Bob's Burgers
Thu, 12/06/2012 - 11:46
Bob's Burgers
I never really took a liking to Family Guy.
But this show has really captured my attention. I mean I actually look forward to it.
I never really took a liking to Family Guy.
But this show has really captured my attention. I mean I actually look forward to it.
I don't watch it all the time, but it is funny. The Halloween episode was hilarious!
Caught the SSn 1 on Netflix, I'll watch Ssn2. The kids' voice talent are great, and I've liked Jon benjamin in all kinds of animated stuff since Dr. Katz.
Im such a dork, I STILL quote things "Ben" said on Dr. Katz! And I still watch "Home Movies" on Netflix :) Do you watch Archer??
Archer is great. What was that other one from Adult Swim with "Killface", Frisky Dingo, but no Jon B in that one. Sealab 2020 was a favorite too.
I'm not sure about that one...? LOVED Sealab!