Sent FR to A12o2p and 2o2pOver40. Accepted by Over40 already, thank you. No rush for A1...I am a patient man. Also good idea that was mentioned, I put 2O2P in my BIO so people know I am legit. How legit remains to be seen. Take care all.
Sent FR to A12o2p and 2o2pOver40. Accepted by Over40 already, thank you. No rush for A1...I am a patient man. Also good idea that was mentioned, I put 2O2P in my BIO so people know I am legit. How legit remains to be seen. Take care all.
got them!
sorry it took so long. i saw the posts, but didn't have time to get them at the time. then i forgot about it until now.
sent a FR to A1Halo2o2p
it didn't show up. try it again if you can.
It is already showing up on my friends list.
Sent a FR to the A1Halo2o2p gamertag. from Gatsu Godhand.
FR sent to A1Halo2o2p and A1Over50 Group
i got the site wide FR.
DEEP will probably grab the over 50 FR soon.
FR sent to A1Halo2o2p, hope to see y'all soon.
sent a fr to a1halo2o2p, can you plz accept it so i can start geting inv, thanks
Request sent.
accepted the 3 posted here!
does anyone know PinkDestroy3r or Smooth212?
I've seen Smooth212 around, I think.
too much?
Not sure yet. Only one way to find out.
Can't hear you. You're going to have to speak up, old man.
Please add gaara7 to the list. I just sent a friend's request. Thanks.
Yeah lol, I sent a friend request. Looking to run more customs on Halo
got them.
This is terrible but I don't think im on the Fof list anymore. Please add me. Sending a FR.
Pinkdestroy3r is one of my buddies, he is g2g!!
Sent FR to A12o2p and 2o2pOver40. Accepted by Over40 already, thank you. No rush for A1...I am a patient man. Also good idea that was mentioned, I put 2O2P in my BIO so people know I am legit. How legit remains to be seen. Take care all.
got it..gif)
sent a request to the regular tah A1halo2o2p
A1halo2o2p FR sent from hyghwayman
I'm already on the A 2o2pOver40 friends list if it matters.
FR sent to 2 GTs: A1Halo2o2p and A 2o2pOver40
New to all things 2o2p, look forward to meeting — then getting blown up and/or teabagged — by a few of you.
KennyGrindall (that's also my GT)
got them!