Mechwarrior Friends List
Mechwarrior Friends List
Just post your name exaclty how it appears in the mechwarrior game so people can add you to their friends list. pay attention to spaces and capitols. Unofficial get together time is friday nights.
So there is no misinterpretations; when a player is not in raidcall, but they are playing MWO, it is an accepted belief they want to play alone. If you currently do not have a mic and would still like to get in a group, then please use raidcall. It has a chat feature as well as private messages. Way easier for you to get noticed that way then trying to use the abyssmal social feature in MWO.
New Recruits New List
1. Dogcow
2. Soridu Snake
3. nuclear jellybean
Recruits (just to help get new pilots noticed)
1. sycocys
2. BirdToes
3. Scheron
4. MiniVan0G
5. Tom 78 (with space in the middle)
6. lolyat
7. Juju2112
8. Laphroa1g
10. OODA2
11. CaptCaveman
12. Asifyouknew
13. Maverick 69 (with a space)
14. Silverghost26
16. Canaan Knight
17. Peccavi
18. Drake67
19. Neekoli
20. RX 187 (space between)
21. Feetwet
22. GTV Zeratul (with a space)
23. RavenWolf GC (with space)
24. Amsro
25. Mudslinger
26. Elf Poop
27. Razgar
28. Peter Powers (with space)
29. kuangmk11
30. Kharpo
31. Gods Wrath (with a space)
32. Killaxis!
1. KuruptU4Fun
2. Divine Retribution
3. Raven Starbinder (with a space)
4. CancR
5. FerretGR
6. Cynfire
7. Exark
8. BadBug (back from the dead bitches!)
10. DragonVerity
11. Doomstryke
12. SunRun
13. Wildedge
14. Jonathan Paine (with a space)
15. Zekez
16. MachineMk2
17. Netty Kelly
18. Euphor Kell
19. grlpwr
20. crazyahren
Taking a break/ Waiting for more content Speak up if you made it here and shouldn't be. Thanx
1. Cyllan
2. Lothus
3. Theriophonic
4. Cimex
5. Morglum
6. scratchski
7. Mantaray
8. Sir Billingsly
10. TukkerIntensity
11. GatorG
15. Polteg Ice (working to hard)
Fallen Warriors/ not playing anymore
1. Rau2o2p
2. Ignatz22
-PS. Don't forget to download raidcall, the voip client we use to get together in MWo. Without it you will just be gaming alone. Remeber fire up raidcall when you fire up MWO. Raidcall info can be found at the link below.
Unofficial get together time is friday nights.
Divine Retribution
Just sent invites to all you guys. From Theriophonic
BTW Cyllan, love your profile pic. The Tick is one of my favorite shows from yesteryear. Spoon.
Raven Starbinder
thats 10 of us so far! Sweet.
Came to this site after seeing the post on the MWO forums. :)
Welcome to the site and especially the Mayhem!
I suck at this game but it's fun :)
just a heads up folks had my ingame name changed to my old tag Mantaray.
Being new and seeking some buddies to game with,.gif)
My name in MWO is: Sir Billingsly
Hope to see you.
Sir Billingsly.
Another new guy looking for groups to run with.
Cynfire in MWO
Looking forward to melting mechs
20 peeps! Woot!
a little update to the friends list. I think BADBUG has moved on as I have seen him playing but he hasn't ever joined us, he is always in a group. Has not answered chat requests or forum pm's. So any newcomers might find it unecessary to try and add him to their roster.
I think sir billingsly has moved on to another group as well. I see in the mwomercs that he has changed alligences to Davian. I never see him on beta as well. I do not see on beta Lothus, TukkerIntensity, Cyllan, Cimex, Theriophonic, MachineMK2, and Mantaray. Mantaray could be on deployment, I could be wrong about Mantaray. He would be unavaliable for a while.
Then Polteg if you have the ability narrow down that list of people or change it to show people who are active players please.
good idea kurupt I will try and show those who are inactive. Thanx for the help raven. I added scratchski to the inactive list as well. Let me know if thats wrong. Also if I put anyone else in there that is active let me know. tHanx
Remember though many people have decided to take a break and wait for more content to be released, so don't delete them off your friends list. But if you know somebody has moved on to another group or is definitely not playing anymore, make sure you let us know. Then we can save others from adding friends who they wont get to game with.
I think we should add Exark to the active list, if he is not a member of the site we should add him to the friends list.
I try not to add peoples profile information without their direct request. If they haven't posted their information, then i have to assume it may be on purpose.
I'm still around. Just between work, Borderlands 2, Halo 4, and XCom...and the wife.....I haven't paid much attention to MWO. But I will soon.