Sup' Copes! Long time. I have a feeling H4 might bring back a lot of old timers. How bout' posting how you heard about 2o2p. I can't remeber what site the article was in. But,I found out about 2o2p after reading Agonizing Gas' satire about little "Timmy". Hes the man who coined the name.
Sup' Copes! Long time. I have a feeling H4 might bring back a lot of old timers. How bout' posting how you heard about 2o2p. I can't remeber what site the article was in. But,I found out about 2o2p after reading Agonizing Gas' satire about little "Timmy". Hes the man who coined the name.
i had been gaming with a group that i met on Weezin Geezers and I heard that a bunch of people had left that site to come here when it was created. i checked it out, liked it and set up shop
May 27th 2005
Sup' Copes! Long time. I have a feeling H4 might bring back a lot of old timers. How bout' posting how you heard about 2o2p. I can't remeber what site the article was in. But, I found out about 2o2p after reading Agonizing Gas' satire about little "Timmy". Hes the man who coined the name.
epeen contest yipee.gif)
where the fuck you been
duece thousand and 6
Sup Copes!!!
sup sup:)
A lot of good names are still here or have come back.
One of the old guard still around, 6/10/2005
I win
how's that? it says right there you joined a few weeks after me, and i'm a noob.
I don't see what you mean? :P
6 yrs and a week... Wow
Meh, I got nothing here. I have been a XBL member for a minute though.
in da house :-)
I LOVE this place <3
7 years 28 weeks, so that puts me in 2005 and fuck all if I know what month :)
too early to do math
edit - ooops, jsut saw that it lists it under my pic. :D
Where am I? Who are these people?
My clan fell apart at the begining of Chromehounds. I was wandering without home until Sha PM'd me to join 2old2play.
Wow...5 years and I still feel like the youngin!
i had been gaming with a group that i met on Weezin Geezers and I heard that a bunch of people had left that site to come here when it was created. i checked it out, liked it and set up shop
you might not recognize me, because I had a full head of hair back
<--- then
So, what's the cut off date to be considered old school? I think I'm middle aged.
Well played
I think I'm Old School.