When I die, If I'm reincarnated..................
When I die, If I'm reincarnated..................
These are games that are at my house that my boys have bought that I have not played. Does not include ones I have tried some that my Marine son took with him and those that are on my HD through Xbox 360. I'm having a tough time finding the time and just getting on with FM3/4. Let alone trying out these games. What games have you not gotten to that you own.
Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed Revelations
Batman Arkham City
BioShock 2
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
Dead Space
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Devil May Cry
Dragonball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi
Elder Scrolls Oblivion
Elders Scrolls Skyrim
Fable III
Fear 3
Generator Rex
Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock
Halo 4
Halo Reach
Mass Effect
I have Arkham City and have played a smidge of it, it's great, I just never put it in.
Also have Minecraft on my PC, just never seem to play it.
It's either FM4 or DIablo 3 and that's it.
Oh I have Horizon, meh....
You’re not alone model…
Original Halo – never got through the library
Halo 2 – ½ complete
Halo 3 – completed campaign in co-op split screen only
Halo Reach – 2/3 complete
Halo 4 – ½ hour played
Some cartoon fighting game(Sonic Hedgehog I think) – never played
Portal 2 – never did on-line co-op
Orange Box – All the half-life series – played about 2 hours into the first one
Mass Effect – 2/3 complete main quest
Mass Effect 2 – never played
Mass Effect 3 – never played
Fallout 3 – 3-4 hours into
Various crap racing games – MX vs. ATV, some water racing game, supercross – few hours
Forza 1 – ¾ career complete
Forza 2- ½ career complete
Forza 3 – 20% career complete
Forza 4 – 10% career complete
GT5 - 20% career complete
Forza Horizon – 30% career will never go past 50%
Race Pro – 70% complete
F1 2010 – 10% complete
Some Star Wars Lego game – 5-6 hours
Skyrim – 2/3 through main campaign + numerous side quests…I will finish this
COD – Modern Warfare – completed that campaign, bought EVERY COD since (except the latest), lucky if completed 50% of any since
Original Fable – ½ complete
5-6 arcade games started them all never finished one (yet)…Braid, quantum conundrum, Bastion, Marble blast ultra, switchball, brain challenge deluxe (95% on this one)
Grand Theft Auto – one before Vegas – 3 hours
Some Tennis game – 10% career
One of Tiger’s old golf games – 20% complete
As you can see Parcells has some problems but I’m OK with that and you can be sure there are few that I’ve missed. Easier to list the games I have actually completed…
Fable 2
Fable 3
Halo 3
Myst III – Exile
COD – Modern Warfare
Portal 1
Portal 2 – if you don’t count co-op
Hmm, seems like the completed list is smaller than even I thought…may be missing one or two or maybe not??
I kicked up a stink for 3D compatible games last year.... Most are still Currently in the wrappers :-/ (except gt5)
Crysis 2 (I'm on the first level)
Assasins Creed (Revelations and brotherhood I think) never installed.
All the "uncharted" games first level of uncharted 1
Just opened GT5 the other week after a year of owning it
Gears of War 2 barely used, first level of Gears 3 (maybe not even that)
Idsay I have apx 40 games and have played about 10% of them... Next generation I'm gonna buy smarter I think.