League games are where it's at!
Wed, 12/05/2012 - 18:46
League games are where it's at!
I've been playing in the moshpit league for the past couple of days and it's so much better than playing regular MP. The BS is significantly cut down, teammates usually communicate, and best of all, you need to win to improve your rank. That means people are actually trying to win the game instead of engaging in douchbaggery.
All weapons and attachments are unlocked so you can make any class you want. After every game you are matched up with different people, so if you get whopped, it'll only be for one game. And I'm telling you, improving your rank/division is WAY more addicting than xp and unlocks
hmmm. might have to give that a try. I have 0 faith in the connections riight now which is killing me right now. Are poeple dropping out when they look like they are going to lose?
There are still some people that drop, but not as much because you lose points for quitting
good at least there is a penalty for dropping to keep that crap to a min.
I might give this a try, I will admit that I will drop if the team I am on is just plain bad. I don't mean bad in terms of K/D, I play alot of DOM, my fav game mode. I can't tell you how many times I get stuck in games with players that won't even cap A or C at the spawn ffs!.gif)
I am constantly surprised by the amount of players that don't even play with a mic in the objective based game modes! I'll anounce into my mic, "losing A, losing B, sniper camped out above A" etc. and get no response only to find out that I didn't notice in the lobby that NO ONE is playing with a mic....lol.
I have to admit that in my XBL profile, I have my Privacy settings set so that I can only hear friends and those in my party. Everyone else is automatically muted.
I've had more than my fill over the years of ADHD retards screaming obscenities into their mic's, trash talking, singing, or whatever. I'd rather lose than put up with that crap.
Do you find a significantly different level of maturity in League Play so far?