Any non-lan attendees up for some legendary co-op on Saturday 11/10?
Wed, 10/24/2012 - 13:59
Any non-lan attendees up for some legendary co-op on Saturday 11/10?
My wife will be out that day with some of her friends and I really want to finish the story on legendary but there is no way in hell I can do it by myself. If anyone else that won't be attending the lan is interested let me know.
Love to! I've played it enough to know a few things that help, so shoot an FR to Mushroom Samba and we'll get things done! How far through have you managed so far on Legendary?
Sorry maybe I didn't clarify what I meant which game I wanted to do this on. My intentions were for Halo 4, my bad
Might be on in the afternoon. If so I will look for you.