Witcher 2: Enhanced Ed. Xbox 360

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#1 Fri, 09/14/2012 - 17:11
Marine1Ten's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
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Witcher 2: Enhanced Ed. Xbox 360

If anyone is going for the whole bag of achvmts; recommend a guide. I started my first game in Dark Mode and just finished up all cheevos today on second run. Without a walkthrough, it is easy to miss the optimal XP offered in resolving quests, which is important for leveling up and earning the level 35 achvt without grinding.

I played Roche's path first since I could find advice on forums about it. Also it is faster on Iorvath's path to finish the game on your second run-through to finish up outstanding cheevos. Save game before options, decision on trolls, companions, saskia, bosses and especially the Operator!

Great game! deserves mature rating. Funny often, hilarious at times, philosophical at times with thought provoking themes and choices.Good writing, voice-acting and production values. Keeping this game and plan to play next installments.

Sat, 09/15/2012 - 06:51
LocGaw's picture
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I have a couple friends that played the game and they all seemed to enjoy it but nobody really ever played for a long strech of time. You say there are multiple play through options?

Tue, 09/25/2012 - 08:13
Reddot82's picture
Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
Joined: 08/29/2012 - 19:05

Bought this game when it first came out, played it for a few hours and totally lost interest in it. not as free roaming as i like rpg games to be, maybe thats what it was for me. Not sure, but plan to pick it back up after i get done with a few others that i bought on launch day and have yet to finish IE assasins creed, gears, reckoning.  I have a bad habit of buying too many games at once, then they pile up on me.

Mon, 12/17/2012 - 12:18
TANK's picture
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I picked it up on a holiday sale from Gamefly.  I'll probably play it in January to fill the game until Aliens Colonial Marines comes out. 


What guide were you using to get the optimal XP order of operations?

Tue, 01/29/2013 - 13:15
JimSmyth's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 11/19/2009 - 23:00

Great game. Did both paths on normal setting and enjoyed it. During my second play through (Roche's path) I finally figured out the overall story. The game isn't really friendly to people new to the series. Now I have to tackle Dark Mode. 

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 16:37
TANK's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 days ago
Joined: 06/10/2005 - 23:00
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I've finished the game.  It's VERY story heavy, much more than the average RPG these days.  It takes two playthrus to really understand wtf is going on, especially when you get to the end and the story starts spewing names and kingdoms around and you like who the hell are these guys now ?!?

Overall though it's a pretty decent RPG i thought.  There's a decent amount of character customization and mutations you can do, an acceptable amount of gear to be found or crafted.  The crafting system is prettty deep for making wepaons,armor, potions and weapon ehancing oils.  I can see that you could get really deep into this stuff but it was much deeper than I really wanted to go with it.

I didn't so much like the mission structure how they all interweave with each other.  And you'll be doing one quest and get to a point where it says 'wait for events to unfold' translated means this quest intersects with another quest but we're not gonna tell you which one, so go do something else and figure it out.

near the end of act 1 where you have to choose your path, I played it both ways (had a save just before the choice).  there was a decent amount of variation between the two paths especially in act 2.  Act 3 there was still a lot of difference but also some same stuff especially at the end.

Overall though, I thought it was enjoyable although a little bit heavier story wise and deeper than I was expecting.  I'm glad I played it but I didn't enjoy it enough to really want to grind thru arena fighting or playing it thru on maximum difficulty where you'l need to really dig into all that crafting, alchemy and mutation stuff.  I have other games to play, time to move on.

Sat, 02/02/2013 - 17:12 (Reply to #6)
JimSmyth's picture
Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 11/19/2009 - 23:00

I am going through my Dark Mode play through and I am finding it easier than my normal mode play through. I started the 1st chapter, before doing any quests, just farming Nekkers for money and leveling. By the time I got to level 11 or 12 I had enough money and material to get the dark armor set and enough money and material for the dark armor set in the 2nd chapter. I rarely use potions, if any, or blade oils. Just cast the spell for the shield and hack away.

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