Torchlight 2

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#1 Sun, 09/23/2012 - 13:16
cdn_bacon's picture
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Torchlight 2

Hey All,

just picked up Torchlight 2 on Steam and loving in it so far (although I knew I would after playing the first). I am playing an Embermage and i think I am at about lvl 18. Anyone else playing?

cdn_bacon on Steam

Mon, 09/24/2012 - 17:33
Sherb's picture
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Not yet.....but will be soon.

Not that I've got time for it.....20

Mon, 09/24/2012 - 19:14
SquatterBag's picture
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loved the first one but i picked up borderlands 2 so i'm probly gunna wait til the winter sale to pick it up.

Mon, 09/24/2012 - 20:13
Dankinia's picture
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I'm  playing it and really enjoying it so far.

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 15:02
cdn_bacon's picture
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I am having a blast with it. Well worth the $20. 

Just discovered Prismatic Bolt in the Storm Tree for my Embermage and that is my new Primary Skill. Once you add this skill it is pretty addictive. It launches 5 bolts and gives you a chance to Poison, Burn, Shock or Freeze with every bolt. The are homing bolts as well so there is no need to aim. It also increases your Fire, Ice, Poison and Electric Damage by +10 and it scales with your LVL. 

With this you can focus on increasing the 3 passive brand skills to increase your Fire, Ice and Electric Damage as well.



Tue, 09/25/2012 - 17:41
Autarch's picture
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I've been playing Torchlight 2 a lot.  I started a berserker, got to around level 32.

Tried out the engineer next, and was outdamaging my level 32 berserker when the engineer was level 11....  I have a pretty good build :)

Now both are the same level and the engineer crits for like 2,500 to 3000 damage.  Regularly does 1500 damage or so.

It's a fun game!

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 19:03 (Reply to #6)
cdn_bacon's picture
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I havent tried any other class yet...the fact that I am going outside of my norm and not playing a barbarian / warrior type of melee character as I always do it quite amazing to

Wed, 09/26/2012 - 15:11 (Reply to #7)
Autarch's picture
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cdn_bacon wrote:

I havent tried any other class yet...the fact that I am going outside of my norm and not playing a barbarian / warrior type of melee character as I always do it quite amazing to


I didn't get far with my embermage, but what looked interesting to me was a certain combo of two skills from different tabs.  One, in the center tab was an AOE skill early on that had a side effect of making them weaker to ice AND electric damge.  The other was a beam like skill in the electric tab that splits when it kills a monster, hitting more monsters.  I figured, lay down the ice storm or whatever, then while that is pelting them, light into them with this electric beam and have it deal even more damage because of the ice storm, and they'd all fall over :)

Wed, 10/03/2012 - 12:31
TANK's picture
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Would love too, just don't have time for another Roll Playing Looter right now.  Played diablo 3 earlier, got bortderlands now, participate in the Path of Exile open beta weekends so probably will pick up torchlight 2 on an xmas steam sale and play it sometime later.


I've never had so many RPLs release in such a short time span before.  I love them but I don't need 4 of them in six months O_o

Tue, 10/09/2012 - 21:07
cdn_bacon's picture
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funny how we wait years and yearsfor 1 and then they all roll out at once. 


Whats path of excile like? Never heard of it until earlier this week. 

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 10:02
Mr402's picture
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I love it but I'm in the same boat as Tank.  Now Dishonored and Xcom have released so I'm pretty set gaming wise for the long  haul over the winter.   Hit me up on Steam MrSouthSioux is my steam tag. 

Mon, 10/15/2012 - 10:57
Sherb's picture
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Finally pulled the trigger on it last night.  Started playing during thing I know it's midnight.  Whoops.

Having a blast with it so far.  Made it up to Lvl13 and through the first major quest or two (plus 3 or 4 little side quests).  Only playing on Casual this time through.....though I'd probably recommend running through at a slightly higher difficulty.  Pretty easy just blasting through on Casual.

Definetly not too shabby for a measly $20.  55

Thu, 11/01/2012 - 19:03
Sherb's picture
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Still digging this.

I'm actually enjoying this more than Diablo 3..... 176

Mon, 11/05/2012 - 12:44
StrikeZ's picture
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Any news on this version coming to the Xbox?

Thu, 11/22/2012 - 18:56
Caduceus's picture
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Torchlight 2 apparently won't work on the 360 without major changes.  The last I had heard they weren't interested in porting it.

Of course that was a few months ago.



Thu, 11/29/2012 - 18:33
TANK's picture
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I picked up Torchlight II over black friday, thru gamefly I was able to nab it for 12 buck.  Good deal.  Haven't played it yet but looking forward to.  I'll probably play it christmas week the most since all the in-laws / family will be monopolizing the TV and i won't be able to xbox.


On and Path of Excile is excellent , especially with item evolution and end game content.  Every so often they'll do an open beta weekend, i've played thru the first area.  I don't put in a lot of time though because once it goes from closed alpha to public beta, all the characters will be erased and the game will start fresh.  But once it goes into open beta, your character will roll over to retail.  They also have lots of PvP related stuff as well that they're working on and testing out.



Fri, 11/30/2012 - 09:54
SquatterBag's picture
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A buddy gifted this to me this past steam sale. I'm suprised it runs so well on my old ass laptop but then again I don't think I have a visual setting higher than medium. Haven't played too much, level is still in the single digit area. Relic name is SquatterBag, steam name is to the left <----- I'm also in the steam 2o2p group.

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