Last nail in the coffin of forza for me?
Wed, 10/10/2012 - 14:49
Last nail in the coffin of forza for me?
Okay so for the first time in weeks I decided I would have a go at track night, turn on the x-box try to join a room...NAT conflict...reboot NAT conflict, this is on a machine that has connected before, connecte to a modem that has connected before. I have been racing for weeks on PC, hardly an issue, but Xbox and Forza? nothing but trouble...I am tempted to throw Forza in the bin, give my Xbox to my wife and be done with it. After all what fun has it given me over the last couple of months...nada, nothing but frustration and grief. So this could be it for Knight, I miss you guys but if I cannot race what is the point?
A few people could not join due to Nat conflicts?
I reset and everything was ok
I tried joining several times for about 40 mins...and that is kinda my point, instead of racing in recent times I have been going back and forward resetting hardware only to find there is nothing I can do my end. If I had got in and lagged so be it, that I could live with just a matter of waiting a while longer, but this was yet another MS live or Turn Ten glitch...I so want to join in the Brit Car thing, it looks epic, but...and there it is there is always that but.
Well Tourni is having a photo op / running a few laps ect for the brit car on Saturday. Try then fella. Please
Saturday 4pm, I'm now tied up. I will not be able to make it.
However, Tourni has three paints that can be color swapped easily if anyone needs a paint for the shoot.
HAve you tried enabling your router's dmz settings? I cnan also point you to a site that will walk you through opening the proper ports on your router if you like.
Go Here. & find your router make & model, then follow the instructions.
that sucks i never really experienced these types of connection failures..except for the marketplace.
All was done months ago and redone and redone and redone, the problem is not my end....and my modem/router is not on that site, I have trawled the internet for someting I may have missed but nothing...You know I have connected with no problem, no NAT conflict nothing so there is no rhyme or reason to it.
Well I managed to get a whole track night session in, no nat issues (I have changed nothing my end) and no lag. If I get another couple of these in I will finally put the Fairlady Cup to bed and start thinking about the VW series we had started to work on. One thing I have found is after many weeks of PC racing Forza feels...Well, odd. The wheel does not have the connection to the car I have got used to and I cannot drive as well... and going back to a single screen is horrible, it is only the people here that will bring me back and I guess I will find my groove again. So maybe Forza may not quite be dead...
YAY Knight.gif)
C'Mon Knight...Stop the

....I wish I had a dollar for every last nail in the coffin I had with Forza...Let's face it..It is a Great Game with BAGGAGE!!!...Great when it works and a PAIN in the FK'ing Ass when it doesn't!!!...Keep Hoping that somebody at Forza and Microsoft does the right thing and eliminate ALL Issues but I am not holding my hand on my FK'ing Ass waiting!!!....MF'ERS!!!!!

LOL such a turn of phrase, nope they have new cash cow and I expect we will see little to sort out F4...then of course they are bound to be working on F5...
Yeah FM5
I really hope FMH works good and that they can take a lot of lessons away from it for FM5
I would have thought they'd change the name for the next release, it should be on the next concsol i'd assume :)
I can't see there is much to persuade us to buy another 360 version so I would hope it is a next gen release,and I would hope they really knock the ball out the park.
So yet another falure to connect, not due to speed of connection checked and up to the job, not a nat this time a network issue ??? whatever that means. Whatever it is it is not my issue I online game with the PC all the time, I connected last week no problem and have changed nothing. So did you hear that banging? yup another nail.
I feel your pain Knight. I've had the same issues for a couple months now myself. Does anyone know if these issues are plagueing Horizon?
Only played online once for a couple hours with Gary and gang Tuesday night, but it was fine.