Skipping dialogue
Sat, 11/03/2012 - 08:49
Skipping dialogue
If you're given the chance to skip dialogue (that you haven't heard) in a game, do you skip it?
I usually watch the first or second time through to make sure there aren't any clues I've missed, especially early in a game because they're often trying to teach you how to play?
No, I don't skip it the first time. After the first play through I do unless it is a part of the game I missed the first time through.
oh, and if it is a game the kids want me to play, no matter how many times they have seen it I have to watch it. Again and again and again and again.......
Ha! So true.
only if it's pure text. If it's a cut scene I'll watch it. If it's a wall of text I skip it.
If I have not heard or read it then I never skip. Sometimes, if I have not played the game in a long time, I will not skip either. If it is a well played game, then I skip often.
I do both ... depending on the game and how into it will I read it ..
last two games I know I read all the dialogue was: Alpha Protocol and White Knight 1