Public custom lobbies

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#1 Wed, 11/07/2012 - 18:11
POIDSLY's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
Joined: 01/02/2010 - 23:00

Public custom lobbies

Ran one of these tonight after a great session testing BPC cars with Kraigger.


Not sure what Gizzie thought but I quite enjoyed the unknown drop ins, who it must be said were all good news. Thought many were older and potential sign ups.

Will summon the courage to do a few more of these. Think it's a really positive thing to run, so I will run these when I can. Look for the invites and join if you want.

Wed, 11/07/2012 - 18:56
Sherb's picture
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I still remember the last one of these we accidently ran in Dirt3 w/ Parcells.  Ended up w/ a couple Pre-pubes that thought they were all that, drove like tools and would not shut up.  Couldn't even take hints when we started mentioning "diarrhea of the mouth" & "Do you even breathe?"

That said, we have had some decent ones in FM4 in the past.

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 01:59
Tourni6's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
Joined: 01/22/2010 - 23:00

I think use with caution, or, use in a clever way :D

Casual nights, then run them open and kick anyone who is being an ass.  But, for your series - switch the room to pub just before you hit the go button - it would allow people to join and watch :)

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 04:19 (Reply to #3)
CProRacing's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
Joined: 02/06/2011 - 23:00

Tourni6 wrote:

I think use with caution, or, use in a clever way :D

Casual nights, then run them open and kick anyone who is being an ass.  But, for your series - switch the room to pub just before you hit the go button - it would allow people to join and watch :)


Good idea!

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 14:18
oldmodelt's picture
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Have jumped into a couple of good rooms lately under the USER CREATED section.  Full sim, stock sometimes.  Even had to dis insanerc last night.  He wanted to talk but had told the room that I could race for 30 mins if that was okay.  They had no problem and didn't want to ring and run on them so to speak so had to decline insanerc's invite to  a party chat.  Will mention 2O4F to guys when I see them again.  Will be on and have no problem running room late/early am for those of us who are too cheap to buy Horizon.  Be prepared for 3-10 lappers, full sim, no brake line type of stuff.  AI thrown in sometimes to make us fight our way to the front.  Keeps you guys honest.  Think of them like courteous Timmies.  But will drop sim occassionally to run the tracks that don't have pits. 

Send me a FR so you will know when I'm on.

Sat, 11/10/2012 - 09:32
gizziegod's picture
Last seen: 8 years 10 months ago
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the room with poid was googd we had some good races and only one guy was a fanny

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