Coming to terms
Wed, 11/07/2012 - 10:09
Coming to terms
Hello, my name is Ammo and I'm an addict
So my wife was giving me hell last night because I was reading "Ultimate Speed Secrets" by Ross Bentley. Since I can't setup my pc to race right for a few monhts I figured I would get some reading in. Anyways she pointed and laughed and asked if I wanted a racing helmet for Christmas for when I get to do iracing again. I got my hopes up til I realized that she ways using sarcasm.
Oh that woman is cruel
Btw for anyone else like me, aka slow, I am enjoying this book. I downloaded on my ipad and its a good read about techniques for racing. This along with watching the iracing school videos has got me anxious for doing some racing.
Thanks for the heads up Ammo!!
I will have a look at getting this book. Should help me![yes yes](
Do they have it on DVD?