2Old2Play XBox Live MW3 Community Playdate
2Old2Play XBox Live MW3 Community Playdate
On Oct 26th 8pm to 11pm EST, 2o2p will be hosting an XBox Live Community Playdate. We'll be playing MW3 and 2o2p will be featured on the XBox Dashboard. To do so, I'm going to need help from 2old2play. I need some Room leaders that can set up the games. I figure we'll be doing Private matches with a mix of 2o2p and the public.
The volunteers will need to step up to run rooms and to get the public in the games. Your gamertag will be put on the XBox Dashboard and you will be getting Friend Requests and messages from the public. You will probably have to clear out your Friends list to do this (just re-add after the night), or create a new Live account. We will also need site members to be in the various rooms to help promote the site.
I need the names ASAP as this is a last minute thing. DMZilla contacted us with a last minute opening. Let's do this right and hopefully we can get a Halo 4 / BLOPs 2 night. Also, you need to be 100% sure you can make it if you plan to be a Room Leader.
I will run a room.
GT xCaddyKingx
Great, Thanks!
Any others? These types of events help 2o2p get a ton of members and I can use all the help I can get. We're hoping for at least 6 rooms.
I really need 4 more guys to step up. Doodi needs to turn in the names ASAP. This is a really good thing for the site as it draws a lot of attention and traffic.
i'll see if any of the halo shut-ins that play it alot can help out.
One Halo Shut-in reporting for Dooty....
GT BigBadMike will run a room
needed to clean up my freinds list anyhow
You probably should boot that Singlewing guy off your list.
BigBadMike, I'll get your name over to Doodi. Thanks for volunteering!
I wish I could, but I am out of town that weekend.![sad sad](http://www.2old2play.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/sad_smile.gif)
I'll sign up as a team leader!
GT: Inka Cola
Just wondering- as an XBL Playdate noob- what is expected? Matchmaking or customs? I usually roll in matchmaking exclusively in MW3, so just curious!
It'll be Customs. Unless people get crazy with gametypes, they're usually the standard ones eveyrone is used to.
By the way, there has been a change in date. Those crazy XBox folks switched us to the 26th. I'll throw up a new post and blog about it tomorrow.
Guys, Microsoft pushed back our date to:
OCT 26th
If you're a room leader please confirm with Lala that you can handle this as I need to get DMZilla the names ASAP! Thanks so much for helping 2o2p!
We're on the Xbox Home page!
I've gotten 3
14 here. Should be fun. You guys are E-famous!
Oh and BTW, 64 new site sign ups so far. These things really bring in community.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you can invite people straight from the Friend Requests. I started doing this with the last Halo XBox night 2o2p ran. For those running, just setup private matches and I'd restart rooms after a couple of games. You'll probably have a shit ton sending messages.
Are the team leaders limited to the 2o2p'ers already listed on the community playdate site?
Absolutley not. The guys over at Xbox just ran out of time and had to get something up ASAP. I'd welcome as many as possible since we seem to have A LOT more people wanting to play than I expected. Maybe we can join forces with more then 1 2o2p leader in each room. Possibly try to pull of 4-5 rooms?
By all means....HELP!! LOL, im filling up quickly. Great idea Doodi. More then one per room would be great in case beer, restroom breaks etc...
Sounds good fellas, just let me know how you want me to help. I may have some of my fellas from the iBeast group willing to help as well.
Hey all, I'm totally a noob here & I arrived via the advertisement of your "community event" coming up on xbox live.
Quick question, how do I go about finding the rooms you all are going to be hosting next friday?
It'll be fun getting my butt fragged by someone older than 12! ltms
Get on one of the guys Friends list, they'll get you in a room.
Great, thanks. My gamer tags the same as my name here. If someone could send a friend request, that would be great.
So what's going on for tomorrow? What's the plan?