2old2play Forged Maps (Members only)
Tue, 11/27/2012 - 07:31
2old2play Forged Maps (Members only)
Please keep map discussion to a minimum! Better yet, start a new topic for more extensive map discussion.
I will list maps in the reserved reply as they filter in. Please ensure the maps have been reasonably tested. I.E. No untested maps. Please do not discuss maps in this topic. Don't even tell me how great mine are (j/k).
I hope to get members to post their completed maps here in such a manner that we can easily peruse them.
Please post the following.
Line 1. Map photo ~(150*100) + Map Name + GT of fileshare + number of players (as link to fileshare when available).
Line 2. Very short description.
I'll update the formatting as we figure this out.
UN-Iron-OXide v2 - "uncaged" - Kenjamin1 MI - FFA & Team - Slayer-CTF-KotH-Oddball-more...
[IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m155/kenjamin1/Forge%20Team/UIO-A-150... [IMG]http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m155/kenjamin1/Forge%20Team/UIO-B-150...
A Halo 4 forge, nearly-block for block, remake of Halo REACH's "Uncaged". Commonly called the most fun forge-built map Reach had. Some "Erosion" specific pieces help this look interesting, it has a spooky-rusty feel. The H4 setups include 4-team CTF, Initial and Random Ordinance drops, Oddball and a setup for Griffball that could be used for assault-type customs. Have Fun! - JAMN
* above images - 150*100 - seems pretty small...
I have an octogon "arena" called [b]Arena[/b] in my fileshare. It is setup a little larger than the typical octagon. You can create your own gametype for it. :)
GT: Doul3le T
File Name: Arena
Onslaught 2.0 [IMG]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Phoenixfencer/Onslaught2.jpg[/IMG] is in my fileshare.
One of my favorite maps from H3, as close to the original as I could get given the forge pieces we have now.
Washout [IMG]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Phoenixfencer/Washout.jpg[/IMG] Also in my fileshare. Funny how that works, huh?
Designed for 8-16 players, supports CTF, KOTH and oddball.
Orbit [IMG]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/Phoenixfencer/Orbit.jpg[/IMG] Bet ya can't guess where this is.
Based around 4v4 CTF, works really well for swat and oddball too.
FYI. I'll update the OP when this topic gets unwieldy. I know the photos are a difficult to deal with. I am hoping to not have to redo everything once the Waypoint links to fileshares is enabled.
Accurate remake of Stonehenge sans bluestones on Impact. Should play all gametypes except Grifball, Extraction and Dominion. 2v2 to 8v8. Infinity setup.
Also, film link.
That map is gianormous for 2v2 NNN. Looks like you put a lot of work into it though. If I was to give one constructive criticism I would say that if you were on the ground you're basically dead. That ring is too high up for anyone on the ground to effectively fight from IMO.
Eks, don't go there.
I replied to Eks already. He now knows the ways of forging. Look out!
So much for this NOT being a discussion topic. I might as well change the OP.
I'll just bump this from time to time.
i hope not every thirteen minutes.
i think you could Sell me a bridge because i WANT this map. lol