My new Skyrim toon

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#1 Wed, 12/05/2012 - 13:20
Ammodawg's picture
Last seen: 8 years 6 months ago
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My new Skyrim toon

So I had about 3 toons going on Skyrim.  None of them very far into the game and all below level 20.  So last night I decided that since I finished Halo 4 I was going to start again in Skyrim.  I deleted all my save games and prepared to take a different approach this time.  I found that I had been focusing too much on what perks should I get, where should I put my points and so on.  It was taking away from just enjoying the game.  


So the other day I read an article about RPG and about not just making a character but developing one.   So I sat down and thought about it and here is what I came up with.


My character is an Imperial that has gone rouge.  He was once a proud soldier in the Imperial Army and had ambition's of leading men into battle.  Life did not go as he planned though when he learned who truely issued orders.  While he was assigned to an outpost in Skyrim he witnessed the true evil of the Thalmor when they ordered a goup of villigers executed without reason. 


Over the next few days he realized that he was no longer loyal to his Imperial commanders.  He soon started looking for ways to defect and help Ulfric fight the oppression of the Imperials and the Thalmor. 

It was at his first meeting with Ulfric that they were captured.  Being a rebel was bad enough but being an Imperial defector meant that his life was sure to be ended on the chopping block..


I have to say that just thinking that up and reffereing to it as I play has really changed how I see and play Skyrim.  I feel like my character now has something that I never realized he was missing, a history. 


Anyways just had to put that out there 137

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 15:59
LocGaw's picture
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Glad to hear you are enjoying the game more.


I haven't cared too much for the story in the last couple RPGs I have played. It was more about the fighting. Sometimes that is all I need.

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 19:25
Caduceus's picture
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Currently Playing: 

I finally purchased a copy of Skyrim on Black Friday.

Dances-on-Waters is an Argonian who has no past.  He has taken a liking to the mountainous region of Skyrim, something his Bog brethren would never admit to, finding solace in sheer expanses of rock.

Thu, 12/06/2012 - 08:27
Ammodawg's picture
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So the adventure begins, I escaped the chopping block and after running a few quest for the local keep I am exploring the country.  I begin up a mountain path towards some ruins with my trusty sidekick Lydia.  As we are standing there examining these ruins we hear something, turning to see what made the noise we realize that a dragon has spotted us and is coming towards us. Immediately I draw my tusty sword and shield and prepare for battle.  The dragon waste no time in landing and pressing the attack.  He belches out a volley of fire that begins to drain my health.  I turn to run for cover just in time to see a bear coming down the mountain path towards me.  I immediately gain a couple of levels in the "Pucker Factor" profession. 

The bear takes a swipe at me and I block with my shield.  By now the dragon has taken flight again and is circling the area.  I turn to regroup with Lydia and to my suprise I see that she is fighting three wolves.  Apparently in my previous life I was asshole and now Karma felt it was time for revenge.  So I begin sprinting towards  Lydia as fast as I can with the little stamina I have left.  Now I know you all are probably thinking that I was running to assist her. Screw that she's just a house carl and I'm not really attached yet. I was hoping that I could lead the bear and the dragon to what they would think is an easier kill and thus allow me an opportunity to head back to the keep and look for a new house carl, maybe a blonde.

Well friends I'm sad to say it didn't work as planned.  The bear apparently had a much longer reach than I had initially thought.  The bear growls and my body goes flying down the hill landing within feet of Lydia. Within seconds the dragon feeling left out decided to land on my body, initially I had hoped he was attempting CPR but no he was in fact just being a prick.  He snatches up Lydia and as the my vision begins to fade I have one last smile as I see Lydia flying thru the air doing cartwheels.


So first day on the job and I get ambushed by one dragon, a bear, and three wolves all at the same time.  I have formed a new orginization in Skyrim after this incident:


Progressively Eliminating The Animals!!


Thu, 12/06/2012 - 09:33
PoltegIce's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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I gotta start a new adventure as well. I never finished a playthrough either. I think it is cause I was moving from one corner of the map to the rest in a ever growing grid, trying to explore and loot every cave and coven. Also I was playing the same guy I have played in the last two elder scrolls games and realised that I don't enjoy going slow and being sneaky anymore. Or at least lately. 


So sooner or later I will make a bust em up kinda dude and I will destroy all Humans/elves/argonians/kajhits/robots. I would like to do magic but ya know.... so many spells yikes. Can we make spells in this one>?

Thu, 12/06/2012 - 10:06
Ammodawg's picture
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They took the ability to make spells out.  I am giving it some serious thought to make a second toon that focuses on magick.  My current toon is more the warrior type and a lot of the perks I am picking will work nicely with a thief also.  I figure that when I feel like taking a break from the hack n slash I can jump over and scorch everything that moves with a wizzard toon. I shall name him Scorchynutis


Let us know how your adventure goes.  Like I said earlier I'm having a lot more fun now that I made up my own back story to my toon.  Kinda gives me a direction on how to play him.  I had started probably 10+ before and never gotten any of them over lvl 20.

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 06:15
PoltegIce's picture
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I've made an argonian Brawler who like two-handed hammers and heavy armor. He hates all the smooth skinned creatures, and he is gonna side with the imperials cause he can't stand listening to the whinning of the Nords. Strength is his concern and all the talk angers him. The only reason he is helping at all is cause he loves killing people, and he can see that this path will lead him to great power so that he can crush more pink things underfoot.


Unfortunately I got it on PS3 and the stupid thing froze on me twice in the exact spot; entering some water. I then put iot away and hopefully it wont do it again. I can't play a game that freezes.

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 07:36
Ammodawg's picture
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Yea I'm just messing around withit on my Xbox. Once I get moved and get my PC again I'll really play it a lot.  It just looks so much better on PC. 

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 07:58
PoltegIce's picture
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i think i read somewhere one time that in order to get the PS3 version running properly you gotta delete old saves and old updates then reupdate. Just deleted everything... sux too cause my one toon was at 43 oh well. Re-updating/installing and trying again. Hopefully better luck this time.


Ya i tried going in the water again this morning and it was a frozen game for me. Soi trying this as the last resort.  If it screws up again... then maybe I think long and hard before buying the next playstation product. I already got screwed out of the DLC because its a PS3. 

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 13:34
PoltegIce's picture
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Well creating a new game after dleteing everything then reinstalling and reupdating cause super glitch. Game started as me dying, then everytime afterwards, ddudes all standing around, no wagon, nothing moving and one guy saying over and over, don't move.... oh and no terrain either, just an endless expanse of yellow rough ground. The mountains were all just shadows.... weird.


So deleted again and reinstalled but no update. Worked seemlessly. Wonder how well the game will work without all the updates. I will make sure not to put a book in the book shelf.

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 14:48
LocGaw's picture
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Gee Po, if you traded that PS3 in I am sure you could get the 360 version. :)

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 18:29
PoltegIce's picture
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deleted everything, and accepted no updates. Now it worx super duper. Went swimming and everything

Mon, 12/10/2012 - 09:16
LocGaw's picture
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Why are the updates so "wonky" on the PS3?


Sorry to derail the thread guys. I am just currious.

Mon, 12/10/2012 - 14:15
Ammodawg's picture
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Man, I hate seeing how much trouble it is for you.  This is really a great game but I know hardware issues can really take a toll.


And now for an update in the adventures of Fuzzynutes!!


Journal entry day 11,

After our narrowing escape from the simultaneous attack of a dragon, bear, and 3 wolves, or as I like to refer to it: Animal Orgy Attack!  Lydia and I have began exploring some Dwarven ruins.  I have noticed a change in Lydia.  She seems competitive in some way, almost as though she has to show that she is the one that kills everything.  I began noticing when Lydia purposely began stepping in front of me as I aimed my bow at our enemies.  At first I simply thought maybe she lost track of where I was but I have began to suspect there is more too it.  I must have a sit down with her tonight at camp to discuss this.


Journal entry, day 18,

Things have been improving.  I found some very nice armor that has allowed me to really gain leverage in battle.  I feel though that equally things between I and Lydia have slid downhill.  Today as I was attempting to slay a pack of Dwarven spiders Lydia insisted on getting in the way and then accusing me of instigating.  I mean can you believe that, she totally was greifing me.  I have made note of this and will definately be discussing this at her quarterly performance review.


Journal entry, day 22,

You know what fine!  You wanna get in the way I'm just gonna shoot you in the ass with my bow.  Oh yea go ahead and ask "What are you doing!"  You know what I just don't care anymore, the next time you want to go rushing in while I'm trying to be sneaky I'm not saving your fat ass.  Yes I said it that Iron set makes your ass look huge.  I'm begining to think thats how dragons find us, your ass is like a dragon beacon calling them in.


Journal entry day 23,

Well I'm alone now.  While exploring some ruins Lydia's eagerness got the best of here.  We were on a ledge in a great hall of some sort.  Down at the bottom were a couple of spiders. Not like little spiders that you find in your boots but like huge freaking spiders that shit boots.  Anyways Lydia said something, I really wasn't paying much attention, she took off running and I guess thought she could get there quicker by just running off the ledge.  She did get there quicker than I did since I took the stairs but alas her shortcut really did shortcut her life. I stood over her trying to hold back my tears.  I just couldn't stomach the thought of all the dragon bone she was carrying and knowing there was no freaking way I was going to be able to carry all that myself.  Damn her!!




Mon, 12/10/2012 - 15:30
PoltegIce's picture
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Cause Bethesda 2 middle fingers to the Sony and anyone who bought their console obviously. I don't know what the problem is but now that I have no updates I am starting to get the frame rate stutter from playing for over 5 hours on the save.... I think I may trade it in and getting it for xbox when the goty edition comes out.

Mon, 12/10/2012 - 15:37
PoltegIce's picture
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Hootach Gack has slain many soft fleshed men who have come before him. He prides himself everytime their blood splatter runs down his snout and into his mouth. Weakness is the way of the soft flesh and they hide when they should meet death with open arms. Just today a feeble soft fleshed female sought aid in hiding her identity from those who pursued her. Hootach Gack pointed out the weak creature for ample coin. Her fate is Gack's fortune.  Hzzzzzzzz


But now gack must hibernate. The world grows cold and dark and he awaits warmer days where framerate stutter, and console freezes are but hollow memories...

Mon, 12/10/2012 - 16:16
LocGaw's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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See that Ammo, she got back at you for calling her a fat ass.


Nice story! :)

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