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#1 Tue, 10/16/2012 - 03:12
HairyChineseKid's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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lim looking to buy a new headset with mic.

Now I've got a pretty good 9.2 audio setup at the moment for my home cinema, however, I will need something for night use. I've been looking for headphones, but it seems that unless you spend close to £300 it's impossible to buy a set of headphones that come with a wirless mic.


They seem to all require a multitude of wires and connections to a 360 pad etc?

Can anyone suggest a good, simple, practicle way of being able to have good audio and the ability to talk to you all in game for much much less than these insane prices I am seeing for wirless headsets.

I was thinking of just buying a wireless Bluetooth headset plus a set of over the ear headphones, and just leaving the headset on underneath them... And pluggin the headphones into my AVR :)


Anyone have any good audio suggestions. Day time is ok as I have my AVR setup, but for night, I'd like great audio, but the ability to talk to you all without chopping and changing or having to plug it into my pad and my Xbox etc... That's a whole lot of faffing :)

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 03:20
mavictb's picture
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the warheads are true full wireless for xbox360 no chat wires to a gamepad or an adapter. TurtleBeach X500's are also a good choice (better sound but need an adapter connected to the gamepad for chat) there is also the astro wireless setup but that is not very wireless at all.

in the end from what it sounds like you need the link at the top is your best bet.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 03:23
mavictb's picture
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im guessing your in the UK based on your post.... link below is 200 quid shipped.


Tue, 10/16/2012 - 03:57
HairyChineseKid's picture
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Thanks guys, Yea, I saw them and they seem to do exactly what i need/ask for... However, For some reason I just can't get my mind to justify them?

In fact, my mind is rebelling, and I think I'm having some sort of tight fisted old man seizure right now... My brain is screaming "£200 for Xbox Headphones... headphones? Xbox Headphones, that cost £200.. Head!... Phones!" really?... Madcatz... Really?


I just can't get my brain onside?

Im thinking £20 for a bluetooth headset and some awesome wireless headphones placed over the top lol :) I mean will these even work with the next box or other devices etc.. I'm not a tighty Mactighterson or anything, I'm spending about £800 on a wheel and pedals etc, but £200 for a set of headphones that allow us to talk and listen on XBL seems somewhat astonishing. There just must be a cheaper option surly, for kids or those on a budget or those who don't want their wife to leave them :-0

i think I'm going to have to go Bluetooth headset, plus over the ear headphones over the top until Microsoft and madcatz realse that charging more for headphones (to talk to people on line) actually costs more than the console, 1 yr live, forza, VIP pass, and a WSW :-0 what re they thinking! If MS can do it for £20 with the bluetooth one, they must be able to slam some headphones on it for those a budget? 


£200 for headphones for an 8yo console... They should be grateful were even still interested in this relic ! :) I mean I was 25 when this thing came out... 25! ... I had no kids, no mortgage, wasn't married... And they want me to fork out £200 from my wife's tightly controlled bank account for a pair of headphones...well..they are sorely mistaken! Coz I ain't Jason Bourne enough to deal with her wrath!...


I... I....think I just sprained my frontal lobe.....

​Cheap solutions anyone ;)  

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 04:22
mavictb's picture
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these will require a cable from the headset to the gamepad or wheel.

honestly wireless headphone and a bluetooth would likely end up being a little cheaper but not much. 115 quid.



these are cheaper but are not surround sound wich is nice to have even on a racing game. 80 quid


Tue, 10/16/2012 - 04:29
KnightofRedemption's picture
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LOL I am with you there mate, only cheap solution you have already mentioned slap on a pair of over the ear with the bog standard headset.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 04:44
HairyChineseKid's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Thanks guys,

I'll check those other ones out, but it looks like I'm gonna just have to use the home cinema at night at a £20 Bluetooth headset ...

It took a lot of snuggling up, to convince her i deserved to get a wheel as a treat, I even had to fake it a few times too! (fake my surprise at crap endings of the lame soaps she loves watching so much).


I even asked her how her day was a few times, pretended i was interested in her friends life's and even...I can't bring my self to tell you... Even... Made her a sammich!

Can you imagine the lengths I'd have to go to get headphones that cost £200. She'd make my take the bins out or something equally outrageous!

So, Bluetooth headset plus home cinema/maybe wired headphones.


thnks guys, I am surprised MS don't offer a cheaper wireless solution though, they are going for the casual gaming market but don't seem to produce casual gaming priced peripherals? Go figure?

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 06:04
brntguy's picture
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I use the microsoft wireless mic underneath my sennheiser headphones and imo is a great solution! I recommend this way cheap and no problems great sound and mic quality.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 06:13
HairyChineseKid's picture
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Thanks for that,

pin that case... This too will be my solution! Far cheaper and more flexible than just a set of Xbox headphones for £200. At least I know now that it'll work ok :)

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 10:19
oldrustybelly55's picture
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@ brnt. I was wondering if you get screen freeze when using the wireless headsets. I do.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 10:43 (Reply to #10)
POIDSLY's picture
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oldrustybelly55 wrote:

@ brnt. I was wondering if you get screen freeze when using the wireless headsets. I do.

Me too! Still! Months after the issue started, and I'm damned if I'm forking out for the Trittons when there is no guarantee they are going to work with next gen. MS seem incapable of fixing it.

So beginning of every MP race the mic has to go off.

@Hairy - note that Fanatecs (i know you are headed in that direction - FM.net) are shite in terms of headsets. The on board socket on the CSRE is highly unlikely to work with a plug in set. Mine (including replacement) has not worked since day 1.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 11:06 (Reply to #11)
Parcells2's picture
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POIDSLY wrote:

oldrustybelly55 wrote:

@ brnt. I was wondering if you get screen freeze when using the wireless headsets. I do.

Me too! Still! Months after the issue started, and I'm damned if I'm forking out for the Trittons when there is no guarantee they are going to work with next gen. MS seem incapable of fixing it.

So beginning of every MP race the mic has to go off.

@Hairy - note that Fanatecs (i know you are headed in that direction - FM.net) are shite in terms of headsets. The on board socket on the CSRE is highly unlikely to work with a plug in set. Mine (including replacement) has not worked since day 1.

second that...the wireless headsets and fanatec wheels still freeze up. Froze up on me on the weekend having not used it for a few months now. The old plug in headset does work for me with my Elite wheel...Turbo S never did work, not sure about the GT2's or standard CSRs 

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 13:06
Troysloth's picture
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If you are getting a Fanatec wheel.  I would advise you not to get anything that requires you to plug it into the wheel for in-game chat.  The Turtle Beach PX5 and XP500 advertise as being wireless, but still require an adapter to plug into your controller which will not work with a wheel.

There are only 2 wireless options for the wheel:

1. The official wireless headset from Microsoft. (Which I use and it works fine for me)

2. The Warhead wireless headphones from Tritton. (I have considered getting these, but don't play enough to justify the purchase)

I'm surprised Zero (Lawyer) hasn't responded here yet.  He has the Warheads and really likes them.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 19:23 (Reply to #13)
Zero7159's picture
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Troysloth wrote:

If you are getting a Fanatec wheel.  I would advise you not to get anything that requires you to plug it into the wheel for in-game chat.  The Turtle Beach PX5 and XP500 advertise as being wireless, but still require an adapter to plug into your controller which will not work with a wheel.

There are only 2 wireless options for the wheel:

1. The official wireless headset from Microsoft. (Which I use and it works fine for me)

2. The Warhead wireless headphones from Tritton. (I have considered getting these, but don't play enough to justify the purchase)

I'm surprised Zero (Lawyer) hasn't responded here yet.  He has the Warheads and really likes them.


I have the Warheads and absolutely love them.  They are spendy, $300, but worth it.  They work fine with my Fanatec wheel, because they connect directly to the Xbox.  Any other headset is going to have problems with a Fanatec wheel.  My first set of Warheads went bad, but Mad Catz quickly dispatched a replacement headset after I sent the defective set back.


Video gaming is a cheap hobby compared to many other guy hobbies, including hunting, fishing, football and cars.  Tell your wife you need the headset.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 14:37
Tourni6's picture
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I use a pair of X11's  :)

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 15:27
HairyChineseKid's picture
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So here's the plan... Thanks for all the advice guys. Really helped me out.

im gonna buy some cheap Sennheiser over ear headphones (HD201) and plug them into my AVR. Then I will use a MS Bluetooth mic thing (but there are 2 available/unsure which to get...origonal white one vs new slim black Bluetooth style one)


Now, as I have a pretty decent 9.2 setup (2 massiv paradigm subs apx 3ft from my face + 6 floor standing speakers a centre and 2 rear surrounds) I'm primarilly going to be using that so I don't mind these cheap headphones on the odd occasion I'll use em.


According to reviews though, thy are a pretty decent set and get awarded best sub £100 headphone, so that'll be good enough for 1hr of forza here nd there :)


Now, which wireless headset, that new black one, or the origonal white one? Which wireless mic do you use with your sennheisers?

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 11:10 (Reply to #16)
Troysloth's picture
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HairyChineseKid wrote:

Now, which wireless headset, that new black one, or the origonal white one? Which wireless mic do you use with your sennheisers?

I used to have the original white headset, but it wouldn't hold a charge anymore, so now I have the new black one with bluetooth.

Both work just fine, but the original white one isn't made anymore, so they are getting harder to find.  Don't buy a used one either because the battery probably won't last.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 18:09
brntguy's picture
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I have the orginal white one, had it for years and it still holds a great charge. Screen freeze using the mic? Don't know anything about it cuz it doesn't happen with this solution.

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 03:18
HairyChineseKid's picture
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Yea... She's not gonna go for that :(


I already used that one, I said I don't go out drinking, or to the football or any of that stuff... So a wheel (+Pedels+Shifter+Stand+Chair) is like an investment really as we can always sell it later, unlike drinking beer :)


And she let me order it all :) at a cost of nearly £1000!

So, I'd be pushing my luck asking her for access to another £200 on headphones... Particularly, when last year, I said exactly the same thing... It was to get her, to allow me to build and buy/build a home cinema... Cost was £2000 for the AVR and then apx £2000 for the speakers etc etc etc :) ...

Now she's all... Why d'you need headphones! You just finishd building a home cinema, now you don't even wanna used it!

:-/ typical...


Shes not wrong either lol :)

Ill also need to keep here sweet for more games, next box 720 etc in the months to come... 

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 15:57 (Reply to #19)
Zero7159's picture
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HairyChineseKid wrote:

Yea... She's not gonna go for that :(


I already used that one, I said I don't go out drinking, or to the football or any of that stuff... So a wheel (+Pedels+Shifter+Stand+Chair) is like an investment really as we can always sell it later, unlike drinking beer :)


And she let me order it all :) at a cost of nearly £1000!

So, I'd be pushing my luck asking her for access to another £200 on headphones... Particularly, when last year, I said exactly the same thing... It was to get her, to allow me to build and buy/build a home cinema... Cost was £2000 for the AVR and then apx £2000 for the speakers etc etc etc :) ...

Now she's all... Why d'you need headphones! You just finishd building a home cinema, now you don't even wanna used it!

:-/ typical...


Shes not wrong either lol :)

Ill also need to keep here sweet for more games, next box 720 etc in the months to come... 


I told my wife I need the headset so that she doesn't have to hear my games at all.  Since then, I have spent almost $1000 on headsets for my PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, over the last four or five years.  I originally had a set of Turtle Beach X5s, which cost $200.  When those started to go south, I upgraded to a set of Turtle Beach PX5s at a cost of $250.  I later got two sets of Turtle Beach Z6As at a cost of $100 each, for PC gaming.  Most recently, I got the Warheads for Xbox 360.  I prefer the PX5s over the Z6As (sound quality and the PX5s are wireless, the Z6As are not), and so I use them for PS3, PC and cell phone calls via Bluetooth.  I use at least one of my headsets every day, and on many days, I use both the PX5s and the Warheads.  All of these headsets cost me about what you would expect to spend on a decent receiver without the speakers.  So, its money well spent.

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 09:20
Parcells2's picture
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Parcells questions your gamertag and the grotesque images it generates but it sounds like you're living a well balanced life HairyChineseKid. yes

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 13:14
CProRacing's picture
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+1 on the X-11s


But I do use a pad.

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 14:35
KnightofRedemption's picture
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I was using the black one last night after all the echoing, no one seemed to notice a change so it seems to be okay.

Tue, 08/27/2013 - 13:14
TemeLolman's picture
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I'm planning to update my headset, anybody got Turtle Beach X12s in use, are they any good?? At the moment I'm using a basic cell phone stereo headset with xbox mic on top...
Tue, 08/27/2013 - 13:20
CProRacing's picture
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I got some 2 month ago and for the price I think are unbeatable

I also use them a lot on the PC so they suite me well.

Tue, 08/27/2013 - 16:27
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I have the x-11's and love 'em.

Tue, 08/27/2013 - 16:37
MaxPerforma's picture
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I have the X12's and they are good quality and only £34 from Amazon

Tue, 08/27/2013 - 17:00
GrimGrnninGhost's picture
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Are you using Fanatec wheel? if so, the TB's are really sensitive with the background noise for others

Tue, 08/27/2013 - 23:01 (Reply to #28)
TemeLolman's picture
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GrimGrnninGhost wrote:

Are you using Fanatec wheel? if so, the TB's are really sensitive with the background noise for others

No, using the pad...
Wed, 08/28/2013 - 05:46
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I AM using pad, and they are still really sensitive....

Wed, 08/28/2013 - 11:40
TemeLolman's picture
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What do you guys mean?? If someone farts in room next to me, you propably hear it, yes??

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