Borderlands Trading Post
Borderlands Trading Post
So I saw this over on the Gearbox Forum and I figured it would be good to have something similar over here with 2old2play members. It's like a Craigslist of sorts for Bordelrlands items.
Here are some helpful rules to help guide the process:
· Make your post relevant. Good title: “Looking for a caustic SMG for my level 20 assassin” or “Hey I found a level 15 legendary class mod for a Berserker, anyone need it?” Bad title: “HELP I NEED GUNZ”. Try to provide as much information about an item as you can. Most people post from work or are away from their console when they post so no need for all stats. Just a general description would be fine, enough to know if someone wants it or not. If you want to TRADE, list some of the other items you are looking for. Also indicate what platform you are on (Xbox, PS3 or PC)
· If you want to respond to someone’s post, please respond via PM. We do not need to see all your posts while y'all arrange a deal.
· Please do not post modded items without disclosing that it is a modded item. If you know your items are modded, please say so upfront. If someone lets you know that an item is modded and you are not interested, move on. No need for a lecture or debate. Some gamers mod and some don’t.
· Take, or ask for, only what you need or will use! Sure everyone can sell stuff for credits to Marcus, this is designed to help each other out. It would be shitty to take something from someone only to turn around and hock it to Marcus, they could have done that themselves!
· Don’t derail this thread by insulting another user. If you've had a bad experience with someone, say so and move on.
· Since we are somewhat limited by this thread (no subforums), please remove your post when the item is spoken for or the post is no longer relevant (changed mind, etc). It would be frustrating to respond to a post where the item is long gone.
· Do not post threads here that are not related to trading in this thread.
Hopefully this covers everything. Feel free to offer up comments. Try and use the AFOF gamertag to connect with other members.
Happy Looting!
Here is a link to the Gearbox trade forum. If there is nothing here that interests you, maybe you can find something there?
I made a trade with some kid last night looking for alien guns, I traded him an alien sniper and smg for the flakker shotgun and pitchfork sniper. Good deals for me, though the flakker is garbage.
If anyone is looking for something let me know I have a bunch of good stuff spread out amongst my characters.
I"m looking for a 30,000+ damage sniper rifle (jakobs preferred) with critical hit boost.
Lol, might find it easier to tip Moxxie so many times she takes you into the back so you can take a shot in her Underdome...
Ya maybe, but i know this gun exists :) But i'll take Moxxi anytime, gonna print her out on a 3D printer so I can have my way with her :lol:
I have a purple 31.3K damage 96.9 accuracy 2.6 fire rate 9 mag size. +15% weapon Damage
I have Jakobs at near 30000 and 180% critical. Send a msg if you need it.
Very Nice! I am starting to accumulate some nice E-tech snipers with 24k + dmg.
I also have 2 Sham shields if anyone wants them. One absorbs 85% bullets and the other about 79%
I'd like a sheild
Cool, let's coordinate some time to get on. I probably will be on at some point saturday morning/afternoon and the same on sunday. I can also jump on tonight as well.
I would LOVE to have that sniper
Let us coordinate then. Just join me when I have my level 50 siren online.
Nice, I got a SkullSmahser Sniper last night that does 9700 x 5 damage using only 1 bullet out of the clip per shot, also has 180% crit. All relics/skills on I can pull 3.5 million damage witha critical using it, it's pretty sweet.
But ya I wouldn't mind checking out that 30k jakobs, add it to my collection. I dunno why i collect Jakobs snipers but I do for some reason lol.
Gave the jakobs away. It was nice but it had high recoil. Got the skullsmasher and haven't used it much. Will take a closer look at it. Picked up a volcano with 120% crit damage. I also did pick up a jakobs sniper with nearly 30000 damage and extra stability. It is easier to spam with at long range.
I want a legendary siren class mod. Anyone?
Is anyone else looking for anything?
How about conference call or skull masher? I don't have much to trade or copy, I've got a level 48 bee shield and terramorphous mods for 3 class types I think.
Shoot me a message to gamertag F1R3 2o2p I'm sure we can get you a Con call :)
Just let me know, I have a bunch of Conferance Calls..... and they come in a variety of flavors
Practicable Conferance Call - 5788x7 dmg / 20% recoil reduction / 13% accuacy
Practicable Conference Call - 5707x7 dmg / 20% recoil reduction / 13% accuacy / 3605.9 electrocute dmg/sec
Critical Conference Call - 5707x5 dmg / 20% recoil reduction / 13% accuacy / +50% critical hit damage / Slag
Practicable Conferance Call - 5788x7 dmg / 20% recoil reduction / 13% accuacy / 3605.9 corrosive dmg/sec
Nice! I managed to get a L50 conference call with fire elemental. I'll be online tonight if you want to trade elemental for elemental. Thinking I'd like an infinity pistol too if anyone has one to trade.
Sorry, wasn't around last night. Maybe we can hook up today/tonight. I also have an infinity pistol too
holy shit.... how do you guys find these?!?!?!
other than rocket launchers im lucky to find anything that does over 1000 base damage. lol.
I got what the peeps need, Hit me up :)
Farming, tons of farming.
I have a level 48 hornet and level 50 surgical pitchfork available to trade/giveaway I have recently gotten better versions of these two. Last night was a very successful night of farming.
Got a Tera class mod I am willing to trade for the pitchfork. Those tera class mods are really rare and hard to get.
damn i must have some shitty weapons then lol..........
Does anybody have some stuff for the 26-30 level area. I am crawling through the game and Scarlet, but my current set is very stale. Just not finding anything of value.
I saved some magenta and purple guns in that range. I'm offline tonight but play most nights if you want to check them out. How do you duplicate stuff anywa?, I read that you just drop stuff then quit to dashboard but have never actually tried it.
I'm looking to get the Ledendary Assassion Class Mod.
If I have anything you need let me know... be sure to check the levels they aren't all 50's
The Two Fer Infinity could be modded I have no idea but I didn't think Jacobs made elemental weapons. I haven't tried it yet and did get it from a trade.
The purple sniper Tumtum Muckamuck is badass if you have an assassin and is pretty hard to find (for me anyways).
vouch. :). Highest one shot sniper damage in the game?