Halo 4 Competitive Playlist discussion - BravoMLG with 343i
Fri, 10/12/2012 - 19:19
Halo 4 Competitive Playlist discussion - BravoMLG with 343i
Haven't seen it all yet but Slayer Pro is highlighted early.
Haven't seen it all yet but Slayer Pro is highlighted early.
This is the video I've been waiting for! Well, hopefully. Time to watch and thanks DEEP for posting!
I sort of expect Dixon and OMG will yank themselves to death. j/k
Not sure if I can sneak any jerking in. You've been having relevant news that you like that's been coming out for weeks. This is the first concrete part of the compettive/Slayer Pro news that we've had.
Sometimes I'm happy about the news too. This news, not so much.
Honestly though, I've been picking REACH Slayer Pro lately for an alternate gamtype. For me, it's got that competitive feel without the TU stuff attached.
You big baby. Suck it up. MLG is the only reason Halo isn't Crysis.
Hey if you are going to quote Joe Biden you should at least acknowledge the source.gif)
Deep thinks he's a BFD.
BFD was Biden's line about the health care insurance overhaul a couple of years ago.
Pretty common in these parts anyway.
I'm confused. I've been poo-poo-ing on nearly every casual/cod setting news that has been released.
That was directed towards Deep.
Ah, my mistake. You quoted me in your response so that's why I was confused. Carry on.
Well it sounds like join in progress is widespread, but you can't join a match near the end. I just hope there is an option so I can choose to "never join games in progress" for example :)
The Slayer Pro playlist sounds right up my alley though.
Probably quite an accurate guess.
Slayer Pro is good news, though I am surprised player movement speed is already increased from the game default.
Some good info here.
Slayer Pro has no armor abilities. So, this is THE gametype for the AA haters. You choose DMR, BR, or AR for your starting weapon. You start with only one frag grenade, but you can pick up grenades dropped by others. This is sounding good to me.
Team SWAT lets you choose BR or DMR. Nice.
In CTF, the Flagnum is about 20% more powerful than the standard Magnum. Wow. I think I'm gonna like being a flag carrier.
Ordnance drops will be totally customizable in custom games. This could lead to some interesting new custom gametypes.
Slayer Pro....Comp fans, end of story. I like how you have AR option and they make it sound as if it's a power weapon "cover me I'm going AR!" Yeah good luck with that one Buddy. Go play Infinity Slayer. IMO these two playlists will seperate the two types of Halo players which is fine by me. COD/Armor Ability players now have a list to play instead of fucking up pure FPS games. Bring on the Flame....BTW Biden likes Obumers Big Stick.
You say that like I'd ever pick it.
Yes they will according to the vid. For a Slayer Pro playlist, I don't see the point of adding an AR starting option. In Reach, when you vote for Pro, it means you want a DMR (BR) only loadout. That's what I meant. I've been playing Objective in Reach mostly for the DMR starts. Slayer Pro will be the Comp player playlist who's adept at hand eye coordination with precision weapons. Rock an AR in that list and you gonna wish you had AA.
Yes it will!
I'm still gonna rock the AR in objective ;)
I like what I'm hearing and can't wait to try out ALL of the new gametypes.
I am surprised to hear Slayer Pro will be available at launch. I figured 343 would want people playing with all the new toys before adding such a restrictive playlist.
Thanks for the video, it's nice to finally have some solid info.
I figure it's nice to not have to wait around for a playlist I will eventually move into and play in addition, and I don't get dis-interested with the game while I'm waiting.