Anyone Else Disgruntled With Auto Pickup and Infinity Slayer Yet? (Also, Other Mini-Gripes)

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Sat, 11/17/2012 - 13:56 (Reply to #31)
XF1R3X's picture
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Autarch wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Autarch wrote:

Please don't use these kinds of exploits in our Site customs again. We don't need to be informed about them when we are really just trying to have fun. On the other hand, if you really want to show us an exploit just tell us about it in advance so we can run a special game or even skip it. 

Edit2: Please make sure to not include any Flag gametype, any gametype with ordnance, any game on meltdown with mantis available, or allow the boltshot.  All of these things have issues and if I were to pick up the flag and be unable to shoot the magnum due to a glitch that would ruin someones fun because I couldn't kill them

Whether it got you the lowest score or not,  this is 2o2p.  Using exploits and/or glitches on maps like that is strictly forbidden. 

Glitches and bugs happen,  jumping into an area on a map that no one can get to you is an exploit and one of the things we as 2o2p'ers look to avoid in MM and especially would never expect a fellow older gamer to use these tactics regardless of the score.

Your Edit #2 is a clear sign that you must not understand the nature of 2o2p.  By your standards no gametype could be played.  Those supposed glitches you mention are not exploits,  they are bugs.  The edit shows you seem to take more offense to Deep asking you nicely not to do it again then understanding what was wrong with it in the first place. Deep does a lot for this site and you should probably give the guy more respect and had left it at you wouldn't do it again. 


Sat, 11/17/2012 - 12:08
Autarch's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2012 - 02:48

Well fire the thread does say minor gripes in the title so that's what a lot of what I said were :P

But let me discuss some of what you said as well.

Complex - just remove it from matchmaking until it is fixed.  This removes the possibility for people to exploit it in matchmaking without resorting to lodging boxes

Ordnance - This can be prevented usually by me carefully directing my view down a long level hallway.  However, sometimes you spawn with ordnance facing a wall and want it quickly, or sometimes the map is haven and when you look towards the center of the map, it spawns over a pit.  I have already started taking to backing up while calling in ordnance though to prevent it from hurting me upon arrival.

Overshield - I just think that by comparison to the other boosts which have maximum effect for a longer duration than overshield, this one falls short.  There could have been quite a few ways to bring it in line with the others, but those didn't happen.

Shielded dead - it's just a minor glitch, mostly WTF and funny

Playlists - It doesn't seem odd to you, that 343 would work so much on making grifball its own thing instead of an assault variant, show off all sorts of changes in videos, and then not have it in matchmaking for weeks when they release other barely tweaked gametypes?  Also they are announcing Halo 4 grifball league signups, but still don't even have it in matchmaking...

Spartan Ops - as a continuation of campaign they do quite well in their addition of things shooting and switch flipping

XP Cap - I'm glad we agree that this could be still in place but improved, and consistant

Join in Progress - "Shit happens" is pretty much the motto of this feature

Flagnum - Oh I spawn with a full clip too, sorry I wasn't clear.  What happens though is that the first bullet fired of the full clip is normal, that is when you pull the trigger, it comes out.  However any trigger pull after the first bullet comes out is ineffective for several seconds, so you can only wave your gun at them while they kill you.  As I said, my solution of sorts is to shoot once, reload, then the gun will actually function

Boxes - Well do the boxes fall continuously, or are they triggered by reaching a specific height?  Anyways, I was mainly hinting at there being numerous such trolls available in the game, some including a never ending spartan ops mission if you throw a grenade in an exact spot.  Since there is spartan ops matchmaking,  you can ruin some peopls fun with it

Meltdown Mantis - Have you played big team on meltdown lately?  I don't know if team shooting is the proper fix for INFINITE mantis on the map.  They literally respawn within seconds of being destroyed over and over and over.  But yes my dmr is what will fix that?

Theather - This would have been a nice thing, but yeah it is the same as reach.  well minus campaign and such

SAW - I'd rather not spend the entire match on haven playing hide and seek because one of the guys has a doomsaw while my saw is just a regular one

Weapon Despawn - so have a seperate timer for power/ordnance weapons, than the DMRs and such?

Instant Respawn - The callout isn't as neccessary when as I said, I just press X and shoot the one shot guy I couldn't kill last life in the head once to kill him

Stickies - Passing through, ok I gotcha.  but bouncing off their back?  How is that even lag?  That literally requires the plasma grenade to alter its trajectory which is of course a calculation.  So the game decided because of lag it will stop its flight  and hop backwards off that spartans back without sticking him?


Anyways, like I said this is just a small list of the greater pool of issues I've seen.  There's such a wide range of them though.  From things as simple as, when I press start sometimes the loadout screen is default where I am highlighting, sometimes audio and video why not, to exploits widely being used in many playlists that can be fixed in multiple ways but aren't.


Sat, 11/17/2012 - 12:25
buckeye75's picture
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Then I misunderstood.


The real question is how did you find a SWAT game that wasn't on Haven?

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 12:27 (Reply to #34)
Autarch's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2012 - 02:48

buckeye75 wrote:

Then I misunderstood.


The real question is how did you find a SWAT game that wasn't on Haven?


lol well normally it is about as difficult to do that as it is to play big team on not-ragnarok :)

but i joined in progress against a team likely picking complex for that sole purpose

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 14:23
Autarch's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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I guess I'm taking my frustration with 343/Halo 4 out on you guys.  I'm sorry for that.

I didn't intend my actions to be harming anyones fun either.  From the voice communication in the game, and the intense glee sounds coming from the people who killed me, I didn't think it was so bad.  Obviously I was wrong if people were so frustrated with me in this match that they took it to a moderator...

If I thought my actions would have in some way enhanced my score, gotten me an unfair win, or anything of that sort I wouldn't have done it.  When I did do it, it was in a free for all gametype where I had no teammates to benifit, or let down in this case, by not scoring.  That's why I didn't think much of it at the time.  It's kinda like intentionally looking up the incorrect answers of a math quiz to get an F, still cheating I guess.  I just didn't realize multiple people would be frustrated enough with my delayed death to take it to moderators... if I had realized they'd be that offended, of course I wouldn't have done it.

It seems more and more I have to do things just so to avoid hurting peoples feelings here :(  Play games in a specific way, get invited to parties in a specific way, not kill spartans in gametypes that allow it depending on general consensus and alignment of the stars, etc

In any event, I'm sorry I used this exploit, and I won't do it again

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 14:53 (Reply to #36)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Autarch wrote:

I guess I'm taking my frustration with 343/Halo 4 out on you guys.  I'm sorry for that.

I didn't intend my actions to be harming anyones fun either.  From the voice communication in the game, and the intense glee sounds coming from the people who killed me, I didn't think it was so bad.  Obviously I was wrong if people were so frustrated with me in this match that they took it to a moderator...

If I thought my actions would have in some way enhanced my score, gotten me an unfair win, or anything of that sort I wouldn't have done it.  When I did do it, it was in a free for all gametype where I had no teammates to benifit, or let down in this case, by not scoring.  That's why I didn't think much of it at the time.  It's kinda like intentionally looking up the incorrect answers of a math quiz to get an F, still cheating I guess.  I just didn't realize multiple people would be frustrated enough with my delayed death to take it to moderators... if I had realized they'd be that offended, of course I wouldn't have done it.

It seems more and more I have to do things just so to avoid hurting peoples feelings here :(  Play games in a specific way, get invited to parties in a specific way, not kill spartans in gametypes that allow it depending on general consensus and alignment of the stars, etc

In any event, I'm sorry I used this exploit, and I won't do it again

Nobody took it to a moderator. I simply overheard it afterwards, in my ear. It was something like, "who the fuck would do that"? So I saved the film. I know exactly what you did. Water under the bridge, if you want it to be? Site customs are for competition and fun. Legitimate wins and losses are fine. If team balance gets too whacked we try to fix it. There are no points to prove. We are just there to play with other site members.

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 15:00 (Reply to #37)
Autarch's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: 09/08/2012 - 02:48

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Autarch wrote:

I guess I'm taking my frustration with 343/Halo 4 out on you guys.  I'm sorry for that.

I didn't intend my actions to be harming anyones fun either.  From the voice communication in the game, and the intense glee sounds coming from the people who killed me, I didn't think it was so bad.  Obviously I was wrong if people were so frustrated with me in this match that they took it to a moderator...

If I thought my actions would have in some way enhanced my score, gotten me an unfair win, or anything of that sort I wouldn't have done it.  When I did do it, it was in a free for all gametype where I had no teammates to benifit, or let down in this case, by not scoring.  That's why I didn't think much of it at the time.  It's kinda like intentionally looking up the incorrect answers of a math quiz to get an F, still cheating I guess.  I just didn't realize multiple people would be frustrated enough with my delayed death to take it to moderators... if I had realized they'd be that offended, of course I wouldn't have done it.

It seems more and more I have to do things just so to avoid hurting peoples feelings here :(  Play games in a specific way, get invited to parties in a specific way, not kill spartans in gametypes that allow it depending on general consensus and alignment of the stars, etc

In any event, I'm sorry I used this exploit, and I won't do it again

Nobody took it to a moderator. I simply overheard it afterwards, in my ear. It was something like, "who the fuck would do that"? So I saved the film. I know exactly what you did. Water under the bridge, if you want it to be? Site customs are for competition and fun. Legitimate wins and losses are fine. If team balance gets too whacked we try to fix it. There are no points to prove. We are just there to play with other site members.


Alrighty, well I would like to tell you that I am offended by the member that jumped into the same exploit as me and killed me.  They clearly were using the map exploit as well and they got a kill out of it, and because of the sites strict stance against ANY kind of exploit use, and that you have the film, I'd like you to talk to them as well.


Sat, 11/17/2012 - 15:19 (Reply to #38)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Autarch wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Autarch wrote:

I guess I'm taking my frustration with 343/Halo 4 out on you guys.  I'm sorry for that.

I didn't intend my actions to be harming anyones fun either.  From the voice communication in the game, and the intense glee sounds coming from the people who killed me, I didn't think it was so bad.  Obviously I was wrong if people were so frustrated with me in this match that they took it to a moderator...

If I thought my actions would have in some way enhanced my score, gotten me an unfair win, or anything of that sort I wouldn't have done it.  When I did do it, it was in a free for all gametype where I had no teammates to benifit, or let down in this case, by not scoring.  That's why I didn't think much of it at the time.  It's kinda like intentionally looking up the incorrect answers of a math quiz to get an F, still cheating I guess.  I just didn't realize multiple people would be frustrated enough with my delayed death to take it to moderators... if I had realized they'd be that offended, of course I wouldn't have done it.

It seems more and more I have to do things just so to avoid hurting peoples feelings here :(  Play games in a specific way, get invited to parties in a specific way, not kill spartans in gametypes that allow it depending on general consensus and alignment of the stars, etc

In any event, I'm sorry I used this exploit, and I won't do it again

Nobody took it to a moderator. I simply overheard it afterwards, in my ear. It was something like, "who the fuck would do that"? So I saved the film. I know exactly what you did. Water under the bridge, if you want it to be? Site customs are for competition and fun. Legitimate wins and losses are fine. If team balance gets too whacked we try to fix it. There are no points to prove. We are just there to play with other site members.


Alrighty, well I would like to tell you that I am offended by the member that jumped into the same exploit as me and killed me.  They clearly were using the map exploit as well and they got a kill out of it, and because of the sites strict stance against ANY kind of exploit use, and that you have the film, I'd like you to talk to them as well.


That was 'me learning to do the exploit for the first time while trying to end the game!

You are obviously not the least bit repentant at all.

Do not show up in a party of mine. Ever!

If you have a complaint about it it, take it to doodirock.

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 15:27
Autarch's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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If you had told me in the match, "Kade, 2o2p doesn't allow this type of exploit at all in our matches."  I would have walked the three steps to suicide, ending the match.

I mean you are a moderator, correct?  A person in a position of power, authority, and who should lead by example.  But you chose to use an exploit to affect the outcome of a match?

I didn't realize it was you who did it, obviously I can't have a moderator explain the rules to you though.

I was just a regular member, who was unsure of the exact nuances surrounding the situation.

Again, I would have just walked off the edge immediately if someone had said what I was doing was strictly forbidden by 2o2p

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 15:31
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I think other members will understand why I am locking this.

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 19:19
Lala Calamari's picture
Last seen: 4 years 5 months ago
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I am a moderator and I was in that last game that you glitched in.  The first time you did it I shrugged it off as a lame joke.  The 2nd time you did it I just thought it was lame.  We don't approve of cheating at 2Old2Play, especially in private sitewide games.  You say you were going AFK to eat but it was clear it was the last game of the evening.

While it wasn't a major problem, it was a shitty thing to do.  Next time you come across a glitch or exploit, I hope you refrain from using it.  Try to be above that.

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