Port Forwarding Heads-Up
Port Forwarding Heads-Up
A lot of folks have been complaining about connection issues. I have also been having some weird issues. For some reason, Halo 4 would always tell me that that my NAT was open. Recently, that changed and my Xbox status changed to Moderate. I have some experience with PortForwarding, so I didn't have any idea why this would happen now. So, I hopped online and looked at which ports need to be open. I found http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live/connecting/network-ports-used-xbox-live.
Xbox LIVE requires the following ports to be open:
- Port 88 (UDP)
- Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
- Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
- Port 80 (TCP)
Apparently, at some point Xbox added some NEW PORTS TO OPEN!!! NO ONE TOLD ME!!! F U MICROSOFT!!!
So, I opened up the new ports, and lo and behold connection issues have disappeared for me so far (knock on wood!).
TLDNR: Check your router settings if you haven't done so in a while. There are new ports to open
no way! I'll be checking this tonight.
i've had those ports opened a long time....
My issue is I have two Xboxes in two rooms. I don't play them at the same time, but I can only forward ports to one IP.
It took me a long time, but at my last house I finally figured out how to solve that problem. Unfortunately I don't remember what the solution was :-( However, it is possible to get both Open without needing to change settings.
I am like you, and since I don't play both boxes at the same time I have an easy solution. Set both Xboxes to the same IP address, the one with the proper port forwarding rule.... Then just turn them on at different times. Voila!
Now there is a slightly tricky part ya see. That is a lot of routers/modem, will not allow the second xbox to connect through that ip if you were on the first xbox within an hour or so.... A simple work around is power down the modem for 30 seconds, between console switch. Wait the 3 minutes for it to reboot and connect. Then game on brother.
I have the same issue Shadow. What I do is set one up in port forwarding and the other in my DMZ. I find the one in my DMZ, maybe every 10th log in goes moderate nat.
I feel like my bedroom one is open anyway - but with Halo 4 occasionally I'll get a message at the bottom saying my NAT is moderate or strict.
Thank goodness I have only one then. I was able to successfully set all the ports, but had to reboot the router to get 3074 in. Apparently that is the universal plug and play port on my router and was the one the XBOX was originally using.
I've had those ports forwarded for some time now but started having occasional NAT problems towards the end of Reach, which has become more frequent with Halo 4. A reboot of the Xbox usually does the trick, but it's still a pain in the behind.
This is a pretty good guide if you have multiple xboxes.
It's been a while since I've checked my NAT status and I can't find where Xbox is hiding it now. Can anyone give me a hand?
The xbox network/xbl test no longer tells you. Halo 4/Halo Reach have an in game menu that issues a warning.
Mine just tanked. I have those ports open and it is now moderate all the time afer being open for ages.
You may want to check the router settings. Sometimes, for some unknown reason, routers will reset the NAT themselves. Some new routers have restricted NAT as a default as well. If the router setting is open, then maybe rebooting router, then rebooting XBOX is worth a try.
Found my problem. Both my Xbox's reverted to automatic ip rather than my manual setup. But, when trying to use port forwarding, it kicked out my wireless connection for every other device in my house so it is now back in the DMZ. I can't find anything on why using port forwarding would not allow other wireless devices to access the internet.