So we farmed

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Tue, 10/16/2012 - 15:14
Pyrus's picture
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Sounds like another game I know where you buy the best loot from a special market with special currency and can only fight raid bosses in a limited time frame of resets...

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 16:16
TANK's picture
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Keeps you playing though, i just hope the loot is VASTLY improved over Warrior and Terra.  If the same shit comes out of these bosses, i'm not really going ot care how many times a day i can or can't fight them becuase i won't be interested.


Tue, 10/16/2012 - 16:42
IAmTheLiquor's picture
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BL2 is set up in such a way that you need to farm to get the rares, since oranges have an almost zero chance to spawn in chests or vending machines. I know they can but it is extremely rare. So to get the best gear you need to farm, and now they put limits on farming? I think that's kind of ridiculous.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 18:22
YEM's picture
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Another issue is you need to kill those guys to get sereph crystals to buy the fancy new guns. They only drop 7 each. Each gun costs 120 crystals.....


"One or more players in your party have beaten this boss today."

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 18:23 (Reply to #35)
TANK's picture
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YEM wrote:

Another issue is you need to kill those guys to get sereph crystals to buy the fancy new guns. They only drop 7 each. Each gun costs 120 crystals.....

"One or more players in your party have beaten this boss today."



I"m sure they'll pop up in the duping circles by like.... tomorrow :lol:



Tue, 10/16/2012 - 18:31
YEM's picture
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Unless there is another way to get crystals that we don't know about yet, it's going to be like a week before people can buy the guns. 


I guess it depends on what they use to determine the time. Maybe a way around the once a day limit is to play offline and keep changing the time on the xbox to farm the bosses

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 12:10
TANK's picture
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I was power leveling using warrior last night and he dropped two orange things in the two hours I was power leveling.  I finally got the Jack head,  it is for the assassin.  And it dropped a legendary assault rifle.  I also found a kick ass blue relic that has 4 resistances on it, all theones i'd found before only had three resistances.

So overall...  pretty good night fighting Warrior.  Got two characters to level 30, two legendary drops and one awesome relic  (pre-Booty DLC install as well)

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 10:35
PaiganBoi's picture
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I had my first crack at The Warrior last night. Considering i was doin it solo his drops were not very good. A lot of low damage white, a couple of crappy greens and blue. He did drop a Legendary sniper though. I managed to snag a Sublime Volcano Sniper. its base damage is 1500. Im finding that all my high damage weapons are sniper rifles. even though im a Commando im playing the sniper game. lol.

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 11:29
ProdigalFox's picture
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Farming the bunker has been the most rewarding for me so far. I have received 2 sham shields and bunch of great purples. Every other boss I have farmed has been pretty pointless. This lack of legendary drops is a downer. I really wish they would up the drop rate. I understand trying to keep people playing but this is just not enough to keep you hooked. The first game was better at rewarding. All it takes is an orange every now and again to keep you hooked.

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 15:56
Full_Tilt_Panic's picture
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I'm a bit disappointed in the drop rates too. I've also noticed they don't hide nearly as many weapon cases throughout the game as they did in the first one. I've pretty much stopped trying to hop up on buildings, unlike the first game.

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 16:38
TANK's picture
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Ya I dunno what's with Role Playing Looters these days, iunderstand making things rare but you gotta give people something.   There's  fine line to walk with drop rates keeping them rare but keeping the gamers interested and not feel lik ethey're wasting their time.  Gearbox is a little to far towards 'waste of time' for me and i'm not even speaking just about oranges.  A lot of purples are better than organes anywasy but Warrier doesnt even hardly drop any purples either, if i'm lucky i'll get 4 purples, usually less.

Fri, 10/19/2012 - 10:44
ProdigalFox's picture
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Just for old times sake I did an armory run in BL1 and found 5 oranges. 3 light orange and 2 dark orange. Also, about 90% of the chests contained at least 1 purple. Most contained multiple purples. I miss the good old days. :)

Fri, 10/19/2012 - 10:45
ProdigalFox's picture
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DOUBLE Post, sorry!

Fri, 10/19/2012 - 19:13
PaiganBoi's picture
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so i farmed The Warrior a little bit. wasnt looking for legendary stuff. just to upgrade my gear. most of the stuff i have does only base damage of 700 -1000.

i managed to gather some assault rifles with dmg between 1k-2k, snipers 1.5k -2k. a couple of launchers 15k - 20k. then on my last try i got Sledge's Shotgun. its not the best version. im sure there are ones with higher damage. its a lvl 34 with 800x10 i believe.

Sat, 10/20/2012 - 11:05
Gunny's picture
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I finally got the Warrior to drop an Orange last night.  Pistol "was it 4, 6, or 7 shots" I likes it!! Got a shotty with explosive damage thats 883x13. It was a nice upgrade for my lvl 36 zerker

Sat, 10/20/2012 - 11:23
Gunny's picture
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On another not.  Do Etecs actually exist?? I have only seen one and it was the early on test mission for Zed, but beyond that, I have not seen ONE at all!! Should I care?? Anyone have one that was a "beast" weapon??  Just curious!!

Sat, 10/20/2012 - 12:03 (Reply to #47)
JimSmyth's picture
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Gunny wrote:

On another not.  Do Etecs actually exist?? I have only seen one and it was the early on test mission for Zed, but beyond that, I have not seen ONE at all!! Should I care?? Anyone have one that was a "beast" weapon??  Just curious!!


If you want etechs I have ton stored. Just hit me up and I'll give you some of them. The plasma casters (SMGs) are pretty awesome. FYI everything is a level 50.

Sat, 10/20/2012 - 12:12
Gunny's picture
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Ah, is it a level thing then?? Im only a 36 but I appreciate the offer Jim. Maybe when I get there!

Sat, 10/20/2012 - 20:26 (Reply to #49)
JimSmyth's picture
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Gunny wrote:

Ah, is it a level thing then?? Im only a 36 but I appreciate the offer Jim. Maybe when I get there!

It isn't a level thing. I had a level 14 plasma caster in my first play through. I think their rarity is between purple and legendary. Just hit me up when you need them.

Sun, 10/21/2012 - 09:36
Gunny's picture
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LMAO You're right.  Got two last night shortly after asking about it. 37 assault rifle has power but inaccurate as hell.  Appartently I might have had a few in the past but my brain could not see the slight difference in pink n purple.


Farmed the warrior last night and got an orange shield drop. Corrosive spike shield.  It ok and I like it but i figure it will only be good for one or two more levels.

Mon, 10/22/2012 - 06:02
wilderz's picture
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Beat Warrior yesterday for the first time.  Got the Flakker Shotgun (kinda sucky imo), a nice purple mod that raises 3 skills by 5 points and Jack's head.  Other than that, just the same ole' green and white guns.

Mon, 10/22/2012 - 11:04
TANK's picture
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I've seen plenty of etechs but I wouldn't call them the best in the game, i probably don't even have one that i carry into the battlefield with me which means i havne't seen one better than what i've got already.


Wilderz : If you can figure out how to operate the Flakk, lemme know.  :)  Warrior pratcially has an orange guranteed drop when you kill him as part of the story.  When you go back to kill him off-story to farm him for stuff, he rarely ever drops an orange, might drop 1 or 2 purples and the rest will be blues and whites.  It's decent stuff if you're looking for some good stuff to head into Vault Hunter mode with. From an end-game level 50 perspective though, the stuff he drops is shit.

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 05:58 (Reply to #53)
wilderz's picture
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TANK wrote:
Wilderz : If you can figure out how to operate the Flakk, lemme know.  :)


Figured it out!  You pull the trigger, and lots of explosions go off that don't do any damage to any enemy.  Mystery solved! ;^)



Tue, 10/23/2012 - 10:27
TANK's picture
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I think it's a Fireworks gun :)

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