If your still not aware of this.....
Thu, 12/13/2012 - 13:56
If your still not aware of this.....
Here is your opportunity to get involved! I imagine that if your on this forum you are here for the racing, fun, and comrodery that 2O4F provides and you probably have looked at scheduled races etc. But for those that may be new and not had a chance to delve into the abyss of our forums and are looking for FUN then check this out.About the right speed/class of cars to make it fun yet not too fast to cause horrendous wrecks and with the handicap system makes for tight racing whether a veteran or wet behind the ears! Prizes and shaving heads!!
EPic VIDEO!!!.gif)
Cool, I qualify for the races.
Nicely done brnt as always! :D
Question, how do I get involved in things like this? I'm a bit new to the forum here. When, Where, and How? Please! I used to love racing spec races back in the day with Cotter and the 2O4FT group. Thanks!
Everything you're looking for is in the racing series and events sub-forum...
There's a sticky thread highlighting all the scheduled events and within this main spreadsheet there are links to each of the series...the OP of each series will have all the information you need to know to get involved, signing up usually involves putting your name on a spreadsheet or simply posting in the thread.
Nice video Brnt!
I also like what you did with the team site (www.AtlanticLS.webs.com)
You mean our site for the garage? http://atlanticls.webs.com/
I'd love to be part of this, or something like it! I'll look at the event list and see if I can make it