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#1 Sun, 11/04/2012 - 12:26
kurupt's picture
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Just curious if anyone has this game?

Ive heard tons of positive things about this game.....many claim it to be the best racing simulator 80

I checked out a few mod sites and they are still pumping out tons of mods......looks good, physics are supposed to be top notch, changeable weather, night racing, and a very indepth race experience.

I checked out ebay and grabbed a copy for $10 CDN with shipping :) not sure why there is no digital download available?

So ill let you know when it arrives

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 09:11
Sherb's picture
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It's old.  As old as rF1 (maybe even older).  It's been around the block, but like rF1, also has a lot of support behind it still (though I think it's begun tapering off in the past year or two).  I've heard complaints in regards to FFB, though I would imagine there are patches available to improve upon it.  As long as you aren't expecting something along the lines of the upcoming titles that are soon to be released, you'll probably be content with it.  I think there are even rain effects and full animation pit stops.  cool

Hell, for $10, I don't think you can go wrong with it.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 10:12
kurupt's picture
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Ya Iam aware of its age....I've been reading on a bunch of forums guys raving about the power & glory mod v3 that was just released last week supposed to be similar to rf1 historical mod...I've checked nogrip, and they have a real feel mob, and tons of texture updates to enhance the graphics.....$10 to keep me occupied for a bit I can't complain :)
Mon, 11/05/2012 - 11:16
KnightofRedemption's picture
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I'll wait and let you sell it to me, I have not long got GSC and that has just sat on my HD because no one is running it and to be honest it is just another rF1 mod and I have downloaded better for free. Race 07 has repaid it's purchase because we run it. Also looking around I can't get it for less than €25 thanks to postage and that is a little steep for such an old game. Like you I couldn't find it as a download.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 11:47
kurupt's picture
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Being another Simbin product from what I've read its a hardcore version of race 07 just more indepth and more options...same Mods and more that have been released for race 07....more or less just curious about this power & glory mod....I've had an itch lately for power hungry super cars....unfortunately I suck at driving them but there still a blast and sound awesome with a 7.1 audio system with dual subs and a buttkicker :) Excuse my densness but what is GSC?
Mon, 11/05/2012 - 12:06
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Game Stock Car...there was some talk of a Mini series using it over at GBR. It's okay graphics ramped up and all that, but hasn't really rocked my boat enough to fire up and race with AI. Unlike rF2 that I play at least once or twice a day just for the fun of it.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 14:10
Sherb's picture
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A thread running from the guys I run Historix with regarding the PnG mod for GTR2.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 17:35
kurupt's picture
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Interesting! That's the first bad thing I've read from multiple forums....I must be clicking on the Simbin fan sights and missing the rfactor support sites lol :) If there's one thing I've learnt since switching to pc Sims is that people are definitely passionate about there racing Sims of choice I've tried many racing titles over the years in search of THE GAME and have really yet to find one that puts 1 above the rest, every game has its UPS and downs, I settle with ones that give me the fullest race experince and seem realistic to me..hopefully someone will create an all round game Things I look for are Can I feel what the tires are doing Can I hear what the tires are doing Graphics Level of intensity while racing Ai Community modding support Guess ill be the judge of it when it arrives :)
Mon, 11/05/2012 - 17:44
Sherb's picture
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Hehe, yep.  Everything has it's pluses & minuses.  But hell for $10...tough to go wrong.  The big drawback to Historix is the fact you also have to have GT Legends to be able to install it.  I think this is going to change for Historix v2.0.  From what I've deduced, it sounds like they are scratch-building cars for the rF2 platform...which will eliminate the need for the GTL licensing. 

Hell, there are aspects of GTR2 I'd like to check out...but I've already got too much going on as is to justify purchasing another game/sim.  Even if it is only $10.  Definitely let us know how it is though.  The only reason I pulled the trigger on rF2 was because I got it as a "free" download with my 6 month Pro+ subscription at R2P.

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 18:55
kurupt's picture
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I didn't realize race2play was set to automatic renewal through paypal, anyways it renewed my pro + membership again but never allowed me to purchase another game? I thought on any new and renew of a pro + membership u were granted a game depending on what games for the term registered? If I click on any pro + membership it says my free game purchase has been previously used ?
Tue, 11/06/2012 - 09:21
Sherb's picture
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If you were going to change something on your membership, contact the membership guy.  When I purchased my 6 month Pro+, my 3 month Pro renewed a couple days later...dropping my membership status back down to Pro.  Send a message to the Membership guy and he reset me back to Pro+ and refunded the second charge (Pro renewal) within a day of the message.

He should be able to clarify anything and get you squared away.

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 15:27
kurupt's picture
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Thanks ill send him a email regarding my account....

Ive been following the Power & Glory mod thread at nogripracing the mod alone seems to have brought GTR2 back to life, 5200 downloads in 3 days just from alone with a    41/2 star rating so far!  kinda excited to try it out now and run something completely differnt than the norm.

Regarding the ffb....apparently your supposed to click a green box before the loading screen appears and it enables the the mods built in ffb....if not you will just get the basic GTR ffb.

A bunch of dedicated servers are firing up with tons of leagues starting as well just running this mod.

As for GTR2 itself....i found some must have addons to enhance the game at nogrip and another gtr modding groups site......theres a new tire model mod and a ffb set up for each brand that was just released this summer, hudson skies and a hd texture track pack for all the ingame tracks, as well as an online community patch to solve the bad hopefully it lives up to the hype and can keep me occupied for a bit smiley

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 16:03
Sherb's picture
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Psst, hey kurupt.......

I think you got SADD (Sim Attention Deficiency Disorder).  151 

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 17:32 (Reply to #13)
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Sherb wrote:

Psst, hey kurupt.......

I think you got SADD (Sim Attention Deficiency Disorder).  151

LOL, he does need help, personally I diagnose SHAD (Sim Hyper Activaty Disorder)

Tue, 11/06/2012 - 22:14
kurupt's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Doc said the adderall would help this?
Mon, 11/19/2012 - 23:44
kurupt's picture
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Recieved my copy of gtr2 this evening :) Will be firing up the power and glory mod in the morning....looks like I got sent 2 copies but not 100% sure can with 2 sealed copies if i did anyone is interested just fire me a msg and ill mail it out
Wed, 11/21/2012 - 12:45
kurupt's picture
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So ive spent a few hrs playing the Power & Glory V3 mod.....and all i can say is its pretty awesome!

hard as hell but fun none the less

Graphics and car detail are extremly good for a 6yr old....i added a hd skies mod and a mod called sweetfx which can be used with any 32 bit game, ive yet to see one jaggy or any texture flickers yet :)

Vehicle sounds are really nice....especially when you crank it on a 7.1 surround with a buttkicker

Sound track is pretty awesome some great oldies has its ups and downs....seems a bit heavy u dont feel every little bump in the road but u do feel the big ones, curbs collisions for the cars you can really feel the tires flex what there doing and shift in body weight....personally i would like alittle more bumps and a tad more enging vib but its still good iam sure with some tweaks i can get it to my liking!

Car Handling......they understeer and need some tweaking to get them feeling nice, breaks are a bit sensitive but i believe thats due too my nixim mod i find i have to lower brake pressure to about 75% so they dont lock up in most games....tons of different tire compounds and models available, remember that these are classic compounds so there going to have less grip than modern ones and alot of the cars dont have areo

You can also feel the weight differences between car models...which makes every car feel and react differently.  If you dont like a certain car dont worry there are a ton of them with lots of liveries available

Overal for the age of the game I felt they did an excellent job and i would recommend this to anyone that loves racing classic icons!

only knocks I had with it were the understeer and wish it had a little more excitiment in the wheel vibrations


Sun, 11/25/2012 - 03:52
kurupt's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Ive come across a painfull glitch in the base game that unfortunately effects the masterfull Power & Glory V3 it will only effect the lucky doesnt support online triple screens at full resolution you will have lower the res. by half     167 crying

I guess i could use just one 80

Sun, 11/25/2012 - 06:42
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Oh...One screen? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Mon, 11/26/2012 - 11:49 (Reply to #19)
Whitewolf's picture
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I have this game, It's installed, but I have never run it.

Mon, 11/26/2012 - 13:18
kurupt's picture
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i honestly have only ran a half lap so far so i cant really comment on it the only reason i bought it was to run the Power & glory v3 mod which is pretty damn awesome if you like classics.....minus the online triple screen problemsad

word in the community someone might be working on a plug in to fix the problem!

Wed, 12/12/2012 - 14:13
kurupt's picture
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GTL, GTR, and GTR2 are all available for digital download at steam and simbim....anyone that has the retail cd version can use there multiplayer code and digitally download for free :) I've been playing gtr 2 lately and I most admit its a really good game and looks way cleaner than race 07 clean its actually really working my gpu on triples, dropping my fps into the low 30's at the start of night races!? It's just a shame it/they dont support online triple screens :( hard to wanna race without them once you have used them. It would have been nice to run the P&G with guys online.....oh well its an awesome single player game none the less :)
Thu, 12/13/2012 - 08:05
kurupt's picture
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Great deal on steam for Simbin fans, $49.95 for every race game available in a mega bundle! GTL, GTR, GTR2 Race 07, STCC 1 & 2, Retro, Race On, and Race injection $49.95.....$109.95 unbundled $60 savings :)
Thu, 12/13/2012 - 10:54
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Reminds me that R07 retro mod is fun, bombing around in an old Mini really takes me back, my first three cars were Minis. Might be cool to do a few one off races featuring guest cars and tracks. We all take it in turn to pick a car track combo. That could keep us going for quite a few weeks and force some us into cars have sitting on our hard drives that maybe we have never driven.


Sat, 12/15/2012 - 10:10
kurupt's picture
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Just updated my key# to get the digital download from steam cause i was curious to see if multiplayer triple screen had been fixed and i was able to get into a lobby! 4

Possibly a future Power & Glory series?


Sat, 12/15/2012 - 10:38
KnightofRedemption's picture
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How did you do that. I cant find out how...

Sat, 12/15/2012 - 11:20
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Sat, 12/15/2012 - 12:45
kurupt's picture
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Log on to steam go to games/ activate code/ type in the online code in capitals no dashes or took a couple of times for me to get it....steam also did a quick update prior is check and see if yours is up to date.. What do you think of the game? I find it looks a lot cleaner and has more options available than race 07 Its weird that they have dynamic weather but not have working wipers? Although there is a mod available at no grip you just have to apply it to every new mod. Hd skies, xenon headlights with night racing is pretty intense and looks spectaclar!
Sat, 12/15/2012 - 15:16
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Yeah got it after several tries, have to wait a couple of days as I have been chewing data since I got my new lap top, you know the score, second you attach a new computer to the net it goes mental upgrading just about everything. Not really given GTR2 much time as I have been busy with all that pre xmas stuff, not even had time to practice for races.

Wed, 12/19/2012 - 11:25
Sherb's picture
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Went on a binge last night.

1. Purchased Steam version of GTR2.  (Going to need to get up with someone for the missing vehicles...Probably Porsche & Ferrari is my guess).

2. Downloaded Win7 compatible version of GTL

3. Signed up for 3 mo. trial of iRacing


Then sims decided to not see the wheel (even the rF1 mod I ran just the night before).  Spent an hour running through pissed...said eff it and went to bed.

Got one thing left to try, then it's off to the store for a new USB cable.  Damn I hope it's not a MB issue.  Not how I wanted to kick off my vacation tonight.....

Wed, 12/19/2012 - 13:58
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Arse...Fingers crossed man.

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