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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
I had a recent change to my work schedule so now I am usually after 11pm EST on week nights. Is anyone else on around this time who is willing to help me test some cars once in a while?
What time is that in GMT?
I think it's 5am Church, we're +6.
Yeah. It's real late for you euro guys. My only hope is another night owl or some west coast guys.
Yes sir, that time is prime time for me.
West Coast here. Depending upon the day of the week, I'm on at that time.
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
What time is that in GMT?
I think it's 5am Church, we're +6.
Yeah. It's real late for you euro guys. My only hope is another night owl or some west coast guys.
Yes sir, that time is prime time for me.
West Coast here. Depending upon the day of the week, I'm on at that time.