How total damage is calculated (math involved)

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#1 Wed, 10/24/2012 - 15:51
TANK's picture
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How total damage is calculated (math involved)

Bahroo3 over in the gearbox forums decided to do some testing and some math to put this together.  It might make your head hurt  ..




For the sake of easy numbers all of the guns will be doing 1000 damage with no other damage increases.

Non - Elemental

Standard bullets are the most common weapon in Borderlands and also the worst.


Vs Flesh - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage
Vs Armor - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage
Vs Shield - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage


Vs Flesh - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage
Vs Armor - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage
Vs Shield - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage

Fire Damage

Next up is fire damage which is great when fighting targets that are considered "Flesh".


Vs Flesh - 1.5x - 1500 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 3000 Damage
Vs Armor - .75x - 750 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 1500 Damage
Vs Shield - .75x - 750 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 1500 Damage


Vs Flesh - 1.75x - 1750 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 3500 Damage
Vs Armor - .4x - 400 Damage - Slagged Bonus 2.0x - 800 Damage
Vs Shield - .4x - 400 Damage - Slagged Bonus 2.0x - 800 Damage

Corrosive Damage
Now we move onto Corrosive which is used against targets considered to be "Armored"


Vs Armor - 1.5X - 1500 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 3000 Damage
Vs Flesh - .9X - 900 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 1800 Damage
Vs Shields - .75X - 750 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 1500 Damage


Vs Armor - 1.75x - 1750 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 3500 Damage
Vs Flesh - .6x - 600 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 1200 Damage
Vs Shield - .4x - 400 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 800 Damage

Shock Damage

Shock damage is next and is better than using bullets in every way and is amazing Vs shields.


Vs Shield - 2.0x - 2000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 4000 Damage
Vs Flesh - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage
Vs Armor - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage


Vs Shield - 2.4x - 2400 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 4800 Damage
Vs Flesh - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage
Vs Armor - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage


For the most part explosive is the same as bullet but can have a blast radius so has the potential to kill multiple targets.


Vs Flesh - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage
Vs Armor - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage
Vs Shield - .8x - 800 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 1600 Damage


Vs Flesh - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage
Vs Armor - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 2000 Damage
Vs Shield - .8x - 800 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 2.0x - 1600 Damage


Finally we have Slag. While we doesn't get any multipliers it can put the Slag debuff on enemies which will make them take double damage


Vs Flesh - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 1.0x - 1000 Damage
Vs Armor - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 1.0x - 1000 Damage
Vs Shield - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 1.0x - 1000 Damage


Vs Flesh - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 1.0x - 1000 Damage
Vs Armor - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 1.0x - 1000 Damage
Vs Shield - 1.0x - 1000 Damage - Slagged Bonus - 1.0x - 1000 Damage

How to find your damage

For these tests I used in-game guns and the damage matched my calculations displayed here.

First off all of your gun damage bonuses are added together and then multiplied based on the element used and then if applicable will be multiplied for slag bonus. It also seems that Elemental weapons will round up but non-elemental will round down.

(Base + Skills + BA Rank + Class Mod + Relic) * (Gun Base) * (Elemental multiplier) * (Slagged Bonus) = Final Damage

Non-Elemental SMG - Vs Flesh - Normal Mode - No Slag

(1 + .6 + .128 + .29 + .3)* 321 * 1 * 1 = 744.078 (Rounded Down) = 744

Non-Elemental SMG - Vs Flesh - Normal Mode - Slag

(1 + .6 + .128 + .29 + .3)* 321 * 1 * 2 = 1488.156 (Rounded Down) = 1488

Caustic Sniper - Vs Flesh - Normal Mode - No Slag

(1 + .6 + .128 + .29 + .3)*1053 * .9 * 1 = 2196.7686 (Rounded Up) = 2197

Caustic Sniper - Vs Flesh - TVHM - Slag

(1 + .6 + .128 + .29 + .3)*1053 * .6 * 2 = 2929.0248 (Rounded Up) = 2930

Caustic Sniper - Vs Flesh - TVHM - No Slag

(1 + .6 + .128 + .29 + .3)*1053 * .6 * 1 = 1464.5124 (Rounded Up) = 1465

How do Amp Shields factor into this?

Amp Damage is simply added AFTER the gun damage multipliers and BEFORE the elemental and Slag

((Base+Skills)* Gun Base) + Amp Shield * Elemental Multiplier * Slag Bonus

Fire SMG - Vs Flesh - Normal Mode with 501 Amp - No Slag

((1+.20) * 212) + 501 * 1.5 * 1 = 1131 .1 (Rounded Up) = 1132

How Does "Deals Bonus Elemental Damage" work?

All guns with the "Extra Elemental Damage" perk get an additional 50% damage multiplier. This is applied after gun damage and before Elemental Multiplier.

(Base+Skills) * (Gun Base) * (Extra Elemental Damage) * (Elemental Multiplier) * (Slag Bonus)

Fire Sniper with extra Elemental Damage Vs Flesh Target - Np Slag

(1+.2)* 910 * 1.5 * 1.5 * 1 = 2457

(Base+Skills) * (Gun Base) * (Extra Elemental Damage) * (Elemental Multiplier) * (Slag Bonus)

How do Critical Hits come into play?

Critical Hits are applied after all damage bonuses but before Slag Bonus.

Damage bonus for Critical hits varies based on Weapon Type.

SMG - 100% Bonus
Pistol - 100% Bonus
Assault Rifle - 66.66%
Shotgun - 100%
Launcher - None
Sniper - 200% Bonus

(Base+Skills) * (Gun Base) * (Extra Elemental Damage) * (Elemental Resistance Bonus) * (Critical Hit) * (Slag Bonus)

Fire Sniper with extra Elemental Damage Vs Flesh Target - No Slag

(1+.2)* 910 * 1.5 * 1.5 * 3 * 1 = 7371

Fire Sniper with extra Elemental Damage Vs Flesh Target - Slag

(1+.2)* 910 * 1.5 * 1.5 * 3 * 2 = 14742

(Base+Skills) * (Gun Base) * (Extra Elemental Damage) * (Elemental Resistance Bonus) * (Critical Hit) * (Slag Bonus)

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 16:50
SirPoonga's picture
Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
Joined: 02/20/2006 - 23:00

How about just shoot things until they are dead?

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 17:11 (Reply to #2)
TANK's picture
Last seen: 4 years 12 months ago
Joined: 06/10/2005 - 23:00
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SirPoonga wrote:

How about just shoot things until they are dead?

This isnt' call of duty :lol:

Fri, 10/26/2012 - 12:01
LocGaw's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
Joined: 08/19/2006 - 23:00

Some RPG players and many MMO players figure DPS for their builds. That way they can figure out what tweaks are doing what.

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