Borderlands 2 DLC 'Captain Scarlett And Her Pirate's Booty
Thu, 10/11/2012 - 10:29
Borderlands 2 DLC 'Captain Scarlett And Her Pirate's Booty
Is confirmed and will be available on 10/16
Is confirmed and will be available on 10/16
Great I love booty! It ranks rate up there with beer and bacon.
Hell yes. I imagine that's might be why the compatibility pack was so large. Glad to have some new content to wreck with my maxxed siren
No doubt this surprise is why they bumped the Mechromancer up. Awesomesauce. I wonder if they're raising the level cap already with this...
I hope so! I saved all the side quests from TVHM so I'd have more opportunities to get XP once the cap goes up. I want more storage space too :)
So quick question - I'm a bit confused about the 'season pass' and the DLC content. For instance does the mecha character come with the season pass if I bought the pass? How about the new DLC missions this thread is about?
Could someone explain the season pass concept/whats included in it please?
- Raider30
Season Pass stretches the time frame for the development of DLC. With pre-committed orders for DLC developerscan gauge how much of their resources to commit to fine-tuning DLC without worrying about people moving on to the next big thing.
I'm thinking the rush to get the Pirate DLC out might mean season pass orders are down. I'm not complaining about the amount of on-disc content because I think BL2 delivers, but it's clear to me that A) this content was ready to ship on the disc and was held back, or B) it's being pushed out the door to capitalize on initial enthusiasm for the game and will be buggy as hell or C) some combo of the above.
It's pretty simple. The Season Pass is for 4 specific campaign expansion DLCs. There will be other DLC content available as well, they haven't announced what but mayb enew characters, maybe new legendary weapon packs, maybe new boss fights... who konws. But what we do know is that dlc is NOT included in the season pass.
I imagine at some point we're goign to see Moxxi's Underdome return due to events that happen in the story surrounding it. I'll be a bit irritated though if that's one of the season pass DLCs though, i didn't buy the Underdome DLC for BL1. I'd want it to be one of the 'not included in the season pass' dlcs.
There is almost certainly going to be a vehicle expansion to the game, I would expect that to be a standalone dlc and not part of an expansion dlc so it'll be extra.
The Season Pass includes only the planned 4 major Storyline DLC. Think of the DLC they made for the first game. The advantage behind purchasing the Season Pass is that it costs $30, and the total cost of the 4 DLC packs would otherwaise cost at least $40.
Mechromancer class is not included in the season pass, but was free to those that pre-ordered the game, and is available to purchase for $10.
They might also continue to release other non-season pass dlc, such as more characters or weapons and vehicles, potentially even more storyline packs beyond the 4 that are included in the season pass.
All I got out of this was pirate booty and BACON!!!!
MOst likely this.... The loner it takes DLC to come out the fewer copies of it sell, it's a statistical fact. Borderlands 2 sits alone right now, so sales of DLC 1 and possibly Season Passes will be very high. Where as if they tried to launch this the middle of November, sales would be much lower as people are playing Halo, Assassins and Blops.
So ya, it's definitly being pushed out to capitalize on their window of opportunity and the current high interest in the game.
Thanks for the info everyone. Given that I'm not entirely certain I'll be playing BL2 five months from now I think I'm going to skip the season pass and just buy what seems interesting to me. Plus, in all honesty I'm a little leary of giving companies my cash now in the hope and promise of something later on. If they fail to deliver, or deliver something weak what, if any, recourse is there?
It might end up being $10 more in the long run, but if I'm still playing it'll easily be worth that $10.
Thanks again,
Ya i'm totally off these Season Passes myself after what EPIC did with the Gears 3 DLC Season Pass content. The individual DLC s were put on sale, like by the time Season Pass content #3 came out, #1 and #2 had been put on sale for cheaper than the per dlc price on the season pass. Not to mention most of #1 ended up coming out free of charge in a compatibility update.
Plus there's the longevity issue, if you buy a season pass you're prebuying content that'll come out typically over the next six months. How many games are you playing six months from the date you purchased? FOr me the answer is like half a percentage of games i've every bought am i ever looking at or even still own six months after purchase.
So ya, this season pass trend is nonsense in my opinion. Yet another gaming industry trend i'm against.
So would have you waited until #1 and #2 went on sale to buy them?
Ya I would have because i'm a cheap fuck like that, if they had have disclosed I could pick up 1 and 2 for less than the season price's per dlc cost before #3 dropped. But they arent gonna tell you that stuff ahead of time, you go into the Season Pass expecting that it's the best deal.
I'm a gears fan so I"m not to miffed about it but I do feel like Epic fucked me hard on that. So not only will i not ever buy an Epic season pass again, it's spilled over into other devs as well. Your'e buying something site unseen, you have no idea if what you're buying is something you're gonna want. A clear example here with BL2 is if they bring back Moxxi's Underdome which I expect they will, I don't want it but with the season pass i've bought it regardless.
Normally I wouldn't go for a season pass but BL 1 & 2 were so awesome they've earned my trust. Also it helps that I keep getting Gamestop gift cards, so I might as well spend them on my Pandora habit.
And I can see myself playing BL2 again this time next year when other games fail to match it. BL1 is one of the few games I kept going back to.
I bought all of BL1'S dlc, and was completely satisfied with everything BUT Underdome, it was too much of a grind. The single player
opprotunities in it were horrid, apparently a lot of others felt the same way.
Flint's Slaughterhouse pays homage to the fun that was Moxxies' UD, but no where near as difficult. Good array of weapons and some well rounded skills and I went thru round 2 today without much difficulty.
If they bring back the UD as it was I'll avoid it. But I will buy their stuff 4-6-8 months down the road.
And if they screw me over Gearbox's offices are only about 30 miles away in Plano Texas.
I thought the same thing until I got to rounds 4-5. Those bishes get tough