I'm able to switch some buttons because I have a razor onza.
How do you like your onza? I heard it had quality issues, so I returned mine without opening it.
I use bumper jumper, but added two buttons to the underside of my controller (armor ability and reload), so I don't use the face buttons. I modded that controller for Reach, and I honestly can't play without it now. I hope it doesn't break.
Has anyone used a SCUF controller? They are expensive, but also have2 buttons (they call them paddles) on the bottom.
How do you like your onza? I heard it had quality issues, so I returned mine without opening it.
i love the controller.
there are some quality issues. i returned mine when it started having problems and got a free replacement and another year added on to extend the replacement warranty through BestBuy.
i'm stuck using it now because i'm screwed and "made a deal with the devil". i don't really feel like relearning the buttons, so i'm rolling with it as is.
Recon for me but I'm still trying to get used to it. Ever since MW3 I'm used to pushing down the left thumbstick to run, instead I end up crouching so instead of turning around and running away around a corner I just turn around and crouch a few times and die.
Default is working well for me. Having Sprint on the left stick is great since I'm so used to it from playing MW3.
I'll have to try out Fishstick at some point, but I really don't see myself switching from Default. I've never been comfortable with Melee on the right stick. I like having Melee on the right bumper better.
Boxer ftw! Less than a week of playing and I can't even remember what the old button layout was. It has barely changed?! B is sprint, d pad switches grenades, that's it. Other than that it's same same :)
Bumper Jumper for me. I'm still getting used to Sprint on A and nade switch using the d-pad, but that will come with time.
Default - it's almost perfect, I just wish I could swap Sprint (click left thumbstick) with Crouch (B button).
I can't stop jamming the stick during jumps.
I wouldn't think it'd be difficult - since Jump is A in Default, you can just slide your thumb from A to B.
That's what she said.
bumper jumper
I'm able to switch some buttons because I have a razor onza.
How do you like your onza? I heard it had quality issues, so I returned mine without opening it.
I use bumper jumper, but added two buttons to the underside of my controller (armor ability and reload), so I don't use the face buttons. I modded that controller for Reach, and I honestly can't play without it now. I hope it doesn't break.
Has anyone used a SCUF controller? They are expensive, but also have2 buttons (they call them paddles) on the bottom.
i love the controller.
there are some quality issues. i returned mine when it started having problems and got a free replacement and another year added on to extend the replacement warranty through BestBuy.
i'm stuck using it now because i'm screwed and "made a deal with the devil". i don't really feel like relearning the buttons, so i'm rolling with it as is.
It sitll works? Mine doesn't.
Recon for me but I'm still trying to get used to it. Ever since MW3 I'm used to pushing down the left thumbstick to run, instead I end up crouching so instead of turning around and running away around a corner I just turn around and crouch a few times and die.
"Fishstick" layout for me. Pretty much identical to COD, so I don't have to remember diff layouts when switching between games.
Recon. Still getting used to sprint on X and nade change on D-pad.
Default is working well for me. Having Sprint on the left stick is great since I'm so used to it from playing MW3.
I'll have to try out Fishstick at some point, but I really don't see myself switching from Default. I've never been comfortable with Melee on the right stick. I like having Melee on the right bumper better.
always Recon. I need melee on the B button.
This, and for the same reason
Boxer ftw! Less than a week of playing and I can't even remember what the old button layout was. It has barely changed?! B is sprint, d pad switches grenades, that's it. Other than that it's same same :)
Bumper Jumper for me.
bumper jumper
tried fishstick because i play more cod then halo but for some reason like bumper jumper better for halo.