After the first playthru

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#1 Wed, 10/24/2012 - 09:04
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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After the first playthru

Playthru 2 and 2.5?

Not quite sure what this is, though I've seen it mentioned several times. Just got done with the main storyline and went and did a lot of the Badass list stuff thru the first run. Can anyone expand on this (2/ 2.5) for me please?

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 10:08
Pyrus's picture
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Once you complete the final quest of the story, if you save and quit, then start up again, you'll have the option to select Normal (play through 1, for finishing up side quests and what not), or True Vault Hunter Mode (TVHM - play through 2). This lets you start over and play through the story again, but against higher level and tougher enemies, while retaining all or your accumulated gear and skills.

When you complete the final story mission in TVHM (you may have to save and quit, then restart again, not 100% sure), all of the enemies everywhere, as well as all the vending machines and loot that enemies drop, scales up to max level. The scaling also applies to any side quests (and their rewards!) that you have yet to complete in TVHM. The world is now your playground 1

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 11:33
TANK's picture
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When you finish your first go thru, you'll get a pop up that says you've unlocked True Vault Hunter Mode (TVHM) with that character.  Now you start the game again but everything starts out leveled at like 35 or so, you will face differet versions of enemies and some super versions.  Generally speaking it's tougher.


Now Playthru 2.5 is something different, it's not actually a mode.   When you get to the end of TVHM there is no pop up that says you unlocked Playthru 2.5.  In order to explain what 2.5 is, you have to look at the mission/reward structure.  When you accept a mission into your quest log from a sign or person, it gets locked at the level appropriate for when you accepted it.  SO if you take a side mission at level 35 that gives you a gun or relic as a reward, it doesn't matter if you do it now or when you're  a level 50, that mission is locked at level 35 and so will the reward be that level.

So the idea is that in playthru 2 (TVHM) you stick to story missions and non-reward item side quests.  YOu don't even accept reward missions into your quest log until you finish TVHM.   At that point you should be level 50 and now you go back and accept all your side quests.  This is where the .5 of a playthru comes in i guess becaus you'll lock all those mssions and rewards in at level 50 so you'll be getting the best rewards possible out of the missions.



Sun, 11/04/2012 - 18:02
Jedi_Kez's picture
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Any good way to level up a few levels outside of missions? I'm at a point in playthrough 2 where it seems I am 2 levels too low (things that are dropping are too high for my current level to equip). I could go aroind killing enemies that strikes me as taking too long? I'm thinking of going and doing some of the side missions now that offer just green weapons, rather than save them all for playthrough 2.5.
Mon, 11/05/2012 - 12:14 (Reply to #4)
TANK's picture
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Jedi_Kez wrote:
Any good way to level up a few levels outside of missions? I'm at a point in playthrough 2 where it seems I am 2 levels too low (things that are dropping are too high for my current level to equip). I could go aroind killing enemies that strikes me as taking too long? I'm thinking of going and doing some of the side missions now that offer just green weapons, rather than save them all for playthrough 2.5.


Do non-item reward missions or re-play earlier story missions coop with someone who hasnt' done them yet and you'll still get xp awards.  Or see if any of your friends are grinding Terra or Warrior, even if you can't help much you'll get big xp bumps.  You get 22k or so from Warrior and 21k from Terra.  Or just play you game thru coop, bringing in 3 more people is a good way to skew the odds in your favor.  It's very hard to do TVHM story missions only alone.



Sun, 11/04/2012 - 18:15
KuruptU4Fun1976's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
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I've found it's more a matter of strategy. Playing TVHM with my level 37 Zero requires I lean heavier on tactics than I do on raw weapon power. Stand off and pop one for surprise with a sniper rifle.  Let they're psychos come charging and either snipe them or use a shotgun when they get too close then go and use assault rifles/ auto pistols/ shotguns on the remaining enemies in that area. It's a bit more slow going but I find I spend much less on re-news from dying.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 11:27
Pyrus's picture
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The particular strengths of elemental types are amplified in TVHM as well. Shock is more effective against shields than in pt 1, corrosive is more effective against armor (yellow health bars), and flame is more effective against flesh. Definitely lean on those heavily. Slag is more effective as well.

Elementals are also less effective in TVHM against their non-strength enemies - i.e. corrosive is less effective against shields and flesh, fire against shields and armor, etc.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 16:28
Full_Tilt_Panic's picture
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Quick question. I understand you keep your skill and badass level, but do the challenges all reset on the next play-thru?

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 18:08 (Reply to #8)
TANK's picture
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Full_Tilt_Panic wrote:

Quick question. I understand you keep your skill and badass level, but do the challenges all reset on the next play-thru?


Challenges do not reset when you take a character from Normal to TVHM.   The only time they reset is if you start a brand new character on the same profile.  In which case badass rank would remain but all challenges would be reset.



Mon, 11/05/2012 - 17:29
StrikeZ's picture
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I just hit TVHM I learned quickly when I ran up to the Flynt fight and could not hurt him.  I was balsting him with a rocket launcher and barely denting his shield.  I need a schock sniper to bring his shields down.  I saved and quit.  I may jump to santuary and use a key or 2 to get my weapon strangth up.  Up to that point I was holding my own, I had some good fights with the armored psychos.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 18:10 (Reply to #10)
TANK's picture
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StrikeZ wrote:

I just hit TVHM I learned quickly when I ran up to the Flynt fight and could not hurt him.  I was balsting him with a rocket launcher and barely denting his shield.  I need a schock sniper to bring his shields down.  I saved and quit.  I may jump to santuary and use a key or 2 to get my weapon strangth up.  Up to that point I was holding my own, I had some good fights with the armored psychos.


Ya it's important to keep your weapon levels progressing along with your level.  YOu can't take on TVHM bad guys with level 29 guns.  You'll get your ass handed to you.   This is a good time to use some of those golden chest keys if you've been hording them.  Or see if some budz have some lower level guns they don't need anymore.


Mon, 11/12/2012 - 08:43
bynx's picture
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Question about this. I was completely unaware of this. I completed the game a while back and do not remember this option. Can I go back and get the TVHM? Where would I do that? Thanks in advance. 

Mon, 11/12/2012 - 09:05 (Reply to #12)
Jedi_Kez's picture
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bynx wrote:

Question about this. I was completely unaware of this. I completed the game a while back and do not remember this option. Can I go back and get the TVHM? Where would I do that? Thanks in advance. 

Go to change character (I think "Y"). Select your character and it should let you pick normal or TVHM. You can switch back and forth whenever you want.
Mon, 11/12/2012 - 13:54
bynx's picture
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