IT'S OFFICIAL GENTLEMEN!! HALO 4 LEAKED 26 DAYS EARLY. DEEP YOU WIN MY FRIEND!! I don't know how you got it dead on but you win! They'll be a prize waiting for you at the LAN...
IT'S OFFICIAL GENTLEMEN!! HALO 4 LEAKED 26 DAYS EARLY. DEEP YOU WIN MY FRIEND!! I don't know how you got it dead on but you win! They'll be a prize waiting for you at the LAN...
PM me for details, wink wink nudge nudge...
I knew there was a catch! Dang.
I wish I was a little closer to Chicago at LAN time. I especially would like the chance to see Doorgunner and LM2 who aren't too much farther away.
you know what, that makes the most sense actually! All this time Deep has been the 2o2p Robin Hood of Halo... stealing from the rich and giving to the poor gamers that can't wait til Nov. 6th... Well you know what I THANK YOU Deep! lol keep up the great work
everything seems on par with all the past halo games. I'd say that the game is posted online within the next 7 days. Lets see if i'm right.
The day the game is posted online for public download is that day i consider it fully leaked...
From NeoGAF. No source link.
IT'S OFFICIAL GENTLEMEN!! HALO 4 LEAKED 26 DAYS EARLY. DEEP YOU WIN MY FRIEND!! I don't know how you got it dead on but you win! They'll be a prize waiting for you at the LAN...
PM me for details, wink wink nudge nudge...
I wish I was a little closer to Chicago at LAN time. I especially would like the chance to see Doorgunner and LM2 who aren't too much farther away.
congratz DEEP!
Of course DEEP got it right.
[spoiler]He leaked it![/spoiler]
you know what, that makes the most sense actually! All this time Deep has been the 2o2p Robin Hood of Halo... stealing from the rich and giving to the poor gamers that can't wait til Nov. 6th... Well you know what I THANK YOU Deep! lol keep up the great work
There are quite a few DLoads set up on tpb. Looks to be jtags only.