Coming back for good XD
Coming back for good XD
Hello familia!
It has been a while since I left the halo matrix.
Last year in May i left the island of Puerto Rico and headed to Upstate New York, to a town known as Rhynebeck. I volunteered for 5 months in a spiritual retreat called Omega Institute for Holistic Studies and lived in a tent.
Here i got a much needed healing. I have been depressed for a very long time and going to this retreat was the best thing I could have ever done for myself. I also met my lady :)
Been traveling (Florida, Alabama, New York, Vermont, Oregon, California and now back to Florida)
Wating for my appartment to be ready by Dec.1rst
Got the $$$ put aside for a new console and H4
I'm so exited to game with the coolest spartans once more!
Wanted to share some pics:
Please tell me you didn't leave Puerto Rico to go live in Buffalo.
Yoooooooooou!! We were just talking about you in the clan!! And I JUST deleted you, thinking you were never coming back lol. I'll delete someone and add you back ASAP!! We missed you!!! :D Welcome back!!
No sir I did no such thing!
Thank you sista!
I can't wait to get in on the fun once more. Am holding myself from buying the console and game at this moment. I just dont have a place to set it up yet. I'm staying at my lady's parents and counting the days. For the moment I have to admit doing yoga helps with the anxiety of wanting to game already :)
Yes we did!!!
Is the newer transformers game even better?
I don't think I ever played with you before, but hope we can game together in the future :)
Welcome back You!! Been wondering what you've been up to.
Not You Again.... :)
welcome back :)
Wow, looks like some good times. At leaste you have Thanksgiving to break up the next two weeks. Where you at in FL? There are a few 2o2p peeps in the bay area and I think one over in Jax.
Thanks Achy!
The part I loved the most about my travels is California. WOW!
It was my first time visiting the west coast. Had the blessing of visiting Big Sur, and stay in the top of a mountain where a hippie community has been built. I slept with my lady under the stary night using a zero degree sleeping bagg in a platform overlooking the valley and ocean, and the sun set!
Whent to the hot springs at Esalen isntitute and another one where we had to drive through the Tahoe National Forest!
Beauty all around!
Good times indeed my friend :)
Im in Boynton Beach. It be awesome to meet up with some peeps.
Ive been to Jax, just once though.
Welcome back buddy!!!!!!!!
Welcome back. Glad things are looking up for you. Add me again when you get back on.
Boynton Beach? I've been tellin people you were in Tallahassee lol!
@Fire, love ya bro :)
@ks63, will do!
@zombie, I was living there last year from September to May because my lady was finishing college. After that we flew to Puerto Rico so she could meet my parents and get their blessing. Then we came back to the states to volunteer in Vermont for a yoga festival, then rode the train back to New York to volunteer at a spiritual retreat, then we flew to Oregon, then drove to Cali, and now we flew back to florida to her parents. I'm so ready to sit down and just play :)
Glad to see that you are doing well hermano! I'm getting married next year to the lovely lady you met the last time I was in PR. Hit me up, number hasn't changed.
Joe, I took my lady to Toro Verde. What a blast!
My father ziped as well as my brother and a cousin of ours.
Felicidades Papa!!!! Que bueno leer tu noticia :) Tienes una mujer encantadora, tu vida se pone mejor :)
I broke my last phone so I need your number again :)
Now it's time for some Halo-istic Studies..gif)
Welcome back, You!
That's bad ass! Welcome back home