that's good. Just a 10,000 budget limit.
Another cool thing I noticed is that fall damage will be adjustable. That's new. Looks like we'll be able increase or decrease it, or even turn off fall damage completely for classic Halo gametypes.
Looks good. The shadows and the new environments make a big difference. I hope the framerate holds up because there is going to be some awesome maps.
Dynamic lighting is a huge deal.
Also Relay, the included variant on Forge:Impact looks awesome, nice small-ish symmetrical map a la Wizard/Warlock. So far, it looks like one of the best maps we are going to get right off the disc.
The lighting is gonna be cool. I'm not sold on magnets yet, or the off-white walls. I fear Trait Zone abuse may spoil some otherwise good maps. ? We'll see in 4 weeks!
I'm still anxious to start building in H4 Forge!
...can't wait ...can't wait.
I saw pictures from the video that show team colour accents on objects. Sadly inadequate.
No colourful objects spotted yet.
In the video the lady Speaks of pallets. All we see in this video is use of the UNSC pallet which is all greyscale or off-white, and the forerunner? pallet which appears to be white and blue. My hope is for other pallets like covenant (purple) and earth (rocks, greenery and such) as well and the ability to use them together to create more tone overall in your maps.
as far as the magnets go I hope you can turn them off and place objects at will too.
Wow! Those are nice map environments.
The forge maps look like some of the best maps I've seen. You could almost play on them as is. Its a shame no forge maps will be playable in MM at launch.
I don't know about that. I can see a few in there.
I like many of you guys have been a little disappointed that there aren't any good 4v4 maps. These new environments look great for those sized maps and we won't have they deathstar problem from Reach.
To me, it appears that 343 is handling the issue the same way Bungie did: by trying to make the community do more of the work so they can create bigger maps.
I certainly hope this is not their approach. You know, seeing how it kind of flopped in Reach. While there are certainly some great user created maps, the burden should lie with the developer.
I'm sure they do hope to rely, to some extent on Forge maps, but let's not repeat what happened with Reach.
Added new vid to OP.