FYI Legendary Armor unlocks
Fri, 12/07/2012 - 01:44
FYI Legendary Armor unlocks
My internet was unreliable the last few days so I decided to tackle the campaign in legendary which I was going to do at some point anyway. Finished it tonight and got the achievements but didn't unlock MC armor. In my stats, in game and on waypoint, it states that I have finished the campaign on legendary solo. Basically if you are not connected to the Halo servers when starting a mission, and all through the mission to finish, it will not register in the campaign commendations. I only have the commendation for finishing the last mission. It isn't a big deal to me but I thought others might want to know if they are about to tackle legendary and want the armor.
Same thing happened to me way back in Halo 3. If you look at Waypoint, it says nothing about legendary, but completed on heroic. It also says that I missed a couple of missions on heroic. I didn't even get the acheevos
Need to check this out.
yes, found this out at the LAN
I got the achievos but no MC armor :(
Can I still get the armor If I play through legendary/co-op?
Yeah, you can. Just make sure that commendation completion records at the end of each mission. A little banner will pop up at the end of the mission in the right top corner of the screen (unless it was already completed and recorded during your past run).
you have to be connected to Xbox Live for the mission to count.
Good info to know, thanks for sharing!