Level 199 Siren

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#1 Mon, 10/22/2012 - 11:21
LocGaw's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Level 199 Siren

Reporting a player on my FL has reached level 199 on their Siren. No reply from the player yet on how they managed the glitch.


Anyone got any info?

Mon, 10/22/2012 - 12:15
TANK's picture
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Save game file hacking.  YOu can up your level, give yourself a thousand skill points, increase your inventory to thousands of slots, give yourself max money and E.  It's shockingly easy to do, i was curious myself.  I guess modding weapons though still remains a bit more challening but they are out there.



Mon, 10/22/2012 - 15:30
Full_Tilt_Panic's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Seems pointless. You do all that, then what?

Mon, 10/22/2012 - 16:21 (Reply to #3)
TANK's picture
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Full_Tilt_Panic wrote:

Seems pointless. You do all that, then what?

Hacking your backpack to have a couple hundred slots seems like a 'valid' hack to me :lol:  But ya, otherwise I don't see the point.  I twould be cool to have enough levels so you could max out your entire tree though.  I spend a lot of money respecing depending on what bosses i'm fighting. 


Also it seems like the modded weapons I see all require a really high level, like 150 or better.  It could be that there's some type of ceiling for damage hard coded in the game so you can't have level 50 weapons doing 10 million damage per bullet.   So the level of the weapons had to be raised to allow for the increased damage numbers.  Just a theory.



Mon, 10/22/2012 - 20:10
Full_Tilt_Panic's picture
Last seen: 11 years 5 months ago
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Yea, seeing what a maxxed out skills tree looked like would be cool. Not interesting enough to ruin the game though, at least not for me.

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 11:32
LocGaw's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 08/19/2006 - 23:00

Thanks for the info. It seems she promptly booted me from her FL after posting here about it.

Tue, 10/23/2012 - 23:39
Slater's picture
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How do you mod something on Xbox? I don't really want to get into that but I am curious how you would do that. Does it involve special software and do you have to move a game file to your PC somehow?

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 03:17 (Reply to #7)
KamakazeTaco's picture
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Slater wrote:

How do you mod something on Xbox? I don't really want to get into that but I am curious how you would do that. Does it involve special software and do you have to move a game file to your PC somehow?


That's pretty much it exactly. Take a flash drive and move some files around and change a few values and suddenly you're level 200 with an SMG that shoots rockets for 500k damage.

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 11:40 (Reply to #8)
TANK's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 days ago
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Slater wrote:

How do you mod something on Xbox? I don't really want to get into that but I am curious how you would do that. Does it involve special software and do you have to move a game file to your PC somehow?


YOu make a copy of your gamesave onto a USB flash drive.  Then load one or two different software packages onto your computer depending on the level of moding you wish to do and go to town.  Simple stuff like cloning your character, loading other peoples loot mule characters can all be done very easily, shockingly easy in fact.  MOdding weapons, character levels and increasing your bank/backpack sizes are a bit more complex and require a second piece of software and a bit more work manipulating the saves but it's still not difficult



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