Spartan Ops. How much would you pay?
Thu, 12/06/2012 - 06:32
Spartan Ops. How much would you pay?
Ive really enjoyed playing through the Spartan Ops and watching the videos. I was wondering what everyone would be willing to pay, if anything at all, for the 2nd season and on. Would 800mp be to much for another 5 week season? What about 400mp?
I'm not giving them another cent. :)
I already paid 85 bucks for the disc and supposedly all of the DLC.
800 Live points for sure. A few months after SpOps Season 1 is over, we'll be begging for more Halo CGI and missions to go with them.
Maybe 400 points for another season. Spartan ops is kinda neat but it's not like the story is actually good and it's just more shooting bullet sponges.
lol no. especially since they recycle most of the maps, only instead of running from point A->B, you go from B->A.
Not a dime. If they put the next season in a DLC pack with a revamped Firefight mode....I'd bite. But not on its own.
I think some people should look at this week's bulletin..gif)
That's a lot of information to digest. If I read the Spartan Ops portion correctly, we will have a "best of" next week followed by selected episodes for the Infinity challenge (need to put together foursomes for that), then on to next set of episodes for Season 1. Big woop.
Spartan Ops is ok, but for me personally, I can go back into the campaign and start working on Mythic campaign runs -- hopefully campaign theater will arrive someday so us Mythic types can prove a run.
Crimson, Crimson, CRIMSON!
I wouldn't buy it. I find SpOps incredibly boring and uninspired. It makes me miss shooting endless hordes of grunts on Corvette.
I'd buy it. I really like SO.
If they were to give us 10 new episodes for season 2 then I wouldnt have any problem paying 800mp for it.
I dont know how many of you use Bing Rewards but its no problem at all to rack up at least 400 Microsoft points in a month. I cant even tell you the last time I paid for any MPs I get them all from bing rewards. Its how I bought the Crimson map pack and all of the walking dead games.
I've made $33 to use on XBL Marketplace so far.
Bing points is where it's at! Can't beat getting MS points, 1 month live codes, or amazon gift cards just for using a search engine 5 miuntes a day
I do get a few XBLive rewards once in awhile.
Wow, that sucks. It really is a great program.
Well, if you want to rank up Spartan Ops it the way to go. If you use Spartan Ops matchmaking, you'll get close to 6000 exp, twice the amount from using the non-MM Spartan Ops. I just discovered this when a friend told me about it.
Crazy you get more from this than War Games.
Oh, as for paying for more, I might be willing, but not much seeing how it feels so recycled.
I like Spartan Ops, but I probably wouldn't pay for a new season. They would need to add some new maps instead of just recycling old ones to get me interested in it.
I like it a lot more than Firefight but they do need to mix up the locations. For an entire planet worth of locales, its sad to keep going back to the same 5-6 locations.
I just finished the Last Mission Solo Legendary today. Any idea how many more episodes will be included in Season1? I would think that Season 2 would have different locations for their missions, it would be pretty crappy if they didnt and that might make me reconsider purchasing it. You can always you tube the movie parts.
Thanks Deep. I was wondering a bit about that myself. I think that info was buried somewhere in the Infinity challenge stuff.
10 episodes! Thats sweet. Im guessing that Season 2 would cost 600-800 Microsoft Points. Id gladly spend it.