Specialization Priority Alpha Select Spartans receive priority access to a number of Specialization kits in order to improve combat performance in various fields. The following kits will be available with Specialization Priority Alpha :
Engineer - The Engineer allows you to predict when and where ordinance drops are made, essentially providing you with an ordinance radar. Beat your enemies to the punch and scope out all the ordinances before they do.
Tracker - The Tracker's armor mod allows you to get the most out of ordinances, by recalling your current ordinance to request a new one.
Rogue - The so-called Rogue increases your stability while aiming, and prevents you from losing your aim while being shot at in zoom mode.
Stalker - The Nemesis armor mod provided to the Stalker allows you to effectively track the last person who killed you throughout the entire map. They'll regret messing with you.
Pathfinder - The Pathfinder is geared towards getting the most out of mounted weapons. With the Gunner Armor mod, all mounted weapons will cool down faster when overheated. Your movement speed is also increased while carrying a detached turret weapon.
Pioneer - This Specialization allows you to gain an edge over your opponents by gaining more experiential data from each encounter, effectively earning ranks faster than anyone else.
Halo 4 Specialization Email Issue? Please read! Important information!
Hello Everyone!
First of all, thanks for coming to the Xbox Support forums. For those of you searching here regarding the Halo 4 Specialization promotional code emails we've got some important information for you!
Here are a few reasons why your inbox may still be empty.
Emails were sent to both opt-in and opt-out accounts.
If you did not play Halo prior to November 20 at 11:59 PM EST, you would have not received the email.
If you are registered with Xbox LIVE in Europe, the Middle East or Africa, you would have not received the email. As noted on the original offer, these regions were not part of the Specializations offer as Specializations were offered as a pre-order offer, not a post-launch offer.
If you don’t think you have received this email, here are a few things to consider.
It may be in your spam folder. Check now!
The codes were sent to the email address that you used when you signed up for your Gamertag. If you are now using a different email address but did not change it with Xbox LIVE, the code will have been sent to the email address associated with your Gamertag as of November 20.
The title of the email is “You have a gift from Xbox LIVE”. Since Specializations are not directly mentioned, you may have skipped over it.
Some people were not eligible for this promotion. Original language below, so you can determine if any of the particulars apply to you:
Terms: To receive early access to Specializations, you must purchase Halo 4 Standard Edition and play the game while connected to Xbox LIVE by 11:59:59 P.M. Eastern Time on November 20, 2012. A download code will be sent to the email address associated with your Xbox LIVE account by November 30, 2012; any email returned as nondeliverable will not be re-sent. Limit: one code per gamertag. Xbox LIVE Gold membership required for Halo Infinity Multiplayer (sold separately). Offer available to users 17 years of age and older in the following Xbox LIVE countries: United States, Canada, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand, and India. Offer is nontransferable, not redeemable for cash, and cannot be combined with any other rebate or offer. In New Zealand, only adult accounts (18 years of age and older) can download or stream content over Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Taxes, if any, are the sole responsibility of the recipient. Download charges may apply as set by your ISP. For Xbox LIVE Terms of Use and system requirements, see www.xbox.com/live. Offer provided by: Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052.
If you successfully redeemed your code, you will gain early access to six Specializations.
If you received the email but are experiencing issues, here are a few possibilities as to what could be going on:
The Specializations are locked. Specializations cannot be accessed until you reach SR50. Once you have advanced through the standard fifty levels, you will then get the option to enlist in a Specialization under “Infinity”. You can choose the order in which you tackle unlocked Specializations. However once you select one, you must advance through it completely before enlisting in a separate Specialization. Please read this article for more information.
I don’t see any new Specializations. Redownload the content from your download history (from the Xbox Dashboard: Settings->Account->Download History). If you have the content properly downloaded, try restarting the game.
The link in my email is not resolving properly. Please wait an hour or two and try the link again.
All emails for this promotion have already been sent out. Unfortunately we are not able to resend any of these emails or verify your information here on the Xbox.com forums to confirm you've qualified. If you have not received an email then you will need to wait until the content is available to all users.
Due to the volume of users who've posted in the forums about the Halo 4 Specialization emails, we won't be able to respond to each one of you (as much as we'd like to!) but we do definitely want to keep you in the loop. Any further updates we receive regarding this promotion will be posted in this thread. Thank you for understanding!
Apparently 343 is putting the blame on those in the U.S. who have not gotten the email: http://blogs.halowaypoint.com/post/2012/12/01/Halo-4-Specializations-Off... According to this those that did not get it have an invalid email address associated with their XBOX acct. The code will now be sent out via message.
Apparently 343 is putting the blame on those in the U.S. who have not gotten the email: http://blogs.halowaypoint.com/post/2012/12/01/Halo-4-Specializations-Off... According to this those that did not get it have an invalid email address associated with their XBOX acct. The code will now be sent out via message.
Well, 2 weeks late, but looks mine finally came through early this morning on XBL. Message from "Xbox Live" - "We noticed you have not yet redeemed your Halo 4 Specializations token. Redeem it now to get early access to six Specializations. Your token is ________ ".
Im at SR39 and just got one. How do I use it?
I got my code for "Specialization Priority Alpha".
Me too. WTH is it??
I got an e mail on November 30th for a Halo 4 "gift code" . I not sure if it was a specialaztion code or not. It didnt work.
So if anyone is really feeling the Christmas spirit and has an extra code. Well you know....gif)
crap! sorry xero, i forgot to get you that extra code.
i'm going to see if i can dig it up now.
That'll be awesome Wam, thanks. I'll double check the "recent download" from my account in the meantime. It might of got stopped up some where.
it can't be read on xbl. as soon as my son logs off i'll grab it for you.
Open the email. Click get gift. It punches is it. Click redeem. BOOM! done.
Thanks for the headsup :)
Specialization Priority Alpha
Select Spartans receive priority access to a number of Specialization kits in order to improve combat performance in various fields. The following kits will be available with Specialization Priority Alpha :
Engineer - The Engineer allows you to predict when and where ordinance drops are made, essentially providing you with an ordinance radar. Beat your enemies to the punch and scope out all the ordinances before they do.
Tracker - The Tracker's armor mod allows you to get the most out of ordinances, by recalling your current ordinance to request a new one.
Rogue - The so-called Rogue increases your stability while aiming, and prevents you from losing your aim while being shot at in zoom mode.
Stalker - The Nemesis armor mod provided to the Stalker allows you to effectively track the last person who killed you throughout the entire map. They'll regret messing with you.
Pathfinder - The Pathfinder is geared towards getting the most out of mounted weapons. With the Gunner Armor mod, all mounted weapons will cool down faster when overheated. Your movement speed is also increased while carrying a detached turret weapon.
Pioneer - This Specialization allows you to gain an edge over your opponents by gaining more experiential data from each encounter, effectively earning ranks faster than anyone else.
Oh cool, one more thing for Dixon to strip out of Halo to make it "More Fun".
Eh. These don't bother me, outside of the fact that you can't really simulate them in custom games.
You can't make load outs in custom games? You can't make a load out you call engineer and assign drop recon to it?
im not being cute here - I don't do Forge, so I am genuinely curious.
You can't lock and unlock specializations in Forge (at least not yet).
Apparently you have to be sr50+ to use it.
when you get to 50, you get to chose one of them. chose wisely, because once you pick one it takes ten SR's to unlock it and use it.
once you've completed that one, you get to chose another one. you don't get to use the second one until you do 10 SR's on it.
once you start one, you can't change it.
If you pick pioneer first,it takes half as many points to level up. You can burn through that one pretty quick
edited because I'm a dumbshit
I didn't get the email. Yes, I've checked the correct email and the spam folder.
Oh well, such is life.
Same here. Nada..gif)
So, the thread on Waypoint designated for people to post if they did not receive a code, and are eligible, has passed 670+ pages.
Great job 343 - this is quite the can of worms you've opened.
Apparently 343 is putting the blame on those in the U.S. who have not gotten the email: http://blogs.halowaypoint.com/post/2012/12/01/Halo-4-Specializations-Off... According to this those that did not get it have an invalid email address associated with their XBOX acct. The code will now be sent out via message.
Well, 2 weeks late, but looks mine finally came through early this morning on XBL. Message from "Xbox Live" - "We noticed you have not yet redeemed your Halo 4 Specializations token. Redeem it now to get early access to six Specializations. Your token is ________ ".
what have i done to expect an email
Same for me Whiskey, I got my code last night.
Better late than never.
Yeah, I'm at 70 now, and I thought I got my code and put it in, but I've no more specializations. Weird.