Weekend Challenges are Every Weekend!!!

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#1 Fri, 10/26/2012 - 11:18
Slater's picture
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Weekend Challenges are Every Weekend!!!

Starting last week, there will be a weekend challenge every weekend. They will appear in the challenges section of the Multiplayer Menu on your Xbox, or viewable from your N7 HQ manifest online. There will no longer be a splash screen when you start up the game. They have a new system that will give you your pack as soon as you complete the challenge. No need to wait 3-4 days to find out any more.

Last week was, Operation Bloodlust, Krogan Melee (sorry no post).

This week is Operation Valkyrie, 50,000 points with a promotion weapon (Eagle, Crusader, Valiant, Hurricane), the points carry over from match to match so it may take a couple of Silver or a few Bronze to get it. Try using a soldier class that relies on guns for the quickest unlock (Devastator Mode, Adrenaline Rush, Marksman, etc).

Since there are weekly now and not community oriented, I will not post a new thread for each Operation, going forward instead I will post here as a reminder for those that want to subscribe to this thread. See you online!


Thu, 11/01/2012 - 16:09
Wikiri's picture
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What about the groovy Halloween challenge that's going on right now?

Fri, 11/02/2012 - 19:21
Slater's picture
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Yes, yes forgot about posting here. There is another challenge this weekend. Operation Jackhammer. Biotic Charge for 60,000 points. Bleh. How uninspired.
Fri, 11/09/2012 - 13:13
Slater's picture
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Operation Blast Furnace Nov 9-11

Resistance movements across the galaxy continue to fight. We will provide these groups with literal firepower, allowing them to stand their ground and protect our homeworlds.

Individual Goal: Earn 75000 points of damage using fire-based powers (Incinerate, Carnage, Inferno Grenade, Flamer, Sentry Turret Flamethrower, Geth Turret Flamethrower) on any map at any difficulty. Points are cumulative across matches. Extraction not required.

Reward: Commendation Pack

Thu, 11/29/2012 - 08:00
Barheet's picture
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Wow, these challenges are super easy. I've completed every one they've had in less than an hour. The ones they had before were ridiculously hard. Can't they find a happy medium? 

Thu, 11/29/2012 - 09:12
Slater's picture
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I know and seems so half-assed. Used to be they had a little narrative that made sense and connected the in game objective (e.g. Reapers are kicking our ass, kill X Banshees). Like this last one for example. Privateer talks about Cerberus and their kinetic technology, etc. Then it goes on to say you can fight any enemy with shields. Why not require you to fight Cerberus? For extractions they say you have to use Turian, Batarian and Vorcha. Why? What do those races have to do with anything? It was never discussed in the mission description. Then to top it all off the banner has an Asari on it. These guys are known for their writing skills so I know they got them. Why not make it all make sense?

On a side note, they must be up to something. This weekly balance change was the bear minimum (new character and rotating hazard maps). I think they are going to let Omega settle and then announce the final MP DLC. If not I think this thing may be fading out and the Bioware team knows it.

Thu, 12/20/2012 - 13:37
Slater's picture
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Looks like there WILL be a challenge his weekend. But there will not be one for the next 2 weekends. I like that they are finally giving these some more attention and even a cool little backstory. 

Here is the original post: http://blog.bioware.com/2012/12/20/operation-prophecy/

Thu, 12/20/2012 - 17:55
Simosaurus's picture
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Glad this one is a little meatier than the past couple weeks.  At the rate they were going, I was worried that the next weekend objective would be "Earn 10k points.  Any map, any difficulty.  Extraction not required."



Thu, 03/14/2013 - 15:36
Nunderw00b's picture
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I guess I'm late to the party, and not fashionably either.

Mon, 03/18/2013 - 13:06
scotchboy0's picture
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Did I understand correctly. The weekend challenges are done the very weekend I come back to ME3?

Mon, 03/18/2013 - 13:24 (Reply to #10)
Slater's picture
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scotchboy0 wrote:

Did I understand correctly. The weekend challenges are done the very weekend I come back to ME3?

I think it is uncertain at this point. They did move the promo weapons (Eagle, Valiant, etc) to the UR pool so you can get them out of packs now which some interpret as an ending to the weekend challenges. That coupled with the way the last operation was written (sounded sorta final) leads some to speculate that weekend operations are over. But on the other hand, they posted that there would not be an operation for the 3/15 weekend leaving some to interpret that they will return 3/22. At this point there is not an official release that they are done. So we will have to wait and see.

Tue, 03/26/2013 - 22:25
scotchboy0's picture
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So now I finally got a fancy picture for use in the lobby on the last weekend challenge (the only one I ever did) and it kinda sucks. I'm now forced to grind out some other achievement to get some options. These meaningless game trophies and internet points are important  so I guess I'm off to war armed with only a Striker Rifle. 50,000 points should only take forever.

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