Boardwalk Empire, iron man
Mon, 11/05/2012 - 11:18
Boardwalk Empire, iron man
Last nights episode was hilarious. George Mueller (aka Nelson Van Alden) took his hot, steaming iron and melted it on his co workers face, excellent!!!! I know i've wanted to do that several times at my job.
He preceeded to trash the office and then terrorize then remaining employees with psychotic/evil looks. I love TV that fullfills my dreams..
You sick bastard.
BTW, great episode. Love this show.
Well, the contents of that box were a complete surprise. Did not see that happening.
I can't recommend this show enough, it's one of my favorites on TV. It probably sits right behind Breaking Bad on my list of current favorites.
Too bad for Clive.
How about Chip Rossetti, he has little bit of short fuse?
His violence is comical, shovel to head pretty brutal though.
He did him a favor. You know, for family.
Richard Harrow is a quick scoping bastard!