Fri, 12/07/2012 - 17:03
Anyone have imput on the MK48. XboxAhoy puts out pretty good vids, and his latest on the MK48 says its got quite a punh. More over then the LSAT??? IDK. Check it out
Anyone have imput on the MK48. XboxAhoy puts out pretty good vids, and his latest on the MK48 says its got quite a punh. More over then the LSAT??? IDK. Check it out
No blue bullets. Pass.
I'm going for diamond in this class and this is my last gold I need. For me it's between this and the HAMR. I don't know how that stats compare but I've found this by far the most powerful, especially over range for the LMG class. Accurate too. The only draw back I've noticed compared to the others is the slower rate of fire which makes the hip fire really tough too pull off if you're in a tight spot.
I have on used this and the LSAT, but it seems pretty good. The iron sigts are pretty good too.
To me this one also sounds cool, but yes to agree with lala no blue bullets is a fail.
it's not that this gun is more powerful than the lsat or hamr, it's that it's wayyyyyyyyy more accurate, so every bullet counts, where as with the lsat, only about 2 out of five hit and the hamr has about a 1/2 ratio.
The thing has to be a laser beam then as I'm pretty happy with the LSAT. Even at long range. Of course I burst fire (2-3 shots) only.
it is. try it out. 0 kick at medium range, very slight at long. best lmg by far.
I have switched to the MK48 after they adjusted the guns after the last update and really like it. If you look at the damage chart that was released for the game, the MK48 has the best kill rate with 3-4 shots compared to other Light Machine Guns.
Still no blue bullets.
I'll have to give it a shot next time I'm on.
I have a love/hate relationship with this gun (regardless of bullet color). I can start a game with it and be unstoppable, then half way through it starts shooting rainbows instead of bullets. For me there just isn't enough consistency with this gun (or this game, for that matter...).
Ran this gun last night with no attachments. Do the cross hairs EVER MOVE?? They even stayed tight even with hip firing. Very, very accurate LMG. A fun gun to play on Nuketown Domination.