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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
Unless you're playing BTB and staying far, far away from the opponent, I see no use to use the Light Rifle.
Dixon_Tufar wrote: Unless you're playing BTB and staying far, far away from the opponent, I see no use to use the Light Rifle.
I use it as a secondary when forced to play complex. It's a beast from across the map -- 4 shot kill.
I am having a terrible time building confidence using this gun. I feel like I can't track targets as well as the DMR. It could just be me.
DEEP_NNN wrote: I am having a terrible time building confidence using this gun. I feel like I can't track targets as well as the DMR. It could just be me.
It isn't just you. I find the reticule distracting as well as the sound. Will just take some getting used to I guess.
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Unless you're playing BTB and staying far, far away from the opponent, I see no use to use the Light Rifle.
I use it as a secondary when forced to play complex. It's a beast from across the map -- 4 shot kill.
I am having a terrible time building confidence using this gun. I feel like I can't track targets as well as the DMR. It could just be me.
It isn't just you. I find the reticule distracting as well as the sound. Will just take some getting used to I guess.