Free DXP *Closed*
Thu, 12/06/2012 - 16:07
Free DXP *Closed*
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I've got a bunch of double xp codes from Mt. Dew bottles that people from work give me. So because I love you guys and because I'm fucking awesome, here is some free double xp.
I may add more in the future as I get them.
Just go here: to use the codes. First come, first serve
all used.
in the future, if you use something posted like this post in the thread so nobody wastes their time trying to use them too.
I used some but I didn't use them all. Was rushing home from work so I did not get a chance to respond.
Thanks a bunch for the codes!
Maybe next time, I'll make you guys jump through some hoops and award a winner.
kinect shots from Dance Central?
I'll bring the disco ball.
Just what I need...dancing.gif)
I've got a bunch more code to give out. I liked the idea of making people dance for it. But that would mean I'd have to watch it. So that's a no-go.
Instead, I decided to steal a pic from Reddit and have you come up with a witty caption. Random drawing will decide the winner on Thursday.
credit the picture to seanICM at Reddit
I thought of three. Hopefully I will get three entries :)
#1 - As he started to blackout, he noticed the photographer in front of him and thought "At that angle, I'm going to have red eye."
#2 - As he started to blackout, he was still confused how he ended up here. Mud wrestling is NOT supposed to look like this.
#3 - As he started to blackout, he was still confused how he ended up here. His Halo k/d is WICKED high!!
#1 - It was that exact moment when he realized Mexican food was a bad choice.
#2 - Ankle Bracelets, making you look cool no matter what you do!
#3 - What the hell is poking me in the neck!
I came up with a few. If there's only one entry, then it's based on my rankings.
#1: This is not what I imagined when they asked me to mud wrestle.
#2 Where's the toilet paper?
#3: Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset, stomach diarrhea! Crap! I should've got me some pepto bismol.
#4: I should've listened when they said don't try this at home.
I know I said I'd do this on Thursday, but I'm a liar. Deal with it.
Since there are only three of you, I decided to give a first place prize, along with a second and third. Check your messages for your winnings and happy hunting.
Thanks Buckeye! Which ones did you like the best :P.