Call of Halo - Why Halo 4 sucks

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#1 Thu, 11/08/2012 - 15:59
Bonecollektor's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/03/2009 - 23:00

Call of Halo - Why Halo 4 sucks

I'm going to keep this short for now because I'm on my phone and don't want to sit here for 30 minutes trying to type all this crap out with my thumbs. Lol

Ok, so my opinion is the game sucks. It's not a true Halo game. Now I will be honest and say I hate the CoD series and that's why I think Halo 4 is shit. 343 tried to make the game too much like another CoD game. So much has changed to mimic that of a CoD game that I'm really regretting my purchase. The custom loadouts, perks, rank, the score to win, kill cam, grenade location, the list goes on and on. Forcing me to have to play more just to unlock more crap that gives me a competetive edge over someone else is crap. That's one thing I liked about Halo, or Gears, is that I could pick up the controller 6 months from now and still have a level playing field against someone that out ranks me. And now that's gone in Halo 4. That's one of the many reasons I can't stand CoD. 

I understand 343 was trying something "new" but, this sucks. Are they just trying to win over some of the CoD players? Because if that's the case it's not going to work. People play Halo because it's Halo. People play Gears because it's Gears. And people play CoD because it's CoD. Each game has it's own style and fan base. Simply merging styles like this isn't going to work. The verfy few peiple who are CoD fans that do start playing Halo now because of the style change will abandon the game by the time the new CoD comes out and by then the fans of the original Halo style will have abandoned the game as well for a previous version. So what is there to gain? 

So much for keeping this short. I'm going to elaborate some more later but, I just felt the need to put this out there and see if anyone else was as disappointed in Halo 4 as I was.

thanks for listening. Going back to Reach

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 16:10
Thom293's picture
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I've never played CoD but for one gaming session, so I can't comment on that, but I am loving the new Halo.   All of the weapons (and parhaps AA ansd other upgrades) are available by level 22, which you can get to really easy.  The specializations seem to be the only exception. All of the power weapons are available to everyone from the start, either on-map or by drop.  I haven't really felt 'out geared' ever.  

Sadly, I've been 'out-skilled' quite a few times.  ;)

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 18:11
Autarch's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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So this game reminds you of another game, and is then incapable of being fun?  I mean there are things in both games that are similar.  For example, there are guns that shoot bullets.  I however have managed to get past the fact that guns shoot bullets in this game like so many others, and am enjoying it for what it is.

So I guess have fun going back to a game the developers didn't even want to make or support.

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 18:57
Bonecollektor's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 02/03/2009 - 23:00

Guns shoot bullets...really? Save your sarcasm for the playground noob. I was making a general observation and opinion about a game in a franchise that I happen to be a fan of that just sucks compared to previous games in the series. And how did Bungie not support Reach? It had plenty of DLC and has great MP. Their contract with M$ was up and they were ready to move on from the Halo series (unfortunately). If you're going to post a sarcastic response at least have a decent arguement or something that doesn't make you look like a complete moron.

Thu, 11/08/2012 - 19:23 (Reply to #4)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Bonecollektor wrote:

Guns shoot bullets...really? Save your sarcasm for the playground noob. I was making a general observation and opinion about a game in a franchise that I happen to be a fan of that just sucks compared to previous games in the series. And how did Bungie not support Reach? It had plenty of DLC and has great MP. Their contract with M$ was up and they were ready to move on from the Halo series (unfortunately). If you're going to post a sarcastic response at least have a decent arguement or something that doesn't make you look like a complete moron.

Um yeah. I don't have the time for this name calling crap.

Stop now!


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