Captain Scarlet and Her Pirate's Booty initial impressions

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#1 Tue, 10/16/2012 - 08:46
jikado's picture
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Captain Scarlet and Her Pirate's Booty initial impressions

Played through the first area of the DLC just now.

Very pleased and impressed.

It's scaled to level 30, and I jumped in with my level 41 Commando, so, things were kind of a breeze, probably not the best way to judge the content, but, I still enjoyed what was there. Would have been awesome to play this after finishing the main game, so, if you're close, maybe hold off a bit.

Seems as though there were more weapons chests. New vehicle controls well, can drive sideways. First main quest-giver is funny, weird. Fun quests, however much they fit into the template. One quest reward gave a level 30 shotgun that was actually better than the 38 I've been carrying around.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 10:18
TANK's picture
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It's suppose to scale from 30 to 50+  as you go thru it.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 11:00
YEM's picture
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Fire and I went in with two 50s... they were levels 49-52

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 11:11
jikado's picture
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I guess I was also on playthrough 1, if that matters, and I was level 31 when I beat the game the first time. A few missions in, now, still haven't unlocked the new currency, and things are still at around level 30-32. I'll try restarting it later on TVHM, I'm guessing it will scale things up accordingly.

Still, not a big deal right now. They packed a *lot* into this. I've read it's 8 hours of gameplay, and that wouldn't surprise me.

Fri, 10/19/2012 - 08:41 (Reply to #4)
XF1R3X's picture
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jikado wrote:

Still, not a big deal right now. They packed a *lot* into this. I've read it's 8 hours of gameplay, and that wouldn't surprise me.


I think 8 hours is a stretch.  Yem and I finished the story line on true vault hunter mode in maybe 2.5 hours.  and the side quests can't take 6 hours.  IMO the DLC was not worth $10.  No real replayability other than the RAID bosses and thats once a day.  That pisses me off simply because this is not an MMORPG  it is an FPSRPG.  The game is based around shoot and loot,  moving from that model is a bad idea in my opinion.

Fri, 10/19/2012 - 09:57 (Reply to #5)
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
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XF1R3X wrote:

jikado wrote:

Still, not a big deal right now. They packed a *lot* into this. I've read it's 8 hours of gameplay, and that wouldn't surprise me.


I think 8 hours is a stretch.  Yem and I finished the story line on true vault hunter mode in maybe 2.5 hours.  and the side quests can't take 6 hours.  IMO the DLC was not worth $10.  No real replayability other than the RAID bosses and thats once a day.  That pisses me off simply because this is not an MMORPG  it is an FPSRPG.  The game is based around shoot and loot,  moving from that model is a bad idea in my opinion.

How did mention of your displeasue get met on the BL2 fourms?

Fri, 10/19/2012 - 19:13 (Reply to #6)
xBIGWIGx's picture
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XF1R3X wrote:

jikado wrote:

Still, not a big deal right now. They packed a *lot* into this. I've read it's 8 hours of gameplay, and that wouldn't surprise me.


I think 8 hours is a stretch.  Yem and I finished the story line on true vault hunter mode in maybe 2.5 hours.  and the side quests can't take 6 hours.  IMO the DLC was not worth $10.  No real replayability other than the RAID bosses and thats once a day.  That pisses me off simply because this is not an MMORPG  it is an FPSRPG.  The game is based around shoot and loot,  moving from that model is a bad idea in my opinion.


Not sure how you can think that it wasn't worth $10. Most companies put out less content, make you wait longer for it, and charge you $15. Taking it nice and easy, enjoying the scenery, doing some side quests, and I spent about 3.5 hours. Completed the first 5 Oasis side quests and 2 of the main story quests. Still have most of the "Message in a bottle" quests to do, most of the story, and some side quests.


To each their own I guess, but I have been very pleased with the DLC, as have my friends that also bought it. Probably helps that we don't farm loot, so this whole "once a day" thing that everyone is griping about hasn't been an issue.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 13:30
YEM's picture
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Hyperius the Invincible....... wow. Makes Terramorphous look like a scag pup.  And don't even get me started on Master Gee the Invincible. We couldn't even figure out how to hurt him.



And incase you're thinking it, no, the Bee/Conference call does not work.....

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 16:14
TANK's picture
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Great glad to hear there are some bad ass bosses to fight.  I hope the lootgasm at the end of the fights is worth the time.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 16:17 (Reply to #9)
YEM's picture
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TANK wrote:

.  I hope the lootgasm at the end of the fights is worth the time.


No, no it isn't. Barely dropped anything



And I've read that you can only fight them once a day, so no farming

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 16:19
TANK's picture
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Not realy gonna care then unfortuniatly.  I'll kill'em once to do the story and then move on.  It's stupid to put bad ass bosses in the game and then have them drop nothing of worth.

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 16:23
YEM's picture
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I think you get seraph crystals after beating both of them. And you need the crystals to buy the new seraph weapons

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 18:23
YEM's picture
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Master Gee is going to be tough.... you can't deal direct damage to him. Problem is, you get damaged by the same stuff that damages him

Tue, 10/16/2012 - 18:29
TANK's picture
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I think this once  a day raid boss thing is really a bone headed decision because it goes against the fundimental design of the game, cooping.  so you have to now pick and choose who you do or don't raid boss with now?   Or you killed the boss earlier in the day and then you hook up with your budz, get to the boss and then have to be like, i need to leave you here guys because i've already done this today?  Loot and farming aside, this is just a stupid decision.



Wed, 10/17/2012 - 07:20
XF1R3X's picture
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I'm formulating a blog now on the DLC and my Lack of enthusiasm for it

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 08:09
XF1R3X's picture
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Oh and if you thought you were going to Farm the end guy for all the chests.  You can;t.  You get 2 runs at it and you're done.  You cannot get back into that room again

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 08:56 (Reply to #16)
KoldfrontKraig's picture
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XF1R3X wrote:

Oh and if you thought you were going to Farm the end guy for all the chests.  You can;t.  You get 2 runs at it and you're done.  You cannot get back into that room again


 What if you dashboard after picking up the loot?




Wed, 10/17/2012 - 08:57
KoldfrontKraig's picture
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 Is there a way to start the new DLC that im not figuring out?


 I downloaded it but I cant see where to start...



Wed, 10/17/2012 - 09:09 (Reply to #18)
YEM's picture
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KoldfrontKraig wrote:

 Is there a way to start the new DLC that im not figuring out?


 I downloaded it but I cant see where to start...




You need to access it from a fast travel station. Look for Oasis

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 12:06
Pyrus's picture
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I haven't faced any of the raid bosses or finished the main storyline, but so far I love it. The general loot hasn't been great, but the overall pirate feel of everything is really well done. I'm enjoying the atmosphere, the humor and characters, and I like the feel of the sand skiff. So far, a win in my book.

Wed, 10/17/2012 - 12:06
TANK's picture
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I"m sure there will be ways around the chest opening thing, just like the golden chest. 

I've heard all those new guns are already out ther in the wild on the 360 and the initial reports are they all kind of suck.   They have some really good stats and you're like holy shit this is awesome then there's some MAJOR flaw making most of them worthless.

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 11:23
ProdigalFox's picture
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I like the DLC if just for the story and feel of the whole thing. But this limit on raid bosses and large purchase price on the seraph crystals is a huge turn off. Not to mention that you can't farm the end treasure. What are these guys thinking? They are making some terrible decsions if you ask me. I'm also extremely annoyed with the very low rate of legendary weapon drops. I understand keeping people playing your game but at a certain point I will just lose interest.

Also, how can anyone have the weapons you purchase with seraph crystals yet? Don't you only get like 8 crystal per boss and you can only fight each boss once a day? That means you are lucky to get 16 crystals a day meaning at this point you can only have 48 crystals? Am I missing something? I heard the average cost of a gun is 120 crystals. 

Fri, 10/19/2012 - 06:31 (Reply to #22)
YEM's picture
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ProdigalFox wrote:


Also, how can anyone have the weapons you purchase with seraph crystals yet? Don't you only get like 8 crystal per boss and you can only fight each boss once a day? That means you are lucky to get 16 crystals a day meaning at this point you can only have 48 crystals? Am I missing something? I heard the average cost of a gun is 120 crystals. 

They are playing offline and changing the clock on the 360

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 12:46
TANK's picture
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Ya this DLC is just to be played, and then left.  it's not an area that's really worth coming back and visiting in my opinion.  It's fine for what it is, there's just no 'late game' benifit to comign back here for looting.  The new weapons aren't really any good, there's maybe two choice things worth getting but even then, i'm not sure it's worth thehassles trying to get the currency to buy them.  Oranges are still the best weapons in the game.

I also was told that Gearbox farmed this out to another studio to build.  That could explain it's questionable design decisions.

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 18:12
JimSmyth's picture
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Got nothing from the "treasure". Bunch of blues and a couple of purples. I'll leave the side quests for latter I guess.

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 18:23
Samstag's picture
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I don't get the surprise about the chests being limited.  Did you guys forget how Knoxx's armory worked?  Or Roland's chest in sanctuary?

Fri, 10/19/2012 - 11:39
JimSmyth's picture
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Fri, 10/19/2012 - 16:12 (Reply to #27)
TANK's picture
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srsly.... how the fuck does someone figure that shit out O_o


When i get to the end of booty i'll have to give it a go :lol:



Fri, 10/19/2012 - 16:29 (Reply to #28)
JimSmyth's picture
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TANK wrote:

srsly.... how the fuck does someone figure that shit out O_o


When i get to the end of booty i'll have to give it a go :lol:




It took me about an hour of trail and error to figure out how to do it by following the instructions on the vid. Now it takes a couple of minutes to get in. Got one legendary on 3 runs so far.

Fri, 10/19/2012 - 18:02 (Reply to #29)
TANK's picture
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JimSmyth wrote:

TANK wrote:

srsly.... how the fuck does someone figure that shit out O_o


When i get to the end of booty i'll have to give it a go :lol:




It took me about an hour of trail and error to figure out how to do it by following the instructions on the vid. Now it takes a couple of minutes to get in. Got one legendary on 3 runs so far.


Seems like a much better use of time than farming warrior or terra :)

Sat, 10/20/2012 - 07:53
YEM's picture
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I think most of the time comes from trying to kill Hyperius and Master Gee..... that can be time consuming  109

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