BTB tips
BTB tips
Okay. I've played with quite a few folks and I've assembled a few pointers from watching them.
1. Enemy vehicles are bad. I feel like this isn't something you'd need to be told, but apparently it is. When 1 person on the enemy team manages to rack up 30 kills in the gauss hog, maybe you should consider occasionally shooting it.
2. We are not a charity, stop giving away vehicles. Countless times I see this now, enemy just casually walks into our base and nabs the ghost or mantis and nobody seems to notice or care until at least 3 people die by it. Perfectly happy to let someone just be on our side of the map.
3. Map control is not a bad thing. I don't know what it is. Is everyone's spartan agoraphobic? But for some reason people just love to sit in their base and make no attempt to move or eliminate the enemy or anything like that. They'll complain all match long that the other team keeps shooting them and they've got nowhere to go, but balk at the suggestion of actually doing something about it.
4. The beam rifle is a sniper rifle. 1 shot to the head, 2 to the body. Very simple but every game someone has to ask what it is.
5. Don't be afraid of the plasma pistol. BTB has a lot of vehicles, the plasma pistol is good at stopping vehicles. This should be fairly obvious, but when the other team has a lot of vehicles your team should run a lot of plasma pistols.
I'll help you out Taco.
1. Team shooting - you want to take out that banshee quickly and don't have a power weapon on hand? Get your team to dmr/br/light rifle that thing. It will drop quickly. Same with hogs. Wraiths and tanks are another beast, but that's why they are slow.
2. As you said, have a few people equip the PP as a secondary weapon to stop vehicles in their tracks.
3. Stickies are your friend, moreso in btb. Hog doing circles around the map in Exile? Hide behind a rock and stick them as they drive by.
4. Don't be afraid to give up a weapon/vehicle to a better operator. I suck at flying the banshee, in fact I suck at most vehicles in general, but if I'm at the enemy's base and their banshee spawns, I will steal it, fly it to our base, and give it to our banshee pilot.
5. Weapons disappear quickly after they are dropped. If you have a power weapon and are killed, let a teammate know!
6. Don't push too far into the enemy's base. Spawns will swap quickly and you could be stuck in the middle of the map without any access to vehicles.
7. Plan your move. DMR has very little bloom so it can kill you quickly from a distance. Move from cover to cover and stay out of the open.
I'll post more if I think of some. I may also post some general tips on all btb maps.
I agree that the plasma pistol is a good thing. If you are co-ordinated enough to get a group of people who compliment one another well enough then EMP'ing the vehicle and then using sticky grenades to blow it up then that's half the battle.
my first loadout is BTB. DMR, PP, plasma nades, camo.
I'm terrible at BTB. The only thing I AM good at is knocking out vehicles with a PP and stickies. The rest of the time, I just get cross-mapped by a camo sniper or owned by a banshee.i can keep a neutral kdr on Ragnarock sometimes, but forget the rest of the maps. I just die horribly. I need to play some customs to learn the new maps.
"Hey guys, this is Vortex, so let's quickly grab a wraith and the rocket hog!"
1 minute later
"I see you guys decided to die defending that rocky outcrop, yeah that's a better plan."
Yeah, I've seen that happen quite a few times. Or on Longbow. "Okay guys, we need to hold the top building to dominate...I see you're all busy going the opposite direction and getting splattered by the enemy warthog. Good plan? Great plan."
"What's this base way out here on the edge of Longbow? Do good weapons spawn here?"
"No, wtf are you doing in there?"
"Oh god they have rockets laser snipers ghosts and like 50 warthogs! Quick run into the ocean!"
or, as my team starts to lose vehicle control...
"Ok guys, everyone spawn with plasma pistols and we'll knock these guys out quick!"
"All 60,000 of my custom loadouts only have the magnum. I hate big team I always get owned by vehicles. I'm going to play something smaller"
It's almost like you are quoting me
From what little BTB I have played PP is a must. regardless of vehicle control or not. Most maps have enough buildings and cover for a team on foot to have lost control, communicate, and turn it around. regardless of the team size it all comes down to communication and executing as a team. if you don't enter a match with a clear idea of reaching the end goal you will easily be run overr. Figuring out where on the map off the spawn is the most important to go to, how many will go there and what the rest of the team will either move to are attempt to get off spawn.
This doesnt have to be anything beyond saying right before you spwn, players ABCD are running to [insert power weapon] Players EFGH are running to [insert vehicles] ground pounders need to hold [insert area on map] after the inital push for weapons. aaaaaannnnnnndddddd BREAK!
Nice Post OMG about the shots needed to take down certain vehicles.
Thanks for the early morning laughs!
1.. Stickies are your friend. Yes, it takes two to blow up a hog or ghost, but you spawn with two. You'd be surprised at the points you can rack up blowing up a hog with stickies :)
2. Don't play with people who are not team players. They may say they are all over the forums, then you get into games with them and they are in it for themselves as if it's FFA. BTB is all about teamwork. The guy who does nothing to help teammates because he is too worried about his k/d is not a good person to play BTB with.
3. Steal everything you can from the other team. Like laser, if I am near their vehicles I'll steal them and get them to our team if I can. I steal snipers too. I enjoy gifting stolen property to my teammates :)
4. Don't play with a full team of people who all want to be the sniper and nothing else. My teams vehicles often just sit there because over half the team is running for snipe. Then the other team has all the vehicles, and we have people wandering around searching for dropped snipers.
5. Stick with someone if you can. It's hard to do when you spawn off my yourself, but as soon as that happens I try to run towards someone on my team.
these dont seem like general tips but rather a snarky way to vent
hows the sniper by the way in regards to taking down vehicles? same as reach im assuming?
If you have a sniper, then just shoot the damn driver or gunner.
Banshee survives 4+shots. It's a bit overpowered. Mantis Drops shields after 2 but won't explode. Ghosts I think blow up with 4 shots.
Sniper vs. Vehicles is quite underpowered compared to previous installments. Though it is much easier to hit them, scoped or not. I guess it's a trade off.
Sometimes it's not that simple. Banshee, tank back facing you etc.
Well if it's a tank, I'll be the one running away and screaming like a little girl.
Team shooting is still the best option though
The thing about the railgun that is most jarring is that it is different from campaign to war games.
(weapon - # of shots needed)
Binary Rifle- 6
Fuel Rod Cannon- 4
Incinerator Cannon- 1
Plasma Grenade- 3
Pulse Grenade- 3
Railgun- 3
Rocket Launcher- 2
Sniper Rifle- 6
Spartan Laser- 1
Sticky Detonator- 3
MANTIS *notes: If you let shields recharge, it can take up to 4 Spartan Laser shots to destroy. Shields recharge after 6 seconds*
(weapon - # of shots needed)
Binary Rifle- drop shields: 1 / destroy: 5
Fuel Rod Cannon- drop shields: 1 / destroy: 5
Incinerator Cannon- destroy: 1
Plasma Grenade- drop shields: 1 / destroy: 4
Pulse Grenade- drop shields: 1 / destroy: 4
Railgun- drop shields: 1 / destroy: 4
Rocket Launcher- drop shields: 1 / destroy: 2
Sniper Rifle- drop shields: 2 / destroy: 8
Spartan Laser- drop shields: 1 / destroy: 2
Sticky Detonator- drop shields: 1 / destroy: 4
Ghost *no weak point*
(Weapon - # of shots needed)
Battle Rifle- 21
Beam Rifle- 5
Binary Rifle- 3
Concussion Rifle- 9
Covenant Carbine- 36
Designated Marksman Rifle- 21
Frag Grenade- 4
Fuel Rod Cannon- 3
Incinerator Cannon- 1
Light Rifle- unscoped: 24 / scoped: 16
Magnum- 24
Plasma Grenade- 3
Pulse Grenade- 3
Railgun- 2
Rocket Launcher- 1
Sniper Rifle- 5
Spartan Laser- 1
Sticky Detonator- 2
WARTHOG *notes: Body = weak point (do not shoot wheels)*
(Weapon - # of shots needed)
Battle Rifle- 54
Beam Rifle- 30
Binary Rifle- 4
Concussion Rifle- 16
Covenant Carbine- 189
Designated Marksman Rifle- 54
Frag Grenade- 4
Fuel Rod Cannon- 4
Incinerator Cannon- 2
Light Rifle- unscoped: 190 / scoped: 83
Magnum- 180
Plasma Grenade- 2
Pulse Grenade- 3
Railgun- 3
Rocket Launcher- 2
Sniper Rifle- 6
Spartan Laser- 1
WRAITH *notes: side is weak point (do not shoot front or back)*
(weapon - # of shots needed)
Binary Rifle- 6
Fuel Rod Cannon- 7
Incinerator Cannon- 2
Plasma Grenade- 4
Pulse Grenade- 4
Railgun- 6
Rocket Launcher- 3
Sniper Rifle- 9
Spartan Laser- 2
Sticky Detonator- 5
SCORPION *notes: Treads are weak point. Shooting hatch with Spartan Laser will kill driver but not destroy vehicle. It takes 2 Sniper shots to remove hatch*
(weapon - # of shots needed)
Binary Rifle- 7
Fuel Rod Cannon- 8
Incinerator Cannon- 2
Plasma Grenade- 4
Pulse Grenade- 4
Railgun- 6
Rocket Launcher- 3
Sniper Rifle- 16
Spartan Laser- 2
Sticky Detonator- 6
Thanks for the shot counts. ^ ^ ^
Laser thank you sooooo much for all you've done to help us with this game!! :D You post helpful tips, info, rock!
Nice to see the shot counts for vehicles. I still think the best thing to throw at enemy vehicles is teamwork. Which means spawn with the damn plasma pistol and stop taking potshots at the Mantis from under its raised foot.
The trick to beating vehicles isn't quitting and playing a gametype without them.
SO the back of the wraith is no longer a weak point? I've always sniped the back "cover" and killed them fairly quickly...haven't tried it in this game though.
Okay, so the incineration cannon destroys a large armored mech in one shot, but a light jeep needs 2?
That probably destroys the mantis depending on how much of the secondary munitions hit it as well.
Also an incineration cannon to a warthog will often obliterate everyone inside. Nothing wrong with that I'd say.
Another thing for people hating BTB because of vehicles. How frustrating do you think it would be to the other team if every time they brought a vehicle to your base they were struck by eight overcharged plasma pistol blasts and then covered in over a dozen plasma grenades? Also several maps, such as Ragnarok, have vehicles like the mongoose and warthog. The mongoose actually seems pretty tough, so why not hop on several, drive over to where they have their mantis, and have the passengers of the mongoose plasma pistol it into uselessness repeatedly while the driver gets off and casually walks over to board it? Or use a warthog and the passenger plasma pistols it repeatedly while the gunner just lights it up until its dead? Or just keep spawning with battle rifle, magnum, and half a frag grenade so you can get splattered repeatedly, up to you.
Taking your advise I loaded the PP into my loadouts. Had a freaking blast last night in one round were I got extremely lucky. The other team's Mantis walked into our base, I shot it from behind, the driver hopped out as I ran up. I got an assasination on him and took the Mantis. Our team had both of them for over half the match. I'm new to Halo mp and that damn PP is becoming my fav weapon when vehicles are around.
Good read everyone, much appreciated!