Knight races at SR4L
Thu, 09/27/2012 - 17:23
Knight races at SR4L
So a fellow from the ISI rF2 forum is tempting me to join an open wheel racing league, running the F3 Sparks and Evo's in rF2. It is only once a month so I think I may go for it. Nikos the guy in question seems a sound sort of bloke, we find ourselves chatting quite a lot around that forum so I assume the rest of the guys are of a similar mindset. All mature racers as well. Never gone much for open wheelers so it will be interesting.
Sounds intresting.
Hope you do well fella!
Two Races today, got a third and a fourth in a Spark at Spa...beginning of the week I couldn't do two laps in a row so pretty arms are now about ready to fall off.
So here is my competition Spark
[url=]KnightofRedemption Spark[/url] by [url=]Knight of Redemption[/url], on Flickr
208 rides again
Love it!!
First real race tomorrow...gonna lose big style but this car at Spa is huge fun so I don't give a damn, just gonna try to finnish
How did you do?
Much better than I expected, 18 runners and I got 4th, 6th and 4th. so close to 3rd in the first race I could see it...great fun
Exausted after being in the rig from 4:30 through to 10:15 Looking forward to the next one,.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo LOL
The link to the SR4L forum is
Here is a link to the thread on the rF2 forum that also has info
They seem a good enough bunch and these races are open to anyone, no pressure to join the host club and you can indeed set up your own team to run under if you so wish, I have set up a GBR Team but as of yet not got it registered .
Submitted application for the site. Interested in running with you on the 6, 12 & 24 hour events. Plenty busy for other series though.
Grand stuff it will be nice to actually race another team similar in set up to us, it is more euro based so it suits me to be involved with them but always as a GBR driver :-)
First three races in the Formula 2's fourth in the first and fith in the last two, horrible lack of FFB in these cars but the races were fun and I did better than I expected.
LOL well due to some strange cock up in the display of positions on my machine and a rather gung ho dive into the pits those should read 5th, DSQ and 6th. Oh well as I was not even going to enter due to the difficulty I had getting to grips with these F2's I am still not too disapointed LOL
I may try to catch a race or 2 around EUSL & Britcar activities.
Got to say I'm not a great fan of the F2's but a race is a race and it's nice to use rF2 against humans. No reall commitment needed mate so dropn in and out as you wish, small core of hard core regulars and the rest are in and out.
Only problem is I can't even keep an F3 on the bloody road.
I can keep 'em on the road, just too bleedin slowly Just been running some laps for Portugal this Sat...woeful. But consistency counts for a lot in these, many fall by the wayside by crashing out over cooking...But even so...woeful LOL
Maybe I would have a bit better luck if I'd get away from Monaco..gif)
Oh for sure, that is one tough track, Spa is better, almost full throttle all the way around in the F3 Spark once you get hang of it...some corners are a real grit your teeth and stay on that throttle when every bone in your body is screaming lift
Portugal is far more technical and is killing me. I will say I know every cow and horse around Spa very well, having killed most of them many times, and flown my car over most of the fences...but once you get it it's a joy.
God I can't wait for March, we move in our house and I get my PC setup again. :( I miss my open wheel on iRacing